Prophetic scrolls 107

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 107

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Continuing from august 1983 letter (it should be studied with this) — We spoke about the anti-christ being protected by some type of new energy shield in a super submarine, or in other ways, in outer space or some type of shelter until his battle with the Lord!” (Rev. 19:19-21) – Job 41:18-21 “speaks of a very destructive weapon that resides in the sea; it has lights, it sends forth sparks of fire (atomic missiles)!”-Verse 21 “seems to reveal a fiery energy beam of some sort! “ — Verse 1 “speaks of Leviathan, symbolic for Satan, dragon or piercing serpent!” — Isa. 27:1 “the ‘marginal rendering’ goes so far as to call it a stiff crossing bar (metal, etc.)!” — ‘‘Leviathan also means any huge object in the sea of its sort!” Job 41:34 “reveals an evil king is involved in it!” — “In the August ‘83 letter we spoke about man’s inventions as prophetic signs. But no matter what he invents he cannot outdo or escape the Lord Jesus!” — “The Lord will come with fire and chariots like a whirlwind!” (Isa. 66:15) — “The Lord’s chariots are 20,000!” (Ps. 68:17) — Ezek. chap. 1, “saw whirling wheels of the Lord run like a flash of lightning. Elijah was lifted away in some type of celestial carrier; going up in a spinning-like motion!” (11 Kings 2:11) — “David saw an aerial wonder that shot forth lightning to scatter his enemies in answer to prayer!” (II Sam. 22:10-15)

The four elements — ‘Years ago, here 1 revealed in a message (a vision) — (#1) wherein the water was stirred by a rod. And since then we have seen some of the worst floods and sea destruction in centuries. And then (#2) “the air was disturbed. And we have never seen so many storms (snow), tornadoes, wind destruction! Even the wind currents changed bringing forth catastrophe in every direction, etc.!” (#3) “the fire was kindled greatly and since then severe famine has begun to set in in many parts of the world!. . . This will finally lead to a world food shortage!” (Rev. 6:5-8) — “From the air you could see bodies on the ground where they had crawled out of cities. This was during the Great Tribulation! This could have been coupled with or caused by radiation, too! But ‘before this’ (Tribulation), 1 saw a great wave of water representing a great salvation, healing revival. A mighty gathering. . . (elect). . . and then an enormous roll of glory through the heavens representing or preparing for translation!” — “Mighty things are near, uniting time!” — (#4) “The earth moved greatly. And in this prophetic sign we have seen some of the most severe earthquakes ever, all over the earth. And this will increase until the earth axis changes again in the world’s greatest quake!” (Rev. 16:18-20)

God has always revealed the future — (Gen. 18:17, 19) — “Wherein he did not hide from Abraham the coming destruction. And the saints of God will not be left in ignorance either! While we will not know the day or hour of His Second Coming, we will know the time and the season (I Thess 5:4) through a prophet!” (Amos 3:7-8) — “In important things God Himself is a date setter. Let us let the Scriptures prove this!” — “He set a date for Israel to come out of Egypt. He set a date for the destruction of Sodom. (Gen. 19:13) — He set a date for the birth of Jesus (see below)! — He set a date for the destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem to take place during a 40-year period following the prophecy!” . . . “He forecast 120 years in advance of the flood! (Gen. 6:3) — The Egyptian judgment forecast 400 years ahead! (Gen. 15:13-14) — The entrance into Canaan 40 years in advance! (Num. 14:33-34) — The breaking up of Ephraim forecast 65 years! (Isa. 7:8) — Return from Babylon foreknown 70 years before! (Dan. 9:2) — The death of the Messiah 483 years in advance! (Dan. 9:25-26) — Resurrection of Jesus 3 days ahead! (Matt. 12:40) — The end of Millennium given 1,000 years ahead!” (Rev. 20:7) — “Let us consider this, not only did the Old Testament reveal the fact of the coming Messiah, it actually told the date of the event!” (Dan. 9:25-26). “The prophecy declared that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem until the ‘Messiah be cut off’ was to be a total of 69 weeks of years or 483 years later! — Right on target He came! 4 B.C. and died 30 AD and was resurrected into Eternity! — The above is significant, and it takes into consideration that God will reveal to His people the times and season of His coming, but not the exact day or hour! — The most important crisis of all, the ending of the age, will be shown to them!” — Read below another significant point!

Enoch — a type of the elects’ translation — ‘Heb. 11:5) — “As we well know Enoch was translated quite a few years before the ending of the first thousand years after Adam‘s fall and evidently quite a few years before the ending of this century the Church could well be translated! …According to the Scriptures, man has been allotted 6,000 years and we are in the last part of that era now! – Enoch was translated no later than 988-955(A.M) …and is it not reasonable to expect that the same thing could occur to us from right now on or 1988-95? This is an opinion but it may well be close to it!”

Insert from scroll # 98 — the heavens — Prophetic Signs (Luke 21:25) — “The Scriptures refer to the heavenly bodies, constellations, planets, sun and the moon, etc.” — Gen. 1:14. 16 says, “let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years . . . He made the stars also. They were for ‘signs’ to assist man to locate his position when moving on the earth’s surface, and as signs of judgment! . . They are there to regulate our calendars for the four seasons!” — “Astronomers now say they see half way to the edge of the Universe, but behind even the black holes the Lord has other universes! . . . This Universe has millions of super clusters and a single super cluster has 2,500 galaxies, like our galaxy and the Milky Way has one hundred billion stars within itself! . . . Then our little solar system is just a tiny speck in our Milky Way galaxy! — One can imagine how much more in the depths of outer space!” Scientists claim we are pushing out to the fringes of time as we know it! . . Our God is great, He inhabits eternity, beyond time dimensions! — And we will be with Him soon!”

Continuation — the comet’s significance — “The book of Revelation does not use the word ‘Comet,’ but it does speak of falling stars, and the breaking up of asteroids, meteorites, etc.” — “Certain comets have always made a deep impression on man’s mind in the past. — They were believed to portend special events!” — “A brilliant comet was seen in the year 44 B.C. shortly after the Ides of March, when Julius Caesar was assassinated! Another dazzling comet appeared about the years 66-68 A. D.” — “Right about this time Peter and Paul were both martyred! Also the infamous Emperor Nero committed suicide after he killed Paul near this time!” And the Roman armies of Titus over-run and destroyed the Temple at Jerusalem . . . fulfilling Jesus’ prediction that He made in 30 A.D.” — “And did you know the name of this prophetic comet is called ‘Halley’s Comet’ today!”— “Now let’s go back in history before this period and we will catch this shooting star again!” — “Halley’s Comet appeared in the year about 12 B.C. and is described in great detail by Chinese astronomers of that era. Although it was early it was portending the coming of Christ’s birth (4 B.C.) and also events of the Roman Empire! — It is believed the comet appeared about 8 years or so before the first coming of Christ (birth) and now this same comet is coming again in 1986-87! — And is it too much to believe that Christ could ‘come within’ the 8-year period following the Comet’s appearance — 87-95? Of course we know that Jesus could come sooner than this, but it is an important opinion.” . . . From Scroll #93: “The anti-christ will usurp the position of the Pope controlling all Babylon religions!” (Rev, chap. 17) — “He will usurp the position of Christ and be the ‘false messiah’ to the Jews and a super prince to the Moslems!” — “His coming is soon, all the strange planetary conjunctions and lineups allude to this as well as the coming of Halley’s Comet! — Watch! — Fireworks lay directly ahead for the nations!” — “It also reveals to us that Jesus’ return is very near!”

Insert from letter, Jan. 1983 “For your understanding, let’s rationalize and look at it this way. For instance, if the first ‘7 years’ of the Tribulation started in 1985 then they would not have the battle of Armageddon until 1992. “…“Also if the first 7 years of the Tribulation started in 1988 they would not have the battle of Armageddon until 1995!” — And if the first 7 years of the Tribulation started in 1992-93 they would not have the Armageddon battle until 1999 or 2000! — Somewhere in the middle of these pivotal ‘7 years’ the Lord will translate His children!” — “Also the Scriptures reveal there will be an interruption of time or shortening of days (Matt. 24:22), but no one knows how much time will actually be shortened for sure!”— “The key word is to watch and pray daily! — By the reading of the Scripts we do know His return is soon!” — “And it is my opinion that somewhere in these dates there will be Tribulation such as not since the beginning of the world!” (Matt 24.21) — “The intensity is so great that He interrupts time!” (Verse 22) — “But we can see the decade of the 80’s is predestined to become the most vital and important concerning mankind in preaching the gospel. And what a golden opportunity for us to work and become a sign of world evangelism that the Bible depicts! For it says this gospel of wonders, signs and miracles shall be preached to all the world for a witness just before the end comes!” (Matt. 24:14) — “So let us daily do all that we can!”

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