Prophetic scrolls 114

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 114

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Prophecy in the news – “The news says Russia is building a military base on the Iran coast; and is on the gulf of Oman, situated near Iran’s border with Pakistan, right near the strategic strait of Hormuz! – For the first time in history Russia can soon control the whole Persian Gulf oil passages in and out, including the flow and movement of Saudi Arabian and Iraqi oil!” – “We see the bear of the north preparing and trying to take over the Middle East… therefore later starting a devastating war. In fact they are surrounding Israel by using the nations next to them for building military bases!” – “Plus Ezek. chap.38, reveals the Soviets’ final advance into Israel. It mentions 5 specific nations will join this onslaught – Persia (Iran), Ethiopia and Libya … Gomer (East Germany) … and Togarmah (Turkey).” (Ezek. 38:5-6) – “Also this will include other nations that are not mentioned, plus China, (Rev. 16: 12) that the way of the kings of the East might be prepared!” … “China has also built a highway that reaches near the river Euphrates. China has discovered huge oil and gas reserves in the South China Sea near ‘Canton’ and in the Yellow Sea near Peking. Men have wondered for years how they would move such a vast army with automotive machines, etc., but now they say they have the oil and gas. Added to this they have the new Karakoram Highway to cross the dried up river (modern dams) of Euphrates attacking Israel! …Prophecy is alive!”

Prophecy marches towards Israel – “Let us continue. – Ezek. 38 – We mentioned certain things concerning nations; now let us take it line by line. Verse 8 says it will occur in the ‘latter years’ after Israel is brought back into her homeland! God’s time clock is ticking. We see this much has been fulfilled; the rest is not very far away!” – (Verse 9) “It says Russia shalt ascend and come like a storm, they shalt be like a cloud (vast armies) to cover the land! – Now in prophetic symbolism, what else would clouds reveal to us? It would take into consideration chemical warfare (cloudy smoke)! … It would take in aerial flight and missiles, atomic clouds! And evidently using a new type weather weapon to storm and darken the land for their advances, etc.!” – Now verse 10 says, “thou shall think an evil thought. In one rendering, evil thought is tied to the word invention! – So we see they may have some invention that gives them confidence that they can win the battle for the treasures of the Middle East and world!” – “Verse 13 mentions cattle and goods right along with silver and gold and a great spoil, which evidently is the oil reserves! They mentioned livestock as being important, because a world famine has nearly wiped out the earth’s food supplies in many places!” (Rev. 11:6) – “Evidently the anti-Christ nations no longer had food to allow Russia and China to import it, so they decided to come down and get it themselves. Also they may have been working on new weather weapons to bring rain, but then decided to use it as a war weapon!”… “They also wanted the anti-Christ huge silver and gold reserves of the world!” (Dan. 11: 38, 43) – Ezek. 38:22, “reveals a space war, brimstone, fire, etc. It reveals atomic fire, laser and new energy weapons!” – “Of course Zech. 14: 12, reveals a deeper insight concerning these latter weapons!” – “Ezek. 38: 13 also reveals the English speaking nations going up against Russia in the Battle of Armageddon. It also reveals that Russia breaks its agreement with the anti-Christ system and attacks it!” (Dan. 11:40, 44) – “The anti-Christ will be ruling near Israel at that time. “(Dan. 11:45)

Reprint from Scroll #108 – Signs ending the age – “In one of our prophecies we listed… watch the territory surrounding Euphrates, the old Assyrian – Babylon Empire – which includes Syria! And lately we have seen Syria grow into strong military prominence.” – “According to Isa. 10:5, verses 12, 30-31 –Dan. 8:9, 22-25, the anti-Christ will dominate all the territory that we spoke about… and could go there or actually come out of this section to rule the world!” – “He will also conquer and rule the Arabian Empire; he will make a covenant with them and Israel! And then he will finally sit in a Jewish Temple claiming himself as god the Messiah!” (Rev. 11:2 – II Thess. 2:4 – Dan. 9:26-27) – “By the spirit of prophecy I foresee that he will use science and technology to further himself as a world dictator! –I also foresee that he will do away with the type of currency that the world has now and implement his own standard of wealth and prosperity through his monetary seal! … Evidently this is, or works into, the mark of the beast. For out of great chaos and financial crisis he will restore prosperity for awhile!” Continued next paragraph.

Prophecy in the news concerning Science and inventions – “Not until today’s new technology could a universal super monetary system be instituted world-wide! – The computer system will be able to utilize a universal mark! – They claim it is being prepared now for future use!” – “There are many changes concerning our money system projected for the latter 80’s!” – “Let’s consider what will eventually lead to the mark of the beast. They have already put into operation, on a limited basis, the use of a debit card at the check- out counters to electronically transfer funds from the buyer’s account to the seller’s bank account. – And the seller cannot sell without a code mark; and the buyer cannot buy without a number! The only difference between this and Rev. 13:15-18 is that it will eventually be put on the hand or forehead!” – “Also they want to have a cashless society using marks and numbers, so that people can buy, by computers, right out of their living room later in the age! – Also, in association to this, they are planning what they call the charge card of the future, the ‘Electron Card’ – the key to visa International’s plan for world-wide all-electronic payment system! ” – “They are calling it: the all in one, electron card!” – “I definitely believe in similarities before the ending of the 80’s this type of electronic means will be used in a new form of money system! – And from this it will later lead to the rapid take- over by the anti-Christ system! – The people who do not know about prophecy are going to be taken completely off guard! A big surprise in our money system is going to take place! By then a new president (leader) will bring many changes and do things that other presidents have not done! His plans will completely captivate the people!”… “More on this later.” – “Also as knowledge increases and as the god of science rises in electronics, laser and computer systems you will be able to see more perfectly what the spirit of prophecy has written on the scrolls! – Also electronic pagan worship of idolatry will be instilled throughout the earth via satellite systems!”

Reprint from Sept. 1983 letter – And now God’s time capsule of events, which many of these will take place between 1984-92. … “According to prophecy that the Lord has given me, we know that some of the most important events will take place in the Middle East during the 80’s – Later in the decade and in the 90’s, the kings of the East will be greatly stirring!” – “Preceding this will be wars in Asia, Africa and the Mediterranean areas!”… “ Finally, prosperity will come to South and Central America. -And I was shown other countries that have not prospered before – will prosper. But as I see it, this will be during the days of the anti-Christ, for these nations will still face much ‘turmoil, wars and revolution’ first!” – “Also a total and revolutionary change will come again to the United States by the latter 80’s! … First prosperity will return some again as we predicted! But later, there will be more crises and economic problems in the age! – But the anti-Christ will rise and he will bring prosperity again during his reign, but it too will end in a final great depression across the world at the end, leading to Armageddon!” – “Also, years ago we predicted a world famine and some nations are feeling the impact and finally leading to a world food shortage and mark!” – “Lo, the black horse cometh!” (Rev. 6:5-8) – “The earth is scorched with drought and the cattle and men do groan in pain of hunger!”… “We can also expect more signs from the heavens, lights, saucers, etc. Also there will be world revolutionaries in many nations, change-over in leaders, riots and intensified crises – 1984-87!”… “And in the years ahead, there will be more falling away into apostasy and uniting of false churches. But, on the other hand, to the true believer will come a mighty restoration revival in the miraculous uniting of the true believer into the spiritual body of the Lord Jesus! – And some of the greatest miracles in the history of the church age will take place at Capstone Cathedral International Headquarters! – “If you have never had an opportunity to be here … make plans to be here in these latter day Crusades!”

Scroll #114©