The God – headstone

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The angel with secretsThe God – headstone

Translation Nuggets 33

The God – headstone

The stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner. In a certain place the Lord showed me His head sculptured in large rock, the face of the living God, like unto what John saw, (Rev.4:3). It is here at this hidden rock in a heavenly scene that he revealed to me Himself as the ruler of the universe. Behold these be the acts of deity, the Almighty, and let no man speak differently or unbelieving, for it is the Lord’s good pleasure it unto His children at this hour. Blessed and sweet are they that believe for they shall follow Me where so ever I goeth in the heaven hereafter. Thus saith the Lord Jesus I have chosen this path and have called those who are to walk there in it; these will be those who follow Me where so ever I goeth,” (Special writing 86, The Gospel Net). The photo of Him over the building portrayed Him as the Son of man “Christ” but the other shows Him as judge or ruler. Yea in the Chief Corner stone is the book of Thunders, the word of the living God. Scroll 60. 

The rolling and whirling forth of the new move

Something definite, extraordinary and unique is about to occur. The tide and wave of it will sweep the bride right into heaven. We are living in the last hours of this age, revival of unprecedented proportions will appear to the elect upsetting the lukewarm, so powerful actually causing the religious system to unite against them. This age will quickly turn into the beast system. Not many will see it until too late. What people thought was peace and religion was actually the devil’s lie. The revival will be a universal out pouring (all flesh), but the bride part will be different in the mighty move they will hold the oneness of the Word with it, and will have an overflowing of God’s presence. The world will feel a great move, but millions will not hold to the Word and will shout right on into Babylon (world religious system), and the foolish into Tribulation. The latter rain is to bring forth the precious fruit (the bride to maturity). During God’s mighty move many will fall away into what they think is true because of a few signs and diverse miracles in the beast system. But the bride group like the eye in a needle and the point in a sword will gather close in unity to the Lord Jesus. His very own is small but mighty.

The age of promise and fulfillment

Yea in the last restoration I sent wonderful gifts but man followed the gifts rather than Me, and now many are confused and sleep. People let’s put Jesus in this next latter revival where He belongs, On Top as King. Exalt Him ye earth and heavens for He is mighty among us. He is coming as the majestic “King Stone.” People I know the incredible position the Lord has given me to His elect, and I don’t even want to mention what it is. All I want to do is exalt Him for He belongs on top as the royal light of the ages. I feel all through history ministers have failed to do this, now is the time to praise and lift Him up as our King, He is coming. I believe the Lord’s power should be so intense, startling and powerful among us that it should take our eyes off everything else around us but Him. Behold our Prince cometh.

Head religion and heart religion

But Jesus now is bringing to His elect a true heart believing revival. The closing epic of power and through the purging of His Spirit we will be brought to the true beauty of Holiness. The trials of the last days, has served as fire to refine the gold, out of this the Lord will present Himself with a purified bride. Behold I prophesy that the last move will come during a time of unparalleled trouble in the world: with famine, war, pestilence, earthquakes and storms of staggering proportion. All things will get worse as the end nears. International calamity will mingle with the awesome display of God’s power. Unusual and strange demonstrations over nature will be associated to this last move at times, (Joel 2:30). A fantastic display will accompany His move. Scroll 61.

Comments CD 1053 (To Who Mystery): We are looking for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ as He promised. In Heb. 9:28, “So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.” We know that time is short. There are many voices in these last days; but there is also the Voice of the Holy Spirit. As the Holy Spirit begins to speak, move and gather the Lord’s people; that is the real voice. If you have the right word then you are tuned to that voice and sound. If you believe the word of God in your heart, you will know that voice, what it says and the sound. With this you are tuned to that voice and sound. We look for the Lord because we know his word and promises. God said, “I am not a man that I should lie.” He will appear to individuals looking for Him. There was a cry made at midnight, and when the bridegroom came those that were ready (those looking for Him) went in with Him and the door was shut, (Matt. 25:110). As the word is sown, Satan comes in immediately to steal the word out of the hearer. But the word will remain in the hearts of those that are looking for His appearing. When the word is stolen out of you, then you fall away; no more spiritual energy to come back and you are done or through. When you are down or worried start looking for the appearing of the Lord and immediately you will start feeling better as He moves upon you.

033- The God – headstone