Prophetic scrolls 70 Leave a comment

Prophetic Scrolls 70

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

This is a dynamic subject of praise — the rewarder of youth — it is the secret place of thunder wherein the lord answers back! (Psa. 81:7). By praising Him you will receive honey out of the rock, satisfying your soul, giving you a healthy body! “Praise will drive out infirm spirits and loosen the bones! Heart trouble will not overcome you and should you have it, it will leave you!” Praising the Lord continually will make the heart happy and the body will be joyful in health, your eyes will sparkle and your vision be plainer! “By eating lightly and praising Him will intensify these things even more!” Also, the dullness of ears shall hear sharply! Even your complexion, your hair and your lips shall take on a beautiful glow! — “Praising the Lord in intervals will drive back all demon powers from you and thou shalt rest in peace! By praising Him often you will be covered with a bright shekinah glory; whether you can see it all the time or not you will begin to feel it by the glory of His presence and demons cannot break through this covering very easy as long as you praise Him in confidence!” — Praising renews the youth, strength, gives faith and allows the Holy Spirit to speak! Praise exalts the Most High and allows His spirit to flow through providing a ministry for each of us according as the spirit wills it in our own life! — “Also prosperity is as close as one’s lips if he continually praises the Lord, no matter what confronts him he will win! (A kingly anointing will be ever present!)

David had written 150 Psalms, and he was still praising the lord at the end of it! Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! (Ps. 150:6) — “A person who has the high praises of God in his mouth shall receive knowledge and wisdom guiding him in his daily affairs and giving him many spiritual highlights in his life! The one who humbles himself in praising the Lord will be anointed above his brethren, he shall feel and walk like a King, spiritually speaking the ground will sing under him and a cloud of love shall engulf him! He shall feel the Lord’s hand on his back and on his head, he shall be comforted by the Most High!” — Why are there such secrets in praise, because that is why we were created to praise the Lord of Host! “The Lord did not create us to just continually ask for things that are secondary, we were made to praise Him! — “When we get into the rhythm of praise we feel the sweetness of His presence and He revealeth the most secret things unto us for even days to come afterwards!” David said by praising the Lord and being patient he was relieved of his troubles and his enemies were put to flight! “Behold saith the Almighty praise is the guardian of the soul and the protector of thy body!” By praising the Lord early in the morning and late in the evening you will find that He will answer thee and give rest! (Ps. 103:3 — “Who forgiveth all thine iniquity who healeth all thy diseases. By praising Him we see that even salvation occurs and temptation departs from us! (Verse 5) “who satisfieth thy mouth with good things, so that thy youth is renewed like the eagles!” So you see by praising the Lord you can renew your strength and youth and be lifted up like the eagle high in spirit! — “When your days feel like the shadow that declineth, and you feel withered like the grass, praise Him, and he shall refresh you in the breeze of His spirit! He shall spread a cloud over you for a covering and fire to give you light in the night! And the enemies in the darkness shall not enter this Shekinah light! David said sing unto the Lord let us make a joyful noise unto the rock of our salvation! — (Ps. 30:2) I cried unto thee, and thou hast healed me!” By praising the Lord you will enter into the center of His will for your life! He will guide you daily like the light of the sun and in the night dark places as clear as the moon. He will lead thee in new paths and His revelations shall dwell in thee along the way! — Praising is the wine of the spirit revealing hidden revelations! It will illuminate the mind in understanding the Lord’s purpose! He will exalt the horn of your ministry in delivering thy friends and relatives! (Ps. 91:1 — “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. And the secret place is in praising the Lord, repeating His Word! (Bible) — “Verse 3-4” He shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler and pestilence. He shall cover thee with His feathers (anointing) and under His wing (power) shalt thou trust! Ye shall be surrounded by His shield and buckler! — (Verse 5, 6, 7). “Thou shalt not be frightened of the terror by night or the pestilence that walketh in darkness! A thousand shall fall around thee but it shall not come nigh thee (verse 11). “And angels shall surround thee and keep thee in all thine ways! — (Verse 13) Thou shall tread upon the devil and his demons and shall trample the dragons under thy foot! And ye “shall have a long life” and be satisfied!” (Verse 16) — All of this for simply praising the Lord in earnest and joyfulness! By praising the Lord you will respect others and talk much less about them as the Lord delivers you in satisfaction! One should read the Psalms daily and add our own praise unto Him! The Lord said David was a man after His own heart because he sang and praised unto Him “as he waited patiently upon Him!” The Lord chose this man’s throne to set upon, he chose to come through this man’s loins later as the Bright and Morning Star, and as the lion of Judah. The Lord whispered in the heavens that he was happy with the king, he rejoiced in his steadfastness, even when there seemed no hope he trusted in the Lord! He chose to sit on David’s throne because we will all be singing the praises of the Lord when we surround it! (Ps. 132:9-11) — (Ps. 34:1) reads he would bless the Lord at all times and his praise would continually be in his mouth. — Ps. 40:1 says he waited patiently for the Lord, and he heard my cry. — Also in Ps. 27:14 reads, wait on the Lord, and He shall strengthen thine heart wait, I say, on the Lord! It is even possible by praising the Lord much that one could have spiritual dreams and visions in knowing things to come! And also be warned before trouble approaches and gives wisdom to avoid it! Praise “is life” and prepares one for translative light and faith!

The spirit of prayer is fine, but one should praise the lord more often than just pray. Praising the Lord creates more faith and the answer is quicker in coming! Praising is a dimension unknown by most, it is the dimension wherein the Lord whirls and stirs, wherein feeling of the spirit occurs! “A group praising the Lord constantly will cause a revival to break forth around them, it will turn into a dimension of prophecy! The dimension of healing and miracles will begin to ignite, demons will cry out and flee! Fear and nervousness will travel from thee as fast as light. Tongues and interpretation will take on a dimension of realism and will strengthen a congregation! Wisdom and knowledge will run like a bubbling brook of water! Faith will leap forth like a fire in the field driving troubles and diseases away! The discernment to see good angels and the discernment to know evil angels will be thy gift in praising Him!” Let our hearts panteth for the Lord as sweet water for our soul! “And enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise; bless the Lord O my soul! He liveth in us according to our praises!”

Praise Him for what He has already done! — Important in the art of faith is the praise and thanksgiving. Enter this way into God’s presence, the power to move any object is at the bidding of those who have learned the secret of praise! — One must recognize His presence which is around us all the time, but we will not feel the strength of it until we enter in with true praise, opening up all of our heart, then we will be able to see Jesus, as it were face to face. Then you will be able also to hear the still small voice of the spirit in making more precise decisions, and whether it is your own spirit impressing you or whether it is the Lord’s! A person who is withdrawn will be able to speak more outwardly for the Lord as he praises Him often! Ex. 33:11 reads the Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend. (Verse 14 said My presence shall go with thee and I shall give thee rest. As for myself I not only feel and see the presence of the Lord I hear it almost daily!

Just before our last meeting I read the Psalms and praised him daily for over a week and people said that they have never in history felt such a display of God’s power and presence! To some the miracles even seemed unbelievable as the Lord’s presence swept like waves of wind over them! “The Lord’s presence can be seen!” People were photographed walking on the ground through beautiful Shekinah glories as it was falling out of heaven upon them! All kinds of manifestations of the Lord’s royal lights were photographed in the most magnificent colors we have ever seen. Even from the air the glory of the Lord was photographed over the building. We will be releasing many things concerning all of this in the future! Watch! No one in the history of our generation has seen such a display of His power photographed here! It was witnessed one night as the light came upon me, my hair and face turned as white as the snow and my amber coat as white as lightning as deity was falling on us. The ancient of days was close. Miracles exploded in every direction as the Lord spoke things into existence for sick bodies (Rev. 1:14). He that dwelleth in a secret place (praise) shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty (The Bride praise Him)

070 – Prophetic Scrolls

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