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“The Lord has unctioned me to write a special letter of blessing to His people helping in this work! We are living in an era of prosperity and spiritual blessings for His children! And all should take advantage of this to help save souls!”. . . “This is our hour because during the last part of the Great Tribulation there will be nothing but trouble for the people of the earth and we will be translated before then! So this is definitely our hour to shine for Jesus!” – “God has a set time to bring more prosperity to His people. (Ps. 102:13) – Another cycle of it. (Eccl. 3:1) – It doesn’t matter whether it is recession or good times; He has a set time, and it is now! And He will provide a way for us in the harvest as never before!”

“The Bible clearly teaches miracles of supply! It teaches miracles of wealth. Remember Solomon, Job, etc. It says that Abraham was a rich man under God’s guidance! – He was the seed of faith, as we are.” . . . “And Joseph prospered in everything that he touched. He was the seed of faith. He saved the Gentiles and also his own race! – And now the Lord is bringing in the last of His harvest and He will give His children a wave of prosperity and blessings!” . . . “According to prophecy it is the time of the ‘hundredfold blessing’ and the outpouring of good things to those who act upon what they have! .

. . They can cause it to grow so that they can do more for themselves and for the Lord Jesus!” . . . The Scriptures definitely say for our age – “Prove Me now saith the Lord and the windows of heaven shall open up!” (Mal. 3:10) “That thou mayest prosper!” (III John 1:2) – I just know that Jesus will bless and prosper you as we unite and work together! – I’m compelled at this moment to print this Scripture . . . Deut. 28:2-14, “And all these blessings shall come on thee and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God!” Verse 3 says, “He will bless thee in the city and He will bless thee in the country. . . He says your baskets and store houses will be full of good things!” – “As you notice the rest of the verses reveal that whatsoever you touch shall be blessed!” – “But you notice in verse 15 what happens to those who do not hearken and what befalls them from that time forward even to the end of the Great Tribulation! – But to those that hearken and give and get behind His work He will open unto them His abundant treasure! – Because now is harvest time and that is the closest thing to His heart and you and I can help by being part of it to be blessed in wonderful things! – And only what’s done for Christ will last; and it will meet us together in heaven!” – “And He says He will reward thee!” . . . “What an era we are entering – a new dispensation, and God will favor His children in His final work! Let us take advantage of all that He wants us to do while we have time. – Read this next Scripture.

Isa. 55:11, “So shall my word be that goeth out of my mouth; it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” – “And you, dear partner, are associated to one of the largest gospel reaches. We are sending literature to every state and overseas to witness! It is a chance of a lifetime; you will do more now than in all of your life to witness” People are writing to us from everywhere for our literature and I know you will continue to help. – For all of this will be a crowning effort for your part!” “You have a wonderful opportunity of a lifetime! Jes-sus said to all the world, this gospel to every creature!” (Mark 16:15) – “Yea, saith the Lord of the harvest, Behold, read ye this Scripture, (Matt. 13:30) For ye are now in this very hour!” – “If you notice in the Scripture, the tares are bundled on one side and the wheat is quickly gathered unto God’s barn! Study this Scripture, His prophetic Word is true! – The tares represent ‘man’s systems’. And the wheat represents God’s true elect!”

Now here is something really supernatural, Ps. 105:37, “And He brought them forth also with silver and gold: and there was not one feeble person among their tribes.” – In other words, He brought them forth with wealth, healing and health! Not a one sick person, not a one feeble person, and He will no doubt do this again before the Translation. – “So the people on my list should expect anything to occur in blessings at all times! Already multitudes have been healed with more miracles coming!” – In Ps. 103:2 it says, “Do not forget all of God’s benefits, even thy youth is renewed like the eagles!” God’s eternal word never changes; it is for us today! (Ps. 119:89, 160) – “Expect!”

“I would personally like to encourage you that the Lord will stand with you!” – “The Lord did not create the wealth in this world for the devil’s crowd! – But for His children to use in evangelism. He made a covenant with His people for financial prosperity! And He wills that you be in health and prosperity!” (III John 1:2) – “Giving to God’s work assures good measure in return! We are living in the age of the sign of world evangelism! And this gospel must be preached to all nations! (Matt. 24:14)

The harvest is ripe and Jesus said, We must work while it is day, for the night cometh when no man may work!” – “Also what you have done, and are doing, will build up treasure in heaven for you!” (Matt: 19:21) – “The Lord loves to see the prosperity of His servants! (Ps. 35:27) – He gives power to get this gospel wealth!” (Deut. 8:18) – “So really get behind this ministry in all that you can do. You will never regret this effort and giving!”

In God’s Abundant Love,

Neal Frisby