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“In this special writing we would like to print Scriptural prophecy and what it has to say concerning signs surrounding the coming of the Lord Jesus! – The Word declares He is coming back again!” I Thess. 4:16, “For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven!” – This next Scripture we see fulfilling before our eyes! I Tim. 4:1-2, “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils!” – “Today we see those once of the faith depart into systems and cults! Evidently they grew tired of waiting on the coming of the Lord and wanted to be entertained by other spirits! They were not of the real material to begin with, but were carried away by every wind of doctrine and spellbinders! We see this on every hand before us as a sign! – Verse 2, revealing their conscience was so seared that you could do nothing to return them! They were seared! Verse 3 reveals another point! . . . We see that this involved many of the Babylon religions that unite in Rev. 17 . . . plus witchcraft and sorcery!”

“Paul spoke about this in another prophecy! II Thess. 2:3, wherein he spoke about the great falling away! . . . And this was to occur just before a world ruler was to rise!” (Verse 4) – “I believe that he is alive now, but not yet revealed publicly!”

“This next prophecy concerns the very hour that we are living, and no one can overlook it! – We did all of this before so we will just do part of it at this time!” – II Tim. 3:1, “This know also, that in the LAST DAYS perilous times shall come!” – “Even over the daily news reporters say we are living in very dangerous times! Verse 2 reveals an overall picture of the spirit among those who do not know Christ! – It reveals the youth rebellion and the discourtesy among them! Verse 3 reveals the psychotic conditions that prevail on every side! – Verse 4 reveals drugs and alcohol and etc.!” – “The rest of the chapter reveals knowing God at a distance, but denying His supreme power!” – “It sums it up that there are those who are led away into harlot houses actually promoting them! – They have no thought of repentance and actually rebel and fight God! – All one has to do is take a look at society and see that the Bible has told the truth and predicted the future thousands of years in advance!”

“As the age closes out, prophecy will stand out like a bright light to the elect, very convincing; we will know the nearness of

Christ’s return!” II Peter 1:19, “We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts!” –Also another Scripture reveals the Lord will guide His people by prophecy! Rev. 19:10, “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy!”

– “And by faith He will also give His people miraculous power to heal and deliver!” – Here is another sign that is fulfilling daily! II Tim. 4:3, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine.” And it reveals they will have their own way in what to hear and pile up many teachers that would lust after every doctrine but the truth! Verse 4, “And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables!” . . . That means like myths, cartoons or like puppets!

– And have you noticed lately that some of the evangelist’s names have been in the news. – We’ve seen many Christians and evangelists in problems and if they repent God will forgive them! But they will have to return to complete fullness and sure Word of God! – And very few do this and take His complete Word and power! – “No one can deny that all of these Scriptures are fulfilling more so in our time than ever before!”

“While we see apostasy on every side, we also see a great outpouring coming! (Joel 2:23, 28) – We are seeing the early stages of these Scriptures! The former rain has been given and we are now in the latter rain! . . . And we will realize the fullness of His power when the Organizational tares are beginning to bundle together! Then He will finish a short quick work bringing His wheat (elect) into His barn!” (St. Matt. 13:30) – “This Scripture is beginning to take place and is one of the greatest signs we will see in our generation! . . . And prophetically it has been forming the last few years before the nation’s eyes! – The Pope has taken part in this type of uniting, and so have many Protestant movements! In the not too distant future the final picture of this is given in Rev. chap 17 – Rev. 3:15-17!” – “The real people of God are found in Rev. 3:10!”

“According to the Scriptures idol and image worship will return strongly! Isa. chap. 2 reveals in the last days the idols, and the very coming of the Lord as the end of the age occurred! (Verses 8-9) – Verses 10-12 reveal that it will occur in our generation!”

– Rev. 13:14-16 reveals image worship and it occurs right over satellite worldwide television, also the worldwide web (any video image.) And the mark of this system was stamped upon the people! In Isa.2:9, says . . . “Therefore forgive them not!” See it was also speaking of the mark of the beast; because after taking it, it was too late to repent! Most prophetic scholars believe that Rev. 13:11-13 is dealing with the U.S.A.! – “And evidently according to prophecy the last leader that this nation will have will be a religious dictator! Maybe not seem that way at first, but the leader becomes a cruel and inhuman killer of the masses! In complete allegiance with the first beast who controls all nations and tongues! – It seems little by little our nation has sold out to foreign power! . . . And according to the Scriptures there is yet some more of this that will be done! . . . And many nations now have much holdings concerning our economic matters! . . . And the United States is in debt to these people, etc.!”

“Also the Lord has forewarned us that a super human dictator will rise very soon . . . known as the beast!” (II Thess. 2:4) – Daniel, the prophet, gives us a clear view of his activities and how his character operates! Dan. 8:25, “And through his policy (showed government plans) also he shall cause craft (manufacturing) to prosper in his hands! . . . And because it works so good he magnifies himself in his heart, and by lying peace he will literally destroy multitudes! . . . But when he stands up against the Lord Jesus, the Prince of All, he shall be broken with just a glance from the Most High!” – “We are living in a time for all to be sober and vigilant! For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth!” – “Except it will not surprise the true children of the Lord! For they will be expecting the Lord Jesus!”

In His Abundant Love,

Neal Frisby