Continuing the letter of important and vital need for prayer:
“The Scriptures reveal that there is a period just ahead when demon activity is going to reach its most fierce intensity with disastrous effects upon the world! And God’s children must be prepared with the full armour of God. (Eph. Chap. 6) … because the evil powers will concentrate their attacks against lukewarm and prayer-less believers! – Satan realizes that if Christians fail to pray that they are wide open to his attacks. Demons will do everything possible to harass, oppress and divert Christians from praying!” – “Indeed the church must invoke the weapons of prayer against these invisible powers of chaos and confusion if they are to survive. Prayer will lead one out of temptation and provide financial security, will give protection and divine guidance!” – “Even in some cases in the Bible we find out when people utterly depended on God to lead them, that even when their own judgment was faulty, divine providence would overrule, causing things to work out for them, such as Abraham, etc.” – A word of wisdom, we should not pray for our kingdom, but for thy Kingdom to come! – One should pray to send forth laborers into His harvest! – (Matt. 9:38). We must reach the foreign fields with the gospel as well as at home! (Matt. 24:14 – Mark 16:15).
Now some words about faith. – “Many of our prayers are answered swiftly, but some because of the nature of the case are delayed, but eventually occur!” – Some, when they do not see their prayers answered at once lost faith and frustrates God’s purposes! A steady unwavering faith with patience is needed! – Also there is a time to pray, and there is a time to act. Faith is an act! – After prayer, act your faith; believe God will meet you. – “Prayer creates power; faith sets it into motion! – There is a time to petition and there is a time to act! (Ex. 15: 15-16). A time to seek, a time to receive!”
“In the law of first mention (prayer) – 7 vital elements of prayer were practiced by Abraham. – First, “The Promise!” (Gen. 15:1) – (2) “The Petition.” (Verse 2) – (3) “Faith” (Verse 6) – (4) “Opposition of Satan!” (Verses 11, 12) – (5) “Delay in Answer” (Verse 13). “So we see there is a delay in some answers and when people become impatient they miss the blessing that would have been theirs!” – (6) “Miraculous Intervention” (Verse 17) – (7th) “Fulfillment” (Verse 18). “True to the promise and because of Abraham’s faith Israel entered the Promised Land 400 years later! Although there was a delay, unwavering faith did it!”
– “So we see, the Bible reveals 7 precious elements of prayer for our benefit! And He that uses it will be wise!” – “Remember this work in prayer and the gospel harvest! – We must go to every creature! That is our plan!” (Mark 16:15) – “A regular and systematic time of prayer is the first secret and step to God’s wonderful rewards!”
“When you couple giving with your prayers it is atomic! It strips and blows the hide off the devil and activates a triple blessing for you! (Luke 6:38 – Mal. 3:10) You will find that by putting Jesus’ work first that your own needs will be met! – Prove Me, saith the Lord, act and expect a blessing!”
In God’s Love,
Neal Frisby