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“In this special writing let us understand the revelation and calling of God’s people – for it is a mystery unto the lukewarm churches and the world! For in the elect is the seed of life. They are appointed and willingly in their heart receive salvation and are total believers of all the Word of God!” – “This special writing is to my personal original partners and to some of the new who have just received our literature!” – “I believe the Lord caused our path to cross together in divine providence to work in the real harvest field bringing the Word and deliverance to those who are called out!” – “We witness daily many miracles the Lord performs. The refreshing power of the Lord is really blessing!”

“All through the ages the Lord has given different messages to various people, and He told me He has given me a people that want to be deep in the Word and the receiving of His full anointing, who will grow in wisdom and knowledge as the age closes out!” – “Jesus calls those whom He has chosen to help in His divine work. . . . Here is how the Scriptures reveal His end of the age people!” – Eph. 1:4-5, “According as He has chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world . . . and it continues to say, having predestinated us!” – And in verse 11, “Being predestinated according to the purpose of Him who worketh all things after the counsel of His own will!” – In verse 10 it tells us, “it will be in the dispensation of the fullness of time and that all things will be gathered in Christ!” – “What a wonderful and thrilling thing to know that God loves us enough to reveal this to us and His manifold plan of the ages! . . . His true people believe it!” – Eph. 3:9, “And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God who created all things by Jesus Christ!” – “And Isa. 9:6 and St. John 1:1-3, 14 tell us who Christ is. He is the express image of God Himself! – Read I Tim. 3:16 and of course many other Scriptures substantiate this!” – “Those who believe this will have and receive a very strong anointing, for it will give them unified faith for translation!” – Eph. 2:20-21 really puts the Capstone seal on His plans. . . . And they are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an Holy Temple in the Lord! – In verse 22, wherein the Holy Spirit dwells! – Eph. 3:10-11 says, “it’s the manifold wisdom of God and that it is an eternal purpose in Christ Jesus, our Lord! . . . It definitely says!” – “This is just a few of many Scriptures that confirm the preordained callings of the Lord!”

“We know that there will also be a separate calling of the tribulation saints and also for the nations that are left after atomic war who will enter the millennium, and the 144,000 Hebrews. Rev. chap. 7 and Rev. chap 20 give more information!” . . . “But we are not called unto tribulation or destruction, but to sit in heavenly places with Christ!”

“Every word in the Bible will be fulfilled, every prophecy in the Scriptures will be fulfilled! We are entering an outpouring of power and we will absolutely finish our task set before us in saving souls and bringing healing to the body! – The hour is late so let us watch and pray and do all that we can while there is still daylight left!”

“I would just like to say and appreciate all my partners that have written me; they all tell me how much they appreciate the literature and how it has helped them! – We have some marvelous testimonies of what the anointed Scripts have done for them in body, mind and soul! They always rejoice with each coming letter and Scroll. Lord bless you all!”

Now I would like to insert some past writings that will really strengthen your faith and give you confidence in His promises! “Always remember that God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind!” (II Tim. 1:7) – “The beginning of your miracle is within you!” (Luke 17:21) “Believe within yourself, strength will be released!” – “Say God’s abundance and peace is within me, fear will depart! – The key is absolute confident faith in the right way of thinking!” – “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he!” (Prov. 23:7) – John 14:27, “Jesus positively said, His peace is left with you completely! – Let not your heart be troubled, neither be afraid!” – “An absolute commandment! – Don’t be dismayed, but full of courage!” (Josh. 1:9) – “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, (Prov. 3:5) also reveals don’t let human reasoning frustrate you.”

“Now this is important, build a good strong systematic prayer foundation! – Prayer means ‘worship,’ seasoned with praise and thanksgiving!” – “This will relieve tension, worry and anxiety!” – “Faith to be valid must be anchored on God’s promises!” – “The Lord delivers us from all afflictions!” (Ps. 34:19) – “Remember this key Scripture, David said he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears!” (Ps. 34:4) – “As you pray together, uniting your faith, you will feel rest, peace and joy! – Believe it within you now!”

And now a personal encouragement for you! – And it brings us to the “Contract” of Psalms 91. – Those who dwell under these verses have a contract of protection, health, healing, salvation and joy and long life! (Verse 16) – Let us explain the mystery and providence of its working. . . . The promises are deliverance from snares and fear. (Verses 3-5) – “Protection from accidental death, poisons and pestilence!” (Verse 6-7) – “In fact, according to this 91st Psalms it is the best bomb shelter and protection from radiation that there is!” – Verse 10, “deliverance from evil, sickness and protection from demon powers of all sorts! – Protection against Satan and even beasts.” (Verse

  • – These verses take us out of the natural into the supernatural dimension! – “Angels will keep thee!” (Verse 11) – “The key is faith in His promises! – Also some things we are tested in and even then He promises to ‘take us through whatever it is, as He did the prophets’!” .

. . “My prayers for you is that you shall dwell in the secret place of the Most High and shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow wings of the Almighty. – Whose power no foe can withstand!” – “Trust and dwell safely in His arms!” Read Proverbs 1:33 – “These promises are yours! The anointing will be with thee!”

In God’s love and blessings,

Neal Frisby