Prophetic scrolls 15 Part 1 Leave a comment

Prophetic Scrolls 15 Part 1

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

The dark cloud reveals Satan power and attempt to stop this message. The rainbow shows gods divine intervention and promise to me! Not only me, but to all those who have been tested and connected to the ministry (are blessed) “The revelative (Rainbow) message is now going forth.” Rev. 10.

The great challenge – Satan goes forth to destroy a message – read the scrolls carefully and see as I went in the heat of the spirit, through these trials. That absolutely happened, for many strange and mysterious things confronted the ministry. But at the same time God was shaping me to bring forth a message, just before He returns! The Messenger is always tested, he is different. Even as Paul was the angel messenger and was different from the 12 disciples. This age closes with a Messenger like Paul. If we were to know what was ahead would I have continued? But I knew much of what was ahead, although not all. The Lord appeared to me and said Satan would send an evil angel to try to buffet and discourage me, from a final and important mission. And now 1 would become a marked man. Satan would set up a conspiracy against me. For Satan would seem to be a dynamo of energy coming at me from every angle. But I purposed in my heart that Satan would go down to hell in rebellion before 1 would give an inch of the message. I knew the Lord said, He would stand beside me and at the end we would see why. After 5 years of wonderful Miracles and Revivals the Lord was allowing us to be tested. Deep down 1 knew I would bring some startling information to the people at the end of the trials and heartbreaks. 1 was allowed to gaze into the future as He said Satan will take your child that was not yet born (1965). But at the same time I looked, and the Lord said I will restore again! And as 1 restore this child 1 will also restore the original Word and Power to my Church. The impression was so vivid that 1 immediately phoned Brother Grant to come to the meeting. Although 1 did not tell him why at first. But Jesus made him a witness to this very thing. (I also did not tell my wife either. She didn’t realize anything was severally wrong) W. V. Grant and I were sitting together in the next room. My wife called and said something suddenly happened. Brother Grant and I just stood there. I knew what had occurred. The child was never born and later passed. But the Lord said He would restore, at the end of the testing. Of the tragic events of which you are about to read. Before the child came 1 was told to name him Joel Quinn Frisby. 1 told my wife he would be a beautiful baby boy. 1 knew what the color of his hair and weight would be. We now have after all the trials a perfect child which was given us, just like the Lord promised. Oh, how happy we are. (And is he full of life just like the church will be!) God’s final power will now be restored to the Bride Elect as the message goes forth. We believe this happened to show complete life and power returns to the church. Read Joel 2: 25 -26. I was misunderstood in test and trials and even foreseen the loss and gain of a child. (But what shall separate me from my calling-in all things we are more than conquerors! But while we have considered the foresight of the child we shall carry the story forward. 1 could als9 foresee the pillar of fire that would turn the Bride and lead it into heaven! Before we start the rest of the scroll 1 must say God does prosper and bless His people. But there are tests in between to learn us to trust. A messenger is tested beyond most human endurance, as Elijah, Moses and Paul. The messenger is different from just a Miracle Worker alone. He speaks by Divine Revelation and a Prophetic Spirit that goes beyond all gifts and utters the exact words of God to the Elect of his age and thunders the judgement of God on a nation!’ He is a divine messenger and how well Satan knows this. When he sees this kind of Prophet coming he trembles in utter despair, and panics. Surely with all his vent up battered will try to stop him. If it were not for God would kill him. But the Lord intervenes, so the messenger goes forth. Tried as pure gold and refined in the fire! He knows the man is anointed to change the elements to turn back a kingdom (people)! To raise the dead, to speak the mysteries of God! When Satan sees the messenger he knows it is his last ultimatum, for God himself speaks in the spirit. The Prophet has his final word. And all those that believe him shall prosper and be blessed! If Satan could have succeeded, this message of the future would be lost. I can’t help but to believe and “know” that the people that God has prepared to hear the message have had trials and testings in order to believe and receive this message (amen!) But Oh! How God will lift them up now ! Many of the very people on my list will go down in Gods book and plans as predestined to help carry the message, who God foreknew. We might say right here I am not trying to take the place of William Branham, who lost his first wife and a child as 1 did. And who went forth as the (Star Prophet Messenger to his generation) But I will work in the unison of the power and word that God gave us! The Lord told me he inaugurated the true word and spirit that was sent to this generation. 1 was foretold of his death and knew that God would take him. The people will surely miss him, but Jesus will establish the second anointing of rapturing faith! After the trials and heartbreaks I was told to go back west, where 1 was to do some writing like Paul did for the Early Church. And surely this has come to pass. Paul was prepared in sufferings to write! Yet was blessed in all things. And now we enter part of the battle.

The great challenge – almost tantamount to a rebellion – Jesus told me to get a large gospel tent and leave California until he said to return (it seated about 4,000 persons. Up until this time we used civic centers) the test that followed came right in the midst of great miracles. Just before the last night of our first Crusade under the tent the Lord spoke and told me to take it down. We were having great Miracles. We obeyed even though some could not understand why. But after the very next day when we had finished taking it down a great flood came with destructive winds. And even washed open some graves in the city it was so severe. Water was everywhere, we escaped just in time. Next we started in Alabama Fairgrounds and just toward the end of the meeting when the tent was filling up, one of the cities greatest downpours came. (This was nearly summer) Water was several feet deep under the tent and tried us severally. Now Satan would begin to bear pressure on me from every side. I knew the Lord told me that trouble would come, but that He would do a new thing at the end. 1 knew all that would happen would be for a definite reason to help the end time Saints. And that the Lords back would not always be turned. But we did not think the test would last as long as it did. We went to Oklahoma City, the weather was nice in July. The first night there was a good crowd. But before the next morning a powerful wind came suddenly and until this day the man that watched the tent cannot describe just how out of a still night all of a sudden a sneaking diabolical wind came out of nowhere and, hit the tent just right, and it went down. The Lord awoke me at 4 o’clock, and I knew something would happen. Now this tent has stood some of the strongest winds and is very large, but Satan allowed however can bring one down. However, through a Miracle the tent was protected, and after many men worked we had it up again. The tent begin to fill up as the Miracles begin to happen. The next night about 7 o’clock a dark cloud came up from a distance. The man at the tent said. It looked sinister and just like Satan was walking around in it (he was!) Suddenly it turned toward the tent and everything turned black, it took the form of a tornado and came in at 90 miles an hour. Lifted up.

015 Part 1 – Prophetic Scrolls

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