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“The Lord revealed to me that the forces of evil are trying to oppress and depress and are trying to take the joy from the Christians all over the earth at this most important hour! – Satan is trying in every way that he can to discourage those that are serving and helping in the work of the Lord! – But no matter what your situation is, you have the victory! Jesus has heard you! As you pray divine love and faith will break down the enemy!”

I am going to write some encouraging Scriptures to all who read this letter: . . . “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind!” (II Tim. 1:7) . . . Love and faith overcome fear! – Trust builds confidence.” (Acts 10:38) . . . “According to the Scriptures satan is the instigator of mental confusion and anxiety that is spreading! – And one of his devices is stress. The devil will try to get you thinking about a thousand unimportant things and problems in order for you to neglect the important things! – Another snare of the devil is to get people to worry about things that will generally take care of themselves in time! . . . Sometimes people worry about how that are going to meet certain obligations, bills, etc. but the Lord definitely will provide for those who are assisting His work!” (May we add a note to this. My partners have really been blessed according to the letters we receive!) “Praise Him and more will be coming your way!”

Jesus said, “My peace I leave with you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid!” (John 14:27) . . .

“Now you have this peace, expect and let it find its course in you! . . . You have defeated the devil’s lies, because the kingdom of God is within you already!” (Luke 17:21) . . . “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he!” (Prov. 23:7) . . . “The secret of continuous victory is to guard the mind so that the enemy may not intrude! Many Christians fail at this point. The devil tells a new convert that he has lost his feeling and therefore is no longer saved. That is a lie! – We don’t always go by feelings, we always go by faith! – Paul said, we do not walk by sight, but by faith!”. . . “To another he says they will never get their healing, or that they will lose their healing. This is untrue, if they listen and accept his suggestion then he will follow up and make the condition worse! – What is the answer? The victory lies in the spirit and the mind. Our warfare is not against flesh and blood, but against the unseen spiritual powers! – We must reject their suggestions. Satan tries to bring on negative thinking. But you must take on positive thoughts of faith and it will drive out the other!”

“Step by step satan draws an individual into oppression then next into depression. And depression is perhaps the number one cause of mental anxiety and mental breakdowns! – It is satan’s main tool to attack the mind. It makes the victim feel completely helpless. And he sees himself in a situation where he is completely trapped! – The devil makes him think there is no hope. But that’s just an illusion. Freedom comes immediately through repeating the name of Jesus in faith!” . . . Ps. 34:4, “David said, he heard me and delivered me from all my fears!” . . . “God is renewing your heart; peace and rest are now yours! – This is the refreshing!” (Isa. 28:12) . . . “Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid nor dismayed for the Lord thy God is with thee wheresoever thou goest!” (Josh. 1:9) . . . “Say in your heart, I am now transformed by the renewing of my mind by faith!” (Rom. 12:2) – “Some people evidently do not have all of these types of problems, but it is good for everyone in the days ahead! – Be prepared for such an hour that we live in!”

This letter would not be complete without these secrets from the Lord of Host! . . . “The eye of faith in you sees the answer before it takes place! – Praising the Lord gives victory in advance! – Praising God multiplies your faith and fills you with wonderful joy and peace!” – “Praising God fills you with the determined faith of God! It strengthens you in the power of the Holy Spirit! – Praising the Lord Jesus changes you and changes the situation before you! It opens the way for receiving miracles!” . . . “Praising Him makes you triumphant in any battle. And will bring to your aid all of the resources of heaven! – The angels recognize the sound of praise and will rush to your side to win the victory! – The Bible says, The Lord lives (abides) in the praises of His people!” – “When many Christians have lost that certain feeling they will find out that when they daily praise the Lord that they will feel a tremendous joy and their confidence will return in power! – Reading the Bible with the Scrolls have given people a real uplift! Some exclaim that they have never felt such a wonderful anointing! So with all of this you are victorious and more than a conqueror!” – “We see the Lord perform incredible miracles daily and He is working for you too. Take courage, the Lord knows what we have need of before we even pray!”

“It is the will of God for Christians to be free of oppression and fear. It is the will of God that our daily needs be supplied! – It is the will of God to have His joy in our heart! . . . It is His will that we prosper and be in health even as our soul prospers!” (III John 1:2) . . . “The potentials of faith are incredible!” – “By faith ALL THINGS are possible! (Mark 9:23) . . . By faith nothing shall be impossible. (Matt. 17:20) . . . By faith whatsoever ye desire ye may have!” (Mark 11:24) . . . “By faith a mountain can be moved! (Matt. 21:21) . . . He that asketh, definitely receiveth. Believe it!” (Matt. 7:8) “Ask anything in my name and I will do it. (John 14:13-14) . . . If any two agree, it shall be done!” (Matt. 18:19) . . . “As you act and pray amazing things shall be possible in the days ahead! Jesus gives us ALL power over the enemy! (Luke 10:18 -19) . . . Great is our Lord and of great power; His understanding is infinite!” (Ps. 147:5) . . . “And as you trust in Him, He will give you the desires of your heart, He said so Himself!” (Ps. 37:4-5) God love and bless you real good!

In God’s abundant love and blessings,

Neal Frisby