Prophetic scrolls 112

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 112

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Bible prophecy and the gift of prophecy are to guide – “It is to warn, to prepare and to open the eyes of the elect of the soon coming of Jesus! – In fact it tells us in Rev. 19:10 that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, and it will be used as the age closes out to make ready!” – “The Scriptures tell us He is like a man on a far journey, servants are to watch for the Lord’s return at all seasons. (Mark 13: 34- 37) – The budding of the fig tree, when signs fulfill, coming is nigh! (Matt. 24:32-34) – In other words, by prophecy, when we see Israel in the condition that it’s in today, it is even at the doors! – Now in the next paragraphs let us look into dimensions of the future!”

Where is the anti-Christ? – “I certainly believe the actual anti-Christ is on earth now, but is not yet revealed openly. Some of the movements that we see in the Middle East are evidently caused by some of his planning! He will channel his actions into the hands of others until he himself is ready to rise to power! “– “He no doubt will begin to maneuver the gold, oil and all wealth into his league, creating a power structure! “ – “He will create crises and terror in the Middle East and elsewhere, for he will rise out of explosive events, crises and after turbulence! -And some of the very things that he helps to create, he will appear with his peace plans to solve, showing himself as a great peacemaker! – The Bible clearly teaches that as the age begins to end there will arise in the world a great deceiver of tremendous power! A fascinating personality (religious) who will represent himself even as God, but instead is Satan’s masterpiece!” (II Thess. 2:3-4) – “He is the man of sin, the son of perdition! How does he rise to power? He works through deception and deceit. Also there is an element of mystery about him -one who understands dark sentences. He will manifest strange supernatural power in the midst of his reign that will deceive the world! – The power is directly from Satan; by lying signs and wonders he will delude the masses. He will attract their admiration and loyalty! – At first he will be diplomatic and show himself as the world’s benefactor. But after he attains full power then he will unveil his true identity; Satan’s masterpiece!” – “Dan 11: 21-45 reveals the rise and fall of the anti-Christ. Out of turbulence he comes into the kingdom peacefully. He uses flattery to obtain power! (verse 21) – He will become strong with a small people! (verse 23) – His ability to understand war will mark him as a genius. And whatever it takes to cause war, he has under his control; energy, oil, metal, etc. For it says, who is able to make war with him?” (Rev. 13:4)

The wounding of the beast – “This has been one of the most puzzling events in the Bible. It has a prophetic significance, past, present and future!” Rev. 13:1-4 – “John saw one of its heads as it was wounded to death and his (the beast) deadly wound was healed, and all of the world wondered after the beast! – From what we understand Pagan Rome of John’s day was the 6th head of the dragon! (Read Rev. 17: 8-11) – The past reveals that Pagan Rome fell and the papacy rose to power in its place! That was one type of wounding and healing. But the anti-Christ and his 10 kings represent ‘the 7th’ head! – When the 7th head is wounded, the wound is healed and it becomes the 8th head; and is of the 7! (Rev. 17:10-11) – We see in Rev.13:1 that the 10 horns are now crowned, revealing that it is not in the past, but changes into the present tense! … It is believed just before the mark of the beast that the anti-Christ is wounded with some type weapon. Right at this time the ‘satanic prince’ ascends out of the bottomless pit, and somehow Satan is allowed power to cause the anti-Christ to live! – It astonishes the entire world, and they wonder after the beast!” (Rev. 13:3-4) – “The 7th head has been in power at least 3 ½years at this point. Now he enters his last 3 ½years as ‘the 8th head’ of the Great Tribulation and the mark of the beast!” – “At this point a strange personality change has occurred, as the earth worships Satan in the form of a man, because they did not believe the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ!”… ”Also Dan. 11:21 revealed the anti-Christ as a vile person, revealing the very change after the wounding and possession from the bottomless pit! The beast of perdition!” –“What we have revealed is the 6th head (past history) the 7th head, which, I believe, will be in our time, and the 8th head, which will be the final form of the anti-Christ kingdom; when God destroys it!” (Read Rev.17: 8-11) – “One more word we would like to add, whether the wounding of the beast is some type mockery or realism, it makes no difference. It was an unusual dramatic event that astonished the masses to follow the beast, taking his mark, sealing their doom!”

Signs everywhere – “All we have to do is look around and watch prophetic events and we see signs that depict to us that the coming of the Lord is very near indeed! We also see other signs that the coming of the anti-Christ is near. – There are signs in the earth and signs in the heaven revealing to us all of these things! I could reveal many details (and have done so in our other Scrolls) but with all of these facts it indicates and is my opinion that we should watch the later 80’s and early 90’s for world-wide structural and dramatic changes concerning the nations as the anti-Christ emerges to power, finally leading the world to the battle of Armageddon!”… “In the news, they all wonder if we are going to have an atomic war? – Definitely! – The earth will suffer through an atomic war of great destruction! – Jesus said unless He intervened, no flesh would be saved!” (Matt. 24:22- Zech. 14:12 – Rev. 18:8-10) – “And it is caused by the false system!” – “’Note: Later we will do an article revealing who the second beast personality is that works with the first beast in Rev. 13: 11-15! – “The first beast (anti-Christ) I believe will finally control the world from the Middle East in his final stage near Jerusalem!” (Dan. 11: 45) – “And the second beast, known as the false prophet, could be a leader, rising out of the United States as a lamb, but then speaks like a dragon!” (Rev .13: 11-13) – “Watch for more definite proof that will be released in another Script later in the year!” – “If you love true mysteries then you will enjoy all of these writings, because it gives you a chance also to draw from the revelation of the spirit!”

Jesus explained the future from looking back into the past – (Gen. 6:1-12) “He said it would occur again. During that age there was a rapid increase of population, with its vices and evils corrupting the masses. There was wild and rampant violence in the earth; and the ignoring of the call of the spirit to repent! So it will also be the doom of this generation! – Enoch and Noah’s preaching was definitely ignored. Only a few would take heed! During that time a great amount of prominence was put upon the female sex! (verse 2) – We see that today in the advertisements, pornographic movies, etc. “… “Also incredible wickedness was in the land. – Jesus said, as in the days of Sodom, wherein they allowed even children from the earliest age to be involved with sex; and that, too, in an immoral way. (Read Gen. 19:4-5) -Now we would like to insert from a Jan. ’84 letter some of the things happening in our day.

Prophecy and Immortals – “News article: 6-year-old rapist – this almost sounds like it should be in Ripley’s Believe It or Not! – “Syracuse, NY (AP) – 2 six-year-old boys and an 8-year-old boy are accused of raping a 7-year-old girl in the back of a school bus, and then again in an apartment building, police say. If they are not the youngest, then they are certainly among the youngest rape suspects in the state! Also the medical reports confirmed it as rape!” – “Also, in some of the eastern states laws were passed so that 14-year-old girls could have sex with adults. – And they were working on another law so that 12-year-old could have sex with teenagers up to 16 years of age!” – “It seems that the immoral conditions are growing worse each year; wherein we just read about some documented cases wherein women were actually having intercourse with evil spirits. And finally the spirits would manifest themselves in the form of a man and talk to them! – The women actually felt these spirits, evidently they were contacted through witchcraft of some type or sorcery, etc. They felt them pressing upon them the same as human contact. …One woman was photographed that actually had deep marks upon her body wherein some form of sadism was practiced!” – It is also recorded where female-looking spirits have appeared to men! – There are many other type cases all over the earth of which we will not print at this time. But it is enough to say that the Scrolls have been right, and that Jesus Himself forewarned about the Sodom conditions that were mentioned in the above!” (Luke 17:26-30) – “Pray for the teenagers of this nation as we send forth our books and gospel literature! – What a job God has given us to do. Let us work swiftly!”

Dan. 12:4 – super knowledge – Quote: “In.Tess than 100 years through technology we have learned how to make the dark, light with the flip of a switch; transport ourselves across town in just minutes and across the continent in just hours; talk with someone thousands of miles away in just seconds; visit the man on the moon; create robots able to walk, talk, clean house and baby sit. We have learned how to split the atom and create nuclear energy as well as nuclear weapons, laser and death rays. We have polluted our environment beyond repair, and now man is able to discover new life forms by gene splitting ‘supposedly through a person’s cell’ and create duplicates of people through cloning. We are able to create new life forms from God’s matter or they destroy life that God has given us through abortion and soon euthanasia.”

Scroll #112©