Prophetic scrolls 5 Leave a comment

Prophetic Scrolls 5

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

Rev. 13:1 and 2 Dan. 7:19 and 20


I said I will stand and watch-And the Lord answered me and said: Write the vision, make it plain upon Scrolls, that he may run that readeth. For the vision is yet for an appointed time. But at the end it shall speak, and not lie. Though it tarry wait for it, because it shall not tarry long, for the vision is not far off. The Word that I shall speak shall come to pass!! (Rainbow Angel-Rev, 10) (Christ)

The Lion, Bear and Leopard were used to symbolize ancient Kingdoms. But there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets and maketh known to His children what shall be in the latter times! (In each paragraph is a hidden secret, study Scroll with Bible)

Note! A (Gigantic Rainbow) appeared part on land and part on sea when Bro. Frisby received the revelation. The paper published an article describing it a (Rainbow Phenomenon) which was quickly covered by a cloud. – Read Rev. 10 – Significance! The reporter said it was the biggest and majestic ever seen!!!

Angel’s message – it is in the early morning something is happening. The angel of the Lord is with me. I can see the prophets visions unfold. The mysteries are being revealed. The Lord is getting His people ready to receive them. The end is near. I see the image, the head of Dan. 2:32

Gold – I am shown a monarch, remarkable, rich and powerful. (Nebuchadnezzar) One like this in riches will arise at the end time. I see that in this kingdom (Babylon) is where God turns a mans heart into a beast 7 years. Dan. 4:25 –I see an image appear also! This is strange. I now see another man in the last kingdom on earth whose heart is turned into a beast. (The anti-christ, insane world ruler and a image appears in this last one also. Modern (Rome) Babylon Rev. 17:5-8 and 13:14. (Thus saith the Lord!) The U.S.A., Israel and England will go through great tribulation for being involved with Babylon (Catholics) at the end. I see a fierce lion walks here. Dan. 7:4.

Image – Now I see his breast and his arms of silver. Two Kings appear, Cyrus and Darius, they have not the wealth, as the one before them. They have a dual kingdom -Medes-and Persians. Communism comes through here at the end. I see a bear walk out here. Dan. 7:5.

I look at – his belly and his thighs of brass, Now I see a mighty King go forth, to take their kingdom, A young man goes forth to conquer. The kingdom falls into his hands. The name is Alexander the Great. He’s shrewd and more vicious than the kingdom before him. Now I see him: exhaust his body in Alcohol and perversion. The kingdom divides. His work is finished. At 32 he passes into darkness. I see a satanic prince like him in (swiftness) arise at the end. I see the same spirit enter the little horn. I see a leopard crouches here Dan. 7:6.

Now something is happening – i watch the legs of iron. Now I see all three come together. The lion, the bear and the leopard. They form Ancient Rome. It rules the world, Augustus Caesar sits a King. I watch the star appear, Christ comes (born) lives 33 years, and leaves. The earth shakes, the lion, the bear and the leopard go away. The nations fall.

I see the ten toes – of Daniels image. A little horn rises like a pope’s cone (hat) with eyes. He’s a religious figure a false revelator. Dan. 7: 8. Now I see the lion, the bear and the leopard returning back together as one. Now the star appears. There’s a silence.I hear – Behold I come quickly – Some Graves open Bride unites with Christ.

Now I see the feet and toes – the iron and clay move together. Dan. 2: 43 – The last Kingdom comes into power. I see the image stand up. The whole world looks to the little horn. Beast 666-:-satanic prince. I see him with a wicked woman by the hand Babylon (Catholic) and a fallen eagle by his side (Israel and U.S.A. Agreement) He has one crown upon another three. I hear him speak great things. 1. I rule the Heavens. 2. I rule the earth. 3. I rule the regions below. And I make the nations to tremble! He says I have brought peace (But he lies). I see a great war fallow, millions die. Suddenly a pale horse comes into view. The Lord shows me Rev. 6: 8- The rider is death, and a fire follows him. (The iron and clay break) I see him gather them into a place called Armageddon. Now the earth shakes and the heavens light up. Every eye sees The King of Kings JESUS. And now the Lord speaks – If any man take away from this prophecy I will take his part out of the lambs book of life. I am Alfa and Omega, the first, the last. I am He that liveth and was dead. I am alive forever more. A man hath not spoken to thee, in all this, but I the Lord hath (THUNDERED!) And I, Neal, understood and wrote these things and worshipped Him who is the beginning and the end, standing beside me. Amen.

The time angel appears. (Be careful!) Some important dates were given me which will affect the world at that time. (1973 thru 1977) Whether this pertains to (Great Revival) (World Holocaust) (The plagues of Revelations) (Or the Rapture) I’m not given to know (all yet). No one knows the exact rapture date. He could come just before, between or just after this. Jesus said we would know the “season”. Be cautious! Watch! I feel it has to do with all these subjects. The Mystery of the 7 thunders could lea d to and be involved. Rev. 10: 4 and uniting Bride together. Also, uniting world government and church systems together. And prepare for Jewish covenant. Building or completing Jewish Temple-Final uniting of apostate churches (Protestants) – For appearing of anti-christ and preparing of Armageddon.

“Second half of Daniel will be released at the appointed time.”

005 – Prophetic Scrolls

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