Forgiveness is one of the attributes of God. To forgive is to pardon one for an offence committed. Ephesians 4:30-32, states ‘let all bitterness, wrath, clamor and evil speaking be put away from you with all malice. And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, FORGIVING one another even as God for Christ sake has forgiven you.
From the above verses one would see that without forgiveness (pardon) there will be bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, evil speaking, malice, and where all these prevail, the Spirit of God will be grieved and there cannot be a reality of the presence of the Holy Ghost in and around us. Forgiving one another from our hearts will bring great blessings in our life.
In Mark 11:22-26 Jesus clearly stated that if we don’t forgive others, our father in heaven will also not forgive us; though He has already forgiven us through HIS precious blood, but when we refuse to forgive others, the pardon we have received comes back upon us. We have an example of this in Mt 18:21-35. Jesus commanded us here to forgive one another until seventy times seven. We also see the wicked servant that his master forgave his debt but refused to forgive the debt of his fellow servant and his lord laid upon him his previous debt, handing him over to the tormentors. Many Christians are under torment today because of the spirit of unforgiveness that is oppressing them.
In Mt, 6:12 it states forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. As Jesus has forgiven our sins past, present and future, if we only believe and confess it; so we must also forgive past offences, present offences and forgive people in advance.
If we can obey this commandment, which is one of our standards of living, great shall be the peace and harmony in the Church on earth. Many Christians (sons of God) want peace and harmony but there are enemies-the devil, his fallen angels, demons, the law of sin and death and the evil workers that do not want these. They are always against the purpose and will of God on the earth. The kingdom of God, suffereth violence and the violent take it by force. To be able to overcome these evil forces and law and be in the will of God on earth, we need the baptism of the Holy Ghost and a fuller measure of the Spirit. Without this, we can do nothing. Our case will be like the case of Paul in Romans 7: you want to forgive but you see unforgiveness warring in your flesh against your soul. (1Peter 2:11, Rom 7:19-25) We need the anointed Holy Spirit to mortify the deeds of our bodies and cause us to walk in truth. (Ezekel36:27, Rom 8:11-13,Rom 6:12).
Forgiveness is hard for sinners; it is also hard for salvation groups of believers but very simple and easy for the anointed Holy Spirit believer.
Therefore, this medium is being used to call on sinners to receive salvation by believing and receiving Jesus as their Lord and savior.
The salvation groups (foolish virgins) should go for a fuller measure of the Holy Spirit while those with the fuller measure of the Spirit should stay anointed always. For it is God that worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure (Phil 2:13).Please check up these scriptures: Lk 23:33-34, Acts 7:54-60, Zech 4:6-7.
And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen(1Thess 5:23).
by Godwin Enemudo