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“We are living in the age where prophecy is breaking forth in every direction in various ways and events giving light to the true child of God! – For in Jesus’ words we find the spirit of prophecy and it will grow stronger upon us the closer we get to His return!” .

. . “The gift of prophecy will work right along with the power gifts to prepare His people!” . . . “Daniel said, there is a God in heaven who revealeth secrets!” – In Dan. 12:4 he predicted a great age of invention through knowledge and that people would be traveling at high speed and would be in a hurry! – “James 5:7 revealed to us that it would be an age where the elect would need patience! – In other words, the fast age that we are seeing around us, and it was just in the era of early and latter rain! – This alone shows us His coming is near! – Also Jesus is standing at the door!” (Verse 9)

“In the march of world events we not only see prophecy from a gift coming to pass, but we also see Biblical prophecy coming to pass. In many places in the Scriptures while it is revealing the one thing, it is also predicting the scope of events several thousand years into the future, right down until our time!” – “Here is a very mysterious writing that has to do with our inventive age. Isa. 28:22 says, don’t be mockers; because he had heard directly from the Lord that a consumption was determined upon the whole earth! – It would be during the time of the anti-Christ agreement (verse 18) . . . abomination and desolation!” (Dan. 9:27) –

“Behold, saith the Lord of Host, even now the handwriting is on the wall, saith the Lord, for those who can interpret the prophecies, and who are led by My spirit seeing that the signs of the times be all around ye! It is near, even at the door!” – “We are in the midnight hour! We are getting closer to the translation. We are turning the corner of time of God’s final prophecies for the translative church!” – “Be ye also ready, for it will come in an hour that ye think not!” We should always remember this Scriptural warning! – “Yea, he that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches saith the Lord!”

Now let’s return back to our subject wherein Isaiah was speaking concerning the earth’s overthrow. He continues in Isa. 29:4. . . . Preceding this he spoke about the distress of Ariel (Jerusalem) and how it would be judged! Now here is the strange prophecy for our time! Wherein it says, “they will be brought down and shall speak out of the ground! And thy speech shall be low out of the dust, and thy voice shall be as one that has a familiar spirit! . . . And out of the ground thy speech shall whisper out of the dust!” – “We know today that the laser fibers and electric wires are laid under the ground! And evidently the prophet saw them receiving a message like our telephone! – To them it was like a familiar spirit going back and forth!” – “They could not understand the power of electricity! Evidently the voices were discussing the destruction of Jerusalem and sending out missiles towards Russia!

– Also beside this would also be underground bunkers because war was in progress! – Therefore it says, they were talking out of the ground and the dust!” – “Verse 5 reveals a multitude from another country came upon them! – But the Lord would cause them to blow away as the chaff and it would be done instantly and suddenly!” – Ezek. 39:2, where it says, “only a sixth part of the Russian army will be left!” . . . Read Ezek. 38:22. – This same thing occurs in Isa. 29:6, “wherein after speaking out of the ground, they are visited by Atomic desolation! Verse 6 gives the exact description of a nuclear blast! – Wherein they would be visited with thunder, and with earthquake, with storm and tempest (winds), and the FLAME of devouring fire!” This is the exact description of an atomic explosion! When at first it sounds like mighty thunders, then produces a great noise and huge whirling winds accompanied by a flame of fire in every direction! – To bring the point home verse 7 reveals it as Armageddon! . . . It says “all nations” will be there in a munition battle! “The whole thing shall be as a dream of a night vision!” – Zech. 14:2, 12, “speaks of these same events of the end time!” – “So we see Isaiah was revealing to us electronics and the invention of modern warfare that would produce fire and destruction! – He revealed that it would be at the time of the end! . . . He said, don’t mock it for it is determined upon the whole earth!”

“In connection with this Jesus said that there would be no flesh saved at that time unless He intervened!” (Matt. 24:22) – “And of course He will intervene for Israel! . . . This intervention may well concern lifting the veil of radiation off of the people who are left!”

– Isa. 25:7-8, “it speaks of a covering over the people and ‘a veil’ that has spread over the nations! Jesus seems to be cleansing the earth or those who are left could not live in the Millennium! It says He will swallow up death in victory and will wipe away all tears!” Some of these prophecies are strange indeed but nevertheless they will all take place in their appointed time! “We are in the eclipse of our age! This is harvest time for us, for soon, in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, we will be gone!” – “Behold, I come quickly, surely I come quickly!” (Rev. 22:7, 20)

“The sign of the eye (satellite) in the sky! . . . According to the Scriptures, God sees over the whole earth easily! Foolish men once ridiculed this type of Scripture! But now to show how stupid they were, even men can now (though not perfect like God) view the whole earth by satellite! – Except for Bible readers, who would have thought a generation ago that men would be able to scan every part of earth’s surface within hours?” – “These tools later will be put into the hands of the anti-Christ with scanning satellites watching every part of the earth’s surface!” – “After the translation and when Christ returns to Armageddon, Rev. 1:7 says every eye shall see Him!” . . . (This could be by satellite back to all television sets, wherein foolish men thought this Scripture impossible can now be done by satellite TV. – Satellite television is shown again in Rev. 11:9.) – Or the Lord has power to reveal Himself supernaturally to all nations at that time! – Isa. 2: 19, “they not only hide from the presence of the Lord, but they will be hiding from their own destructive weapons!” – “The above shall come upon the whole earth as a snare!”

In His Abundant Love,

Neal Frisby