“Dear Partner, in this special writing we are going to reveal to you how you can renew and restore yourself physically and spiritually with joy and become a new person as God wants you, plus divine health to all who claim these promises printed here!” – In Ps. 103:2-5, “in this we see He commands us not to forget ALL of His benefits! – Besides forgiving ALL thine iniquities and healing ALL thy diseases, He goes a step further in God’s benefits, including divine health and renewing of youth!” – “Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy ‘youth is renewed’ like the eagle! There is definitely a place in God’s will whereby youth is renewed so that a Christian can live an active life of usefulness as long as he or she is on earth!”
– Psalms 91 “foretells of him that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High – with long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation!” . . . “It is for those who choose the anointed spirit filled life, and who make God their refuge and their Rock (fortress)!”
“The promises of the quickening of the body in later years or even in old age has practically been put on the shelf; it is one of the forgotten promises or miracles that God has given for all! – Examples . . . Moses by staying in contact with the anointing of the Lord, somehow suspended the process of advancing of age, because at a certain point he remained the same! The years came and went, but none could see any more deterioration!” – “And Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died: his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated!” (Deut. 34:7) – “It means his natural strength was still strong, and his body was showing few signs of aging! – All should take this in consideration, if one cannot believe for all of it, they can at least believe for part of it and still remain strong in old age! – It is a unique promise and it was as if it had been hidden except for those who live in the secret place of the Most High God!” Ps. 34:8, “O taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the man that trusteth in Him (and, I might say, who follows His instructions) for He will certainly give thee the desires of thine heart!” – Here are some more examples. . . “Daniel, the man of prayer, was in active service for nearly a century! Anna, a woman of prayer, lived over a hundred years!”
“My anointed literature read with the Bible will produce a renewing of all the things that we spoke about, plus bring healing and deliverance! – The anointing that God has given here will bring the beauty of the Lord on anyone who really studies and believes in their heart! They will be a new person, their eyes and skin will take on a new look! – Their appearance will be different; people will feel a presence around them! – And if one is in prayer and fasting some, it will even intensify it more so!”
– “For it is, Thus Saith The Lord, ALL of My promises are true! – For My Name stands behind them, For the Lord
Jesus maketh thee free indeed, and giveth wisdom unto His children! Believe in thine heart and mine presence will go with thee always, saith the Lord!”
“And we must not forget that He includes prosperity for those who give and act their faith!” Ps. 105:37 leads us further in His plans. – “He brought them forth with prosperity, and there was not one feeble person among their tribes!” One cannot ignore this, for under grace He will bring us out and bless us! – In Mal. 3:10, “it says to give and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of Hosts!” – It means to test Him, to try Him out systematically, and see if He won’t pour you out a blessing!” In Josh. 1:8 the Lord proclaims . . . “thou shalt make thy way PROSPEROUS, and thou shalt have good SUCCESS!” Remember, Jesus cried out, “ALL things are possible to him that believeth!” (Acts!)
“Yea, the Almighty shall be thy defense, and thou shalt have plenty of silver!” (Job 22:25)
“But thou SHALT REMEMBER the Lord thy God: for it is He that giveth thee power to get wealth!” (Deut.8:18)
“Remember it is commanded, “forget not ALL of His benefits!” – “God is looking your way!” – “Take advantage of all these promises now! I believe for those who really give and trust that God has a special blessing for them right now in providence and destiny!” – “O taste and see, if He is not honey in the Rock!” – “Also remember the woman gave to Elijah the prophet, and God took care of her fuel and food concerns!” – “The barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of oil fail!” (I Kings 17:14) – “The Holy Spirit impressed me to write this for He cannot and will not fail, as you trust!”
In His Abundant Love,
Neal Frisby