Prophetic scrolls 121

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 121

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Is the U.S.A. declining? — “According to some very good research, the average life span of the world’s great civilizations has been about 200 years to peak, and then suddenly they begin to decline because of moral decay and disregard for the Biblical truths! — Note these points were discovered, as each great power progressed through the following pattern: (1) From bondage to spiritual faith! (2) From spiritual faith to great courage! (3) From courage to liberty! (4) From liberty to abundance! (5) From abundance to selfishness! (6) From selfishness to complacency! (7) From complacency to apathy! (8) From apathy to dependency (socialism)! (9) From dependency to bondage!” (Rev. chap. 13) — “The people came here from all nations to escape religious and state persecution, and for the religious freedom found here! — Although we will have a great outpouring to the elect, the United States will go from great courage and faith to a form of godlessness and finally denying the power thereof for a false religion!” Remember it will be exactly as Rev. 13:11-15, “at first it was like a lamb (religious freedom), but then spoke as a dragon (bondage) verse 18.”— “Under the Reagan presidency already we have an ambassador to the Vatican!” — “In this chapter the 2 horns in the lamb denotes finally civil and religious power joined together — absolute dictatorship!” — “After the Comet and before the ending of the 80’s this nation and the world is going to see the most dramatic changes that it has seen in 200 years. . . which in turn will lead to the very anti-christ system slowly rising now! — A new stirring leader will rise during the 1988-92 cycle which will begin to promote many new plans and directions captivating the masses!”

Continuing the prophecy — “In 1976 the U.S.A. was 200 years old. And we are seeing a decline in many things. Although currency overseas has been strengthened for a while, and inflation has slowed some here, the currency is still weak from what it was years ago! — And, according to prophecy, one day the United States will have a new type money and system. It will enter the snare and chains of the anti-christ government! — Also according to Rev. 13 and Dan. chapters 2, 7, 8 these 2 prophets saw the rising of a giant super power in Western Europe joined to the Middle East controlled by a fascinating leader, a mystery man, a false guiding star with consummate subtlety!”— “It is my opinion that he will rise out of the false religions into a world dictator!” — “The particular prophecy concerning the United States and the above is to take place at the very closing of the age! … According to Daniel’s timetable this prince is on earth now and will manifest himself in the few years ahead!” — “We are nearing 1985, there are only 14 years left until 1999, and it is my opinion that all should be fulfilled before the ending of this date. — Somewhere in between it Armageddon should be completed! . . . Remember there is a shortening of time, and when you deduct the 7 year Tribulation period (whether the church leaves at the beginning or the midst) time is indeed short! — Look up, for your redemption draweth nigh. We are even at the door now; harvest time is in the 80’s!”

Prophecy declares it so — “According to the prophets it has been predicted that there must be a decline in American status in the world because a new monolithic confederacy is to arise out of Western Europe. This 10 horn united giant (United Nations of Europe) and its 11th horn leader rising afterwards will bring all nations under his control during the 7 years of the Tribulation!” — “The final operations of this world leader will be seen in the Middle East near Jerusalem.” (II Thess. 2:4) — “I might say here, after 1985, new leaders will be rising in many parts of the world including the Middle East countries, etc. — preparing for the final countdown! Although the United States is a separate power it will merge into this confederacy of Europe and the Middle East!” (Rev. 13:1) — See below.

Prophetic proof — U.S.A. Western Europe and Mid-East in prophecy. — “It has been researched Tarshish and his descendants migrated to Western Europe which includes England. (The lion) — According to Dan. chap. 2 and Ezek. 38:13 the United States will once again unite with Western Europe to complete the ‘prophetic image’ of the revived Old Roman Empire (Rev. 13:13-18) . . . also merging all nations into it (the iron and clay)!” — “It is my opinion that the United States will always remain an independent great power, but will go along in belief with these plans bringing it into bondage relinquishing its fundamental beliefs that made it a great nation!-It will work directly with this ungodly world power even to the mark of the beast!” – “Let us note Ezek.38:13 wherein the chapter describes these nations going up to Armageddon – Sheba and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish (Western Europe with all the young lions — USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand — in fact it means all of the former kingdoms of England thereof too)!” — Dan. 11:40-45, “gives a detailed picture of the force coming against the Western Nations with the anti-christ right in the midst!” (verse 45) — “Remember this battle occurs because Russia betrays the 7 year Peace Treaty and comes down with the Eastern Nations (Orientals, etc.) to battle on the mountains of Israel!” (Ezek. 38:1-22) — “By the way, Tarshish was the grandson of Noah!” (Gen.10:4) — “In another writing we will go into greater detail concerning this Ezek. 38 chapter.”

World religious Babylon — “Much has been said concerning the United States and the anti-christ system above! — According to prophecy, where does this woman of Rev. 17:1-5 fit in? Well of course, at first she rides upon and guides the beast governments of the earth! All false religions have returned together unto her! She is called the super bitch, the elite whore, the queen of the night regions (darkness, shadow of death) who fornicated with every nation and people including all organized systems (Apostate Protestants, etc.)!” — “At first she is the bride of the anti-christ! — The whore that inter-coursed with all governments! And because of Babylon ‘s persecution, it brings forth the Pale Horse that smites her just before the battle of Armageddon. . . the beast anti-christ himself does!” — “In other words the anti-christ uses the woman church to gather treasure, and then like an evil pimp, beats her and burns her up with fire! (Rev. 17:16-18) — For he is the diabolic Little Horn that Daniel saw rising on the sands of time! — He alone will want to be supreme, sitting in the Temple claiming that he is God! — But he, himself, will meet his doom in Commercial Babylon!” (Rev. 18:8-10)

Prophetic events — “We notice in the newspapers the pope calls for sharing of rich nations’ bounty to other poorer nations!” — “Later this is exactly what the real anti-christ will do according to Dan. 11:24, 39. In this case we see prophetic events casting a shadow before hand!” — “Also the Lord revealed to me that the underground nuclear test explosions are changing the ocean currents, thereby helping to alter the weather patterns drastically! — It is creating erratic weather in many parts of the world! . . . Combined with the sun spots, it is bringing famine and droughts in many parts of the earth and an over amount of rainfall in other parts (floods)!.. . New epidemics and plagues will rise in later years!” — “Also underground quake faults are shifting and sliding preparing for catastrophic quakes in the latter 80’s!” — “Volcanic eruptions and spouting fire are confirming this and prophesying of events yet to be fulfilled!”

By the spirit of prophecy — “I foresee several world leaders will be assassinated before the ending of the 80’s! . . . In the same period will come 3 giant killer quakes across the earth destroying one city after another!” — “Cosmic-like winds and great floods will sweep parts of the United States!” — “Europe will witness dire and strange weather patterns!” — “Also fierce tidal waves are coming with great destruction to coastal cities!” — “There will be quakes in the sea and underground volcanoes, creating new islands. Also the sea temperatures will be changing in varying degrees!” — “Also in the future an Arab nation will develop an atomic bomb and will threaten to use it! Certainly the nations will be in perplexity looking for a strong man! — So many major events in the future will take place that it will alter the thinking and very nature of the United States in the way that it operates with other nations!” — “I foresee in a prophetic vision the moon rising through a dark mist with a bloody halo! — There is a phantom-like (shadowy figure), hands pointing towards the Mediterranean area. There will be bloodshed later in the age in Asia Minor and in the Mid-East. It’s caused by the man hiding underneath; he is the cause of the bloodshed! — There is a skeleton looking sword, he will rise to the top with overtures of peace! He has released the dove, but underneath he is the vulture of mankind!” — “Beware, 0 Nation Israel, he is not a friend, but too late thy enemy hath possessed!” — “This same personality will stir up trouble in Africa, Persia, Egypt, Turkey and certain places in the Arabian Empire!” — “The Lord has given me many events for the later 80’s that will be released at the proper time! Let us watch and pray, Jesus’ return is getting nearer; time is shortening!”

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