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While I was in Central America this song was used in the fellowship. I was moved and forced to examine my work and walk with our Lord Jesus Christ. The lyrics of the song are these:

God is good x2

God is good to me

How can I let Him down x 3

He’s so good to me

He picked me up

He turned me around

He planted my feet on higher ground

How can I let Him down x 3

He’s so good to me.


Is it possible to deny the goodness of the Lord to mankind and to you in particular? He endured the contradiction of sinners against himself, Hebrews 12:3. What did he endure you may ask? Even a dog knows it’s owner, but men neither know their maker nor obey his word.  Can you imagine Psalms 14:1 which states, “The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God.”  The creation of the humans is sure evidence that there is God. Have you imagined who made you? If you are in doubt let me remind you that God, the Lord Jesus Christ created you. How can you let Him down? By denying his word to you, denying or taking for granted his virgin birth, his preaching of the gospel of the kingdom and heaven, his rejection by sinners, his whipping post endurance, his crucifixion, shedding of his blood, death, resurrection, ascension and precious promises to all men that repent and believe; you are letting Him down. But how can I let Him down, He is so good to me. Imagine loving me and putting my name down in the Book of life from the foundation of the world. How can I let Him down? Remember if you deny Him He will not deny himself. If you deny Him before men, He will deny you before His Father and the holy angels. How can I let Him down? He is so good to me.

Now you ask yourself, soberly and honestly why are you letting Him down by your manner of life. Remember if you let Him down, and don’t repent you will meet Him at the white throne. He will say son in your days on earth you had your time and made your choice. When you look at Him it will be too, too late. You let Him down. But how can I let Him down? Examine yourself how that Christ is in you. How can I let Him down? Jesus Christ my Lord, how can I let Him down? Lord search me search my heart, help me, how can I let you down? Think about this soberly, and give Him the glory for time is very short. How can I let Him down? Remember the Lord’s heart is always after His lost people. He said, go to the high ways and hedges and compel them to come into my house, Lk 14:23. How can I let Him down?  What an amazing grace, how can I let Him down?

Translation moment 27

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