Prophetic scrolls 105

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 105

  Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

The translation — then great tribulation — “Partners have asked me to explain more concerning these two subjects.— And because we are getting very close to it, it is very vital that we understand the revelation” — Rev. 12:1, “reveals the church of the ages including the New Testament Church! “…“The woman clothed in symbolism of the sun, moon and 12 stars reveals the past, present and future ages! Verse 5 reveals the true elect are caught up! (Translation) – And then we find out in verses 16-17 there are still people left; these are Tribulation saints!. . . They are called the remnant of her seed. . . . Rev. 7:14 confirms these same Tribulation saints. – They are on earth with the sealing of the 144,000 Jews!” (verse 4) — Matt. 24:39-42, “reveals the same thing that we just spoke of in Rev. Chap. 12. — Where people get confused is that they read Matt. 24:29-31 . . . But as you notice in verse 31 the Translation has already taken place, because you notice He is gathering His elect from the 4 winds, from one end of heaven to the other! . . . And is only returning with them to interrupt in the Battle of Armageddon! . . . You see them clothed in fine white linen with Jesus!” (Rev. 19:14-21) — “Jesus said, as the elect watched and prayed that they would escape the horrors of the Great Tribulation!” (Luke 21:36) — “Matt. 25:2-10 gives a definite conclusion that part was taken and part was left. Read it. Use these Scriptures as a guideline to keep your confidence that the true Church will be translated before the mark of the beast, etc.” (Rev. Chap. 13)

More information concerning the Anti-Christ he will be a man who makes his appearance with irresistible charm. He is soon vested with an overpowering charisma — a character “of terrible countenance. “A prophetic dream (Joel 2:29) — “says the lord will pour out his spirit upon all flesh, and upon the handmaidens!” —‘‘This is similar to the Scrolls so we list it here!’’ — “The wife of a prominent Canadian told of a dream she had recently of the anti-Christ; he was fascinating, strikingly handsome, and was as alluring as aflame to a moth. He will appear as an ‘angel’ of peace, but become the most cruel and ruthless warmonger of all time. He will weave his hypnotic spell at first over a nation, then ten nations, then the nerve center of the earth — the Middle East — then over the Communistic empire (which until then professes to believe in neither God nor devil), then the whole world. Daniel chapter 2 and Dan. 8.”… Note: once god is rejected by society, worship of Satan will follow closely behind. We shall see how the worship of anti-christ will become the state religion of the whole earth. (Rev. 13:5)

The comparison — “The anti-christ will be a counterfeit of Jesus. Christ is God (Isa. 9:6); Anti-christ will claim to be God. — Jesus came from heaven (St. John 6:38); The Anti-christ (spirit) will come from hell! (Rev. 11:7) — Jesus came in God’s name; the Anti-christ will come in his own name! (John 5:43) — Jesus humbled Himself (Phil 2:8); the Anti-christ will exalt himself (II Thess. 2:4) — Jesus is the good shepherd! (John chap. 10); the Anti-christ will be the evil shepherd. (Zech. 11:16-17) — Jesus is the truth! (John 14:6); the Anti-christ will be ‘the lie’!’’ (II Thess 2:11) — Christ is the mystery of godliness — God manifest in the flesh! (I Tim. 3:16) the Anti-christ will be the mystery of iniquity — Satan manifest in the flesh. (II Thess. 2:7-9) — The searching of the Scriptures reveals that the Anti-christ will appear as a negotiator of peace treaties . . . by saying he has a formula for world peace. But later, by peace and prosperity, he will destroy multitudes!” (Dan. 8:24-25)

The covenant plan (deceit) — “The anti-christ will make a covenant with the state of Israel for seven years to guarantee their peace!” (Dan. 9.27 — Dan. 11:30). “Then in the middle of these seven years, he will break the covenant and desecrate the Temple, which will have been restored! — After this come the apocalyptic events of the Great Tribulation which are described in Rev, chap. 6 thru chap. 19. “According to the Scriptures, plus the signs in the heavens, we have reason to believe that his appearance is soon! — According to the evidence it is my opinion that in the later 80’s that mankind will begin to feel his influence . . . and that he will be strongly manifested at some point in the 90’s!” (The end of Scroll #93 some interesting viewpoints too).

Chemical warfare — Armageddon nightmare — “Of course the beast dictator will say that he has eliminated all of these weapons and will proclaim peace, but it will be a lie!” Also scientists are working on new inventions; and Pres. Reagan said in his news conference that they were studying a plan of using laser and proton weapons from space to destroy oncoming missiles from Russia. – But other scientists claim that Russia is already working on greater weapons that could escape this reasoning of inventions . . . wherein man will send large dosages of gamma-rays (pure radiation energy) striking the earth in a cloud of deadly chemicals! . . . They call it the death ray! — The earth would become a cloud of gases, and, if not halted by God, could wipe out the entire planet!” (Zech. 5:3-4, Joel 2:3) — “Again read the dreadful radiation plague in Zech. 14:12 and Rev. 16:2 — Rev. 6, “describes in part chemical warfare! It depicts the 4 horses that include the Anti-christ, war, famine, death, and Hell! — The pale horse is depicted as death. — The Greek word in the original text for pale is ‘chlorous’ (Rev. 6-8) and from it we derive the word ‘chlorine’. “…“ Chlorine is a yellowish-green colored gas used in chemical warfare! . . . So John is definitely predicting some type of chemical warfare including deadly gases and rays that will wipe out a large part of the population! (verse 8) These chemicals will be used in the Russian invasion! (Ezek. 38) Yes, we can see, Jesus is our answer and mighty shield!”

The earth tumbles and shakes “In my earlier writings i said the earth‘s axis will shift again in this last generation. . . . The Bible says, the foundations of the earth are out of course! And this causes our harsh seasons of storms, tornadoes, etc. . . . But the Lord Jesus is going to shift it back for the millennium and as He does, this will cause the greatest earthquakes that the earth has ever seen! All the cities and mountains will fall!” (Rev. 16:18-21) — “I also stated in the 60’s that volcanic eruptions would precede this, and this is occurring almost daily now — with more coming! Although it could occur sooner, my opinion is, that all the above will take place at some point in the 90’s or before the year 2000. “…“Now some scientists say that within the next 10 to 15 yrs. this planet will have a cataclysmic pole shift in which the earth tumbles or becomes shattered!. . . Jesus said, unless He shortened ‘the time ‘no elect would be saved! (Matt. 24:22) — Isa. 24.1, read verses 18-20 gives a perfect description of the earth‘s axis shifting! — Verse 6 tells us it will be during the time of atomic war when the earth is burned and few men left! Prophecy marches on!”

An update — prophecy concerning delusive music! — “In the earliest Scripts we wrote about where music was headed, and the dangers of it concerning the youth! — It is at a vital time now that we should review it. But first we must say that good gospel music with the proper words is very uplifting!” — “The Lord instructs His people to sing spiritual songs for peace of mind and soul! (Read Eph. 5:18-19) — But on the other hand the hard rock music of the world today influences the people to open themselves to demonic spirits that destroy the body and even the soul! — Much of it uses luring vulgar words.” — “Concerning the origin of this seductive music a magazine article quotes from a research book and says: “All one needs to do is to make a trip to the places where it has its roots (Africa, South America and India) and observe the ceremonies which often go along with this kind of music — voodoo rituals, sex orgies, human sacrifice and devil worship” this reveals the direction in which we as a nation are headed!”— (end quote) — Finally a sodomite sound — “In Dan. chap. 3, depicts where music was actually used as an agent of an anti-christ type when Nebuchadnezzar built an image of either himself or his idol god. And he decreed everyone in the kingdom to fall down and worship it as God. — And six different instruments were played. (Notice the 6’s.) The music cast an hypnotic spell upon them to worship a false god! — Right now the music is preparing and forming for the coming of the beast anti-christ!”

A physician’s statement — “Says that some of the music today causes an abnormal balance of sex hormones. — Instead of their normal function they produce radical changes in the blood sugar, it ceases to function properly, causing moral inhibitions to drop to a dangerous low or to be wiped out all together!” — “A news item said concerning one concert in San Francisco that hysteria became so great that 1,000 young people rushed the stage in an orgiastic spasm! Several girls were finally dragged off while they were in motion and final throes of intercourse!” (end quote) — “Pray for our youth!” — “The Bible says, sing unto the Lord a new song!” (Ps. 98:1-2) — “Remember that good anointed music delivers. David playing the harp delivered Saul from a tormenting spirit!” (I Sam. 16:23) — “God has given a strong anointed ministry here to deliver the youth, and we are headed for a revival!” — “I will restore saith the Lord!” (Joel 2:23-25)

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