The birth of a select company is about to take place which was spoken of in Revelations. The Lord is suddenly moving on me now in the power of His spirit, for He saith, “ those who reject His last message upon the earth shall see Him different than all His various appearances before.” At that time I shall appear as one in My son, for He taketh all things in His hands. Yea shall ye be among the ten thousands who ministered unto Me or shall ye stand at the judgment? Behold those that I have called and believe My word shall not, but shall minister unto Me. Yea I shall do a quick short work at the end.
They shall receive great light in the secret of the Thunders which is hidden from the world and foolish. For it shall come in a manner even as Enoch who prophesied and left in My wheel of fire, (Heb. 11:5). For he (Enoch), looketh back yea even unto this day and waiteth for his return with Me. For his faithfulness and his testimony I translated him away in reward, but some of the same very work that he did then which was not shown then shall be revealed and done again for My elect. My elect shall be like unto him and please Me and be taken away. Yea he did work like unto Thunders and prepared himself and was seen no more. The Lord is about to do an extremely intense work which will be like “coals of fire” and only the chosen elect will be able to stand it for it will emerge into translative power.
You must read intently the next new Script #48 is the scroll of absolute destiny. The paper itself feels literally alive as you hold it. And is nearly as valuable as all the scrolls put together, for it is the “Key stone” scroll, unlocking God’s future work in the seven Thunders. It explains a hidden seal; it pierces the veil of the Thunders as only Jesus can do.
Before dying, a famous prophet saw some type of shelter, which was upon the earth at the end, where great events and miracles took place. What does this mean? — explained— (secrets given concerning a “little book” which is to appear at the end). Oh don’t miss any of this; all of your life was prepared by God for you to read this at His exact time. “Yea saith the Lord after My last message shall come upon the earth,” all of the bright lights of heaven I will make dark over the nations, and set darkness upon thy land. I will cover the sun with a cloud and the light of the moon shall be hidden, and a bright sword shall be between heaven and earth and I shall divide the nations in judgment at Armageddon. Yea it is nearer than any shall think and even now I am preparing the positions of the people. Yea he that overcometh shall rejoice in white light, (garment).
Behold the sword of the Lord is drawn and out of it shall come lightening and the thunder of it shall ignite and unite My people. Yea the Lord shall stand up for His elect and guide them “in” and the light and the cherubims of Jesus shall surround them in glory as the shadow of the Almighty shall protect thee. The hour is here for the harvest and angels will separate them. Yea I have sent my servant in the rolls of Thunder and he shall bring forth rain like drops of fire through My spirit unto My elect. My Word shall leap forth and carry them as the chariots. My sword of fire shall go before My people and I shall bring forth the “Man child seed” which shall rule the nations like a rod of iron. Yes the wheels of the Almighty shall certainly bring this to pass. Yea those who believe this are those that I have called, even you saith the Lord which believeth. A blanket of glory shall cover His people like a cloud, as the “rainbow eye of fire” gives them wisdom. Watch I say lest I find many sleeping. Yea for a prophet shall (write) minister in white stone.
Behold did not I Jesus say let the wheat and tares grow together until harvest, then I would separate the wheat, (Matt. 13:30). The hour is here. (I feel led to mention one more event) Before an unusual prophet died he was given a vision wherein he cast his line into a beautiful lake where he was trying to catch some remarkable looking “rainbow fish” which is a type of the elect. But he just couldn’t seem to catch them. Then the angel took him up, and showed him some sort of shelter or cathedral; and told him this is where the elect would be caught, (or receive the last message of translative faith). Behold saith the Lord Jesus, the hour is nearing and I will bring it in a manner that no one will know, unless I reveal it unto them.
And now I will reveal secrets unto My elect which had been hidden from the beginning. If thou shall open thy heart and lean not to thy understanding and stirreth thy self up in My spirit thou shall understand the things which I have written and the things which be hereafter. And ye shall be known as the child of wisdom in the light and knowledge of the Lamb, and whether so ever thou goeth ye shall sparkle in spirit, like unto the diamond which hath been taken from the ground and polished unto brightness. Touch not these saying for they are precious in the sight of the Lord. God is preparing His manifested Sons and He will crown this group with a ring of glory, and even their feet will be like unto fire. They will be filled with a double anointing as they read the scrolls with their bible. The seven Thunders are seven anointing of one spirit preparing His people in a message. Don’t at anytime let satan discourage you concerning any problem, press on in; Jesus is firmly standing with you.