The worldwide economic snare coming

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The worldwide economic snare comingThe worldwide economic snare coming

Translation Nuggets 59

The worldwide economic snare is coming, finally leading to a diabolical tyrant. James 5:3 reveals their treasure will be heaped together during the last days ushering in the controlling mark. – (Quote) – A financial adviser explained that, “we are in a period of inflationary depression, it is the longest period of inflation in the past 360 years. The inflation is worldwide. At this writing what we have is a business recession equal in severity to some of the past, but we are also experiencing inflation at the same time. When inflation gets this bad generally deflation doesn’t occur until much later, but rather generally more inflation appears, but finally a study of other runaway inflations such as the Germans and the Chinese experienced, shows that they had both, inflation and depression both occurred simultaneously in the end result,” (Rev. 6:5-8). — “A continuation of the current policies of our government will slowly and eventually lead to the loss of our free economy.” The nations are facing an ominous future. Events such as these will lead to Rev. 13:15-18 controls.

The misuse of gold power — “A British writer and economist warned; a movement from world currencies into gold is inevitable if or unless recession and inflation are not corrected soon, leaving no alternatives!” He thinks the projected mammoth United States budgets may lead to national bankruptcy. Due to this and the default of the currencies evidently is just what the anti-Christ system is maneuvering and waiting for. Let us find a scripture to substantiate this. Dan. 11:38, 43, “reveals, he shall have power (authority) over the treasures of gold and the silver. So you see if currencies default, -he would have the power of wealth, establishing his own gold currency (mark)” — “Also with the controlling of food this would end all freedom except for homage to him!” “Also watch the Middle East; if there is any hint towards gold you know the anti-Christ is very close! The Lord describes the end of this system, Isa. 14:4, “Take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, how hath the oppressor ceased! The golden city ceased!” Read verses 16 -17 — “Let us take one more quote from an editorial concerning past events which allowed a takeover! — August 1922 Germany’s money supply stood at 252 billion marks. In January 1923 it was 2 trillion. In September 1923 it was 28 quadrillion. And in November 1923 it reached 497quintillion; — that is 497 followed by 18 zeros. This runaway inflation of the money supply stopped, finally, when the currency became virtually worthless, its stated value worth literally less than the cost of the paper it was printed on! The old mark was replaced in 1924 with a new “Reichsmark”. The old marks were withdrawn from circulation and ceased to be legal tender! With these events Hitler rose to power! Concerning all these events something similar to this will happen to the U. S. A. If they continue in inflation it is either this, strong controls or both!” (Rev. 13:15-18) — “When the gospel message finishes to the bride elect then I believe it is about this time that the collapse leading into these things will take place! God will protect and prosper His children, we are joined to God’s economy and His resources are not tied to man’s economy! Joshua 1:9 commands us to be strong and of good courage!” SCROLL 71

The future – A Reality: -“After we have some economic crisis later! – We will have a terrible and major crisis world-wide! …And all paper money that we know of now all over the world will be declared worthless! …A new electronic money system will be set up. (We will see the early stages of this beforehand.) – A new way to buy, sell and work is coming! A super dictator will bring the world into a new form of prosperity and madness! – A fantasy of delusion never seen before, but it also will end in doom! – Before all this takes place the worst global famine and starvation the world has ever seen will be occurring, leading to the horror of the apocalypse, the black and pale horse! (Rev. 6:5-8) -The nightmare of terror commences. Oh how wonderful it is to know the elect will be with Jesus. SCROLL 125

Prophecy – the coming new society

Let us review what prophecy and the Scriptures foretell of the coming new society. The population may as well get ready, for vast changes will occur in the world economy. The nations are definitely headed for a global economy. There will be a central point that will network to all nations. So we see somewhere near the end, gold and silver has another tremendous influence on mankind. The woman in Rev. 17 seems to control the world by her golden cup! According to the news, Western Europe (Revived Roman Empire) has hoarded up more gold than anyone else on the earth, and couple this with the Vatican; not even the United States has that much of a supply! … Some day the known currencies we have will vanish! In Solomon’s day the number 666 was associated to the gold, and only one other place this number is used in the Scriptures and it is associated with the mark!” (Rev. 13:16 -18) – “Daniel said this religious leader will have power over all the treasures of gold and silver!” (Dan. 11:43) Vs. 36-38 shows an insane madness took place concerning his vast supply! … Nah. 2:9 reveals the hoarding of gold in underground vaults by the nations! We have this in Fort Knox and New York, plus the Vatican, Mid-East and Western Europe! – Like Isaiah, Nahum mentioned the fiery chariots in the land. (Verses 3-4)

“For awhile they may use credit cards and currency, but according to the Scriptures it seems to suddenly change into who has the most (solid) backing to use in World Trade as they all hoard together! – This seems what one-day may very well be behind the mark that is given!” In Isa. 14, the prophet, while speaking of the past, looked far ahead in the future and saw the King of Babylon and proclaimed, “How hath the oppressor ceased! The golden city ceased!” (Verse 4) – And Verse 9 speaks of it as occurring in our day! – Rev. 18:8-10 reveals the last golden city ceases! – Verses 16- 17 shows that it was wiped out in one hour! (Space atomic) – Verses 12-13 reveal a glamorous, magnetic world trade market! – It even bought the souls of men and women to do whatsoever that they wanted to do with them. The crimes, lust and debauchery committed then are unspeakable to write! (Rev. 18:2) – “All of this will be coupled with images and idols to a world dictator who at first uses the woman to seduce the nations!” (Rev. 17:2)

“We know in the coming global economy, vast changes and sudden alterations will take place catching the world off guard. Jesus said, as a snare shall it come on all of them that dwell upon the face of the whole earth! – Evil and sinister men have been planning underneath for quite awhile to guide the real substance of finance into their hands, and then to control energy and food! Then they know the world must bow to whatever government they set up, and at its head will be the religious anti-Christ!”

In James Chapter 5 it definitely unveils what we have just been talking about. It said they would “heap treasure” together for the last days! (Verse 3) Then all would be under control of a central dictatorship! – In Rev. 6:5-6 we see the economic wizard was asking for metal (probably anti-Christ image on it!) In John’s day it was one-eighth of silver, a whole day’s wage!

At the end of the age there will be a famine for food, a scarce commodity. Also at that time there will be a famine for the word of God! (Amos 8:11) – This is not written for everyone to run out and hoard up gold and etc. for at some given point, nothing will work without the mark anyway! – The best is to trust in the Lord as always, and He will guide! – But what we have done is show what the Scriptures reveal in the latter times! – “Here is what Jesus said, for His elect to do (Rev. 3:18); and you will surely not fail, and will be in the will and character of God!” – This is the time for the real people of God to join in the harvest work to do all they can and as swiftly as possible while they still have some value left in their finances, because such horrible conditions are coming; a shortage of resources with violent weather patterns, tidal waves (great tsunami’s), tectonic plates moving and volcanic activity. All of this will cause sudden and incredible changes among the nations. – “So let us all prepare, watch and pray, for in an hour ye think not, the Son of man cometh!” (Matt. 24:44) SW 13

The coming anti-christ system

“The Scriptures you are about to study depict exactly how and what the anti-Christ system will do at the end of the age! The beast will follow this exact pattern; it is symbolic of the exact kind of control at the end. This satanic personage will “stock pile the wealth.” And he saith, by the strength of my hand I have done it, and by my wisdom; for I am prudent: and I have removed the bounds of the people, and have robbed their treasures, and I have put down the inhabitants like a valiant man. “Bounds” he integrated them as (one system). Notice he robbed the earth’s governmental treasuries. Through the age, his system returned inflated currency back in and took their gold. This has happened to Europe, South America and greatly to the United States! “The next verse even proves more so what is happening and right in front of their eyes!” It says, “And my hand hath found as a nest the riches of the people: and as one gathereth eggs that are left, have I gathered all the earth; and there was none that moved the “wing”, or opened the “mouth”, or “peeped!” “Not only did he gather the rare metals leaving the currency as chaff, but not one even knew what was happening. Because this system and government through inflation took all the value and seemingly nothing is said about it until it is too late! It has been said by this subtle force system, the best way to destroy the Democratic capitalist ideals was to debauch their currency! – “By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens!” – “The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction and it does it in a manner in which not one man in a million is able to diagnose until it is fatally too late! Even if money deflates suddenly, he will still retain even more power because he (anti-Christ) has the treasures!” “Daniel caught this vile diabolical personage in a vision, Dan. 11:21, 36-39, a sinister creature in his madness! Nahum chap. 1, “brings out just what system and where this personage originates and ends! Verse 11 reveals him a wicked counselor! Verse 14, reveals his idolatry kingdom!” Nahum 2:9 “reveals no end to his wealth!” Nahum 3:4 depicts his multitude of whoredoms of the well-favored harlot; the mistress of witchcraft that selleth nations through her whoredoms and families through her witchcraft!” This is exactly like Rev. 17 and Rev. 18, a super state church in existence! Verses 13-16 show his merchants and his and her destruction! This is the same as Rev. 18:3, 8-15. In this dual prophecy Nahum 3:18, reveals he is a religious person! It reads Thy shepherds” slumber, O king of Assyria: thy nobles shall dwell in the dust: thy people is scattered upon the mountains, and no man gathered them, Armageddon War. A religious leader will control the Vatican, all Babylon religions including all apostate Protestants in the not too distant future. He will have the authority over the wealth of the Middle East later and the surrounding territory! The scarlet beast, his appearance is soon to be openly, finally standing in the holy place of Israel. A personality will rise in the U.S.A. to back and make an image unto him through the ecclesiastical system! The Soviets and Vatican have been working secretly behind closed doors for new plans, for later they give their power to the beast!” (Rev. 13)

“Be sure and study all of this with the Scriptures! Already we can see the earth’s large economic system cracking under the debt strain and inflation! All point to an overpowering disruption in the world monetary structure in the near future! Revolutionary changes will appear, the beast system is already preparing and afterwards for the new system (Rev. 17). – I Kings 10:14, “It is not accidental in the Scriptures that the number 666 is associated to gold misuse!” (Rev. 13:17-18) SW 39

Gold and the economic crisis
the nations are in a major inflationary recession worldwide, all over the continents economists agree on one thing – the good old days of lower prices are vanishing! Economic collapse is coming on a worldwide basis, threatening France, Great Britain, South America, Africa, Asia, the USA, etc. – What is happening to the value of our money and our free enterprise system? Government and economic experts admit that we have lost most of the value of our money and it is still diminishing! It is not exactly that things are going up; it is that our dollar buys less! Some believe in the end the USA will enter a period of hyperinflation. It is not the same dollar of 1929; here are some sensible reasons why.” “In 1933 the USA citizens could no longer convert their dollars into gold so the people’s confidence was not as strong in plain paper!” Our protection was in the Constitution of the United States, it says, “Therefore any paper money not convertible into silver or gold is strictly unconstitutional.” Our forefathers knew if they got off of this standard, “inflation” would come and later lead to dictatorship and controls! – “The politicians ignored this and most of our value is gone! A closer look reveals they have printed too much paper without any backing! The government printed and spent more money than it has or could get back by even raising taxes! ‘Bundles of money’ in circulation is a major cause of ‘inflation’!” Editor’s note: (Later in 1975 you could again legally purchase gold).

“Also they have overdone the give-away programs and the billions they gave away will come right back to haunt them. Some nations voiced their ‘international rights’ and drained us of our gold reserve thereby cheapening our dollar even more!” – “Foreigners could demand gold, until 1972, for our dollars, and when they found out the U.S. dollar was no longer convertible they purchased gold in Europe with it, so the price of gold leaped up and the dollar value went down!” – “The governments have printed too much paper currency and this is one cause which creates inflation! So money becomes of less and less value and prices are forced higher and higher! This paves the way for dictatorship, remember Adolph Hitler rose to power after the inflationary bankruptcy in Germany!” “The entire economy and government itself can be taken over by this same type of dictatorship!” (Read Rev. 13:11-18 and Rev. 6:5-8) – “This inflation, coupled with shortages and famine can absolutely bring on strong control! Also crimes and violence increased greatly during the destructive time in Germany! During this chaotic period Hitler started his rise to power!” So more inflationary violence will come! “The recessions will worsen into a depression, but out of this will come a new world system and later prosperity will return, but finally leading right into the anti-Christ mark!” (Luke 17: 27-29 – Rev. 13 – Dan. 8:25) “Then famine will increase even more horribly during the Tribulation!”

“Now let’s insert an important part here. What was the Bible pattern for dealing in trade and economic matters? Abraham and Joseph gave the proper manner, although many other Scriptures confirm it also! (Read Gen. 23:16 – Gen. 24:35 – Gen. 43:21 – Gen. 44:8 – a good example, Gen. 47:14-27.) These great prophets used their wealth properly. – But in James 5:1-6 it shows that evil men misuse it, and then God brings judgment at the end time.” “A financial expert on currency and a financial advisor to many large companies and foreign governments said a new currency and system is coming. He believes inflation will continue upward and more devaluation of the dollar. He sees possibly in the future more panic in the stock market.” “All of these events, shortages and famines happening in the world could finally bring about a police state and martial law!” (Rev. 13) “Then the tribulation black horse rider will appear (Rev. 6) bringing economic convulsion and starvation!”

“I’m not writing against the U.S. dollar, spend it and use it for the Gospel as long as it works; but what we are saying is they’ve gotten off the constitutional standard and the people have been cheated of much of their value!” “Also the U.S. is losing the value of their morals and going into a sinful catastrophic overthrow! SCROLL 87

The world monetary crisis
“let’s take a look at the future and also events occurring now. The nations are suffering from an international monetary crisis, they are perplexed and in bewilderment! The man of fierce countenance (beast) and understanding dark sentences will appear in the midst of world-wide problems!” “It has been said that in history a nation can survive a depression and come out stronger, but no country has ever had several straight years of double-digit inflation and remained a democracy! Runaway inflation eventually bankrupts everyone including the government! Production begins to come to a halt and there is chaos! The only alternative is dictatorship to restore order!” “Once the U.S. loses its freedom it will not come back again. This is historical fact!”

“In the future several major things to watch which will confront the world and this nation will be shortages, labor crisis, and national debt. We will have recession and inflation mingled with prosperity until out of a crisis the anti-Christ will restore prosperity for a limited time!” – “No doubt the coming economic storm will re-shift or redistribute the wealth into the hands of the Babylon system at a super church and state level!” – “The government could use the oncoming crisis as an excuse to finally bring strict wage and price controls under the beast system!” (Rev. 13:15-18) – “Also in the future there will be extreme and all kinds of world shortages (famines) entering the Tribulation and worsening; even then prosperity won’t mean much with severe shortages! And what supplies are left the beast system will control it through a numeral system,” The mark.

A noted economist said, a tremendous economic convulsion is about to destroy the entire financial structure of the world and affecting the United States! The end result will be recessionary, inflationary depression, the magnitude of which we’ve never experienced. Millions of people will be out of work, millions will be hungry. Riots, killings and plundering will sweep the nations! – “This could definitely occur near or approaching the Great Tribulation until prosperity (new system) is restored out of chaos!” – “Also later and entering the Great Tribulation disease will gnaw its way into the lives of millions more! Cities will be like jungles infested with half-starved humans, preying upon the weak, the old and defenseless! There will be the haunting hunger of the young and the innocent looking up with dark hollow eyes begging and pleading for a morsel of food that is not there to give!” “The earth is ‘marked’ and at the end of the Tribulation food will be scarce, promoting Armageddon War!” “In the Tribulation, on one hand you have prosperity and on the other hand starvation!” – “In the days ahead we will begin to see in a minor way what will happen in a major way later!” Although the bride does go through some dark trials and hours, she does not go through the last part of the Great Tribulation!

We might add this before we proceed, that money without any “substance backing” will finally become worthless unless corrected soon, so give what you have for the gospel now and use the rest for your needs. Unless inflation is corrected the value of it will depreciate. – (Quote) Thomas Jefferson once warned, “I believe banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people allow private banks to control the issue of currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered,” Volume 1, Jeffersonian Encyclopedia. May we insert this; it means that later the super church (the Babylonian system) will have control of all financial banks at church and state level. (Rev. 13:10-18) – Pres. James Garfield said, “He who controls the money of a nation controls the nation.” – Also the financier Amschel Rothschild once said, “give me control over a nation’s economy and I don’t care who writes the laws.” – In the next few years ahead we will be on the brink of a national shakeup, we have probably seen nothing yet compared to the world-wide economic conditions coming.

“All the nations are ready to unite into one government and into one giant computer! As we know, God has His children’s names written in the Book of Life, and satan will write his evil followers name in his book of death! No doubt a giant electronic computer with “idol form” being on top with the name and number of his followers in it! Those who do not take the number or mark from this “electronic (fire) light” will be killed!” (Rev. 13:15-18) – Also each home or person may be forced to take smaller computer idol images in order to be under control in doing their buying and selling. “Bel swallowed up the nations, (Jer. 51:44) – “Daniel saw a strange god with him, evidently an ‘idol-like image’ formed into a computer, “a god of science!” (Dan. 11:38-39) – satan was also created in lights of similarity. Ezek. 28:13-16, 18, there will also be an ecclesiastical image unto the beast, in other words acting like the beast system before them. (Rev. 13:11). Also remember the monetary medium gold image that Nebuchadnezzar set up in Babylon!” (Dan. 3:1-4). The bible says God will prosper and bless his children even in troublesome times. Scroll 43

Gathering international events
in a word of prophecy i would like to say the world is heading for a climactic showdown gathering. International events are forming, for a huge monopoly system like a giant computer, as an evil head in a wheel with spokes of iron (the feet of the image; clay and iron) running into every nation! The cornerstone of Europe has emerged. This will be the false systems rising to contest the Headstone God, who was rejected, (Mark 12:10). Their final doom will be Armageddon. A sinister figure is about to step forth! The nations including the USA are well into international trade! Also the money gradually will be put into and handled from and through one giant system, (Bank). All this will slowly be maturing and then suddenly and quickly be under the hands of the anti-Christ finally precipitating into this Scripture, Rev. 13:15-17. All metals, food and resources will be controlled in this vast system of wealth. Daniel 2 reveals Rome was to be a dual Empire. This was seen by the legs of iron in the image, East and West Europe. Then at the end of time, in the 10 toes of it, a new element of clay, which is Communism, is seen mixed with the iron of Babylon. Then “the little horn”, the man of sin and fierce countenance, stands up to rule, although at first he may have lamb-like qualities he will end as a diabolical figure also in association with the United States. But Daniel said, the stone (Christ) would strike this great image at the toes destroying it at the end. The prophet saw this religious beast in his height of madness, (Dan. 11:36-39). Although this Scriptures has a double meaning it alludes to the anti-Christ also in his incarnate Stage. Ezek. 28:2 thus saith the Lord God; “because thine heart is lifted up, and thou hast said, I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas; yet thou art a man, and not God.” Read verses 11 though 19. They show satan’s involvement in this willful king at the end.

Evidence reveals that a catastrophic world famine will come. The Scriptural 3rd horseman of the apocalypse will ride, (Rev. 6: 5, 6). The man on the black horse among other things portrays famine and world -wide inflation, looming large in the days ahead entering the beast kingdom. This unfolds that there will be shortages, and scales are used. The man on the black horse will use controls evolving into a mark. Luke 21:35 states, “For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.” Slowly and little by little the UNO and also the giant international bureaus have been promoting and working for world government. They want control of every part of life and movement on earth. They are scheming for complete control of food, and they want the wealth in one large hoard (strong hold). But Job 27:16 -17 says in finality, “though he heap up silver as the dust, and prepare raiment as the clay; he may prepare it, but the just shall put it on, and the innocent shall divide the silver.” – (Isa. 60), also the wealth shall revert back to Israel after Armageddon!

Today we are seeing International money markets failing, shortages and famines are appearing. There is a distress of all nations who are in complete perplexity.  And the true Church is entering an era that it will have to live and depend on the revelation of God’s Word completely with active faith! But no matter how dark it appears it is comforting to know God will stand with His children. 1st Kings 8:56, “According to all He has promised there hath not failed one word.” Ps. 89:34, “My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.” Ps. 91 show the happy state and protection of the godly. Also if you have or had any hard tests or trials just remember these Scriptures, (Rom. 8:28 – I Peter 4:12). His anointing is sure and His blessings are eminent. SW 74

The electronic age
we are living in a day like unto the sign of noah all around us. The evil and days of Sodom are in every direction, wherein the time of world evangelism and the sign of the budding of the Fig Tree (Israel) restoration, we are in the sign of the last generation, and the sign of distress, perplexity of nations! The powers of the heavens are shaken by man’s inventions. All these reveal the sign of the translation and His return is soon. According to the Scriptures the translation takes place during the first half of the 7-year Tribulation, evidently during the midst of the 7 years, (Rev. 12:5). Then following this we see Satan come down among the people in the beast, in his fullness! – Then the following verses reveal the foolish virgins fleeing into the wilderness; these are called the Tribulation saints, (Rev. 7:14). The Scriptures clear up the confusion among many today and we know where we stand concerning the Translation. Events never seen before will occur. Staggering and unbelievable occurrences will transpire, shaking the very foundations of society. And evidently will grow worse leading into the apocalyptic events of all time. The book of Revelation will be literally alive in fiery prophecy.

The horseman of terror will mount, (Rev. 6) the white horseman imitator of Christ, deceiving by peace and prosperity, promising end of all wars, but will bring the worst one. The red horse shows a slaughter of mankind in this evil system. All who resist will be slain and some will flee. The black horse reveals a famine for the true word of God plus it predicts the worst famine and starvation that the world has ever seen! – Without the mark none will be able to eat or work during those horrible times! – The U.S.A. and all world currency is obsolete here.The white horse has literally turned into the pale horse of death, the last one of the Apocalypse; horror, death, destruction and hell follow him. This is Armageddon. You can sum the whole matter up in a few words, Satan and the anti-Christ deceives them (#1) – (2) kills them – (3) starves them – (4) destroys the earth and takes them to hell! What a delusion and deception, and most of the population fell for it, because they believed not the truth . . . except the wise that were translated beforehand!”

In order for the new world economic system to appear that is prophesied in Rev. 6 and 13; what strength that is left in the United States dollar must be destroyed! – A final economic collapse would silence the Christian voices in our nation and the rest of the world. Our government and all governments are so deep in debt (by trillions of dollars) that sooner or later the blowout will come. Electronic computers and new inventions are set up to control commerce and finally the people and all things with which they are associated – banking, buying, selling, and etc. Prophetic look – Future wars will be directed by decisions made by computers; electronic push button command. – Sources leading to the anti-Christ system already claim bio -computers can later solve the world’s unemployment, energy shortages, medical cost, industrial problems, food shortages and money crises. But according to the Scriptures all of this will finally fail. It is said, that all the memory and data that is in all present computers in the world could be stored in a space no bigger than a sugar cube in the new coming super computer. Now everyone can see this Scripture fulfilled, controlling the masses, (Rev. 13:13-18) – Did you notice it reveals calculation?

Here is an amazing insight concerning prophecy that was given in a science magazine and we quote: . . . “The computer and the satellite are now carrying us across a new sort of quantum jump in evolution. Electronics can soon link every human being on earth as closely as nerves and circulating fluids link the cells in our body When the jump is complete in our present social units, the unions, the parties, the armies, the corporations, the churches and the nations all may be absorbed into a single global being. This promise is both dazzling and frightening! . . . Joining it, we must surrender our individual freedom and ancient right to decide alone. With the world growing more complex – wars, terrorists, violence – our children won’t regret or miss their lost liberty. In compensation for surrendered freedom the human members of that future super organism will enjoy powers beyond our most daring predictions. They will leave our little earth! – They can reach the stars, perhaps inhabit whole galaxies. Does it not seem that the science fiction visions of future human evolution and the oneness of mankind merge into prophecies of religion?” (End quote). It sounds like they believe that mankind will produce his own millennium through his inventions and evil knowledge! – This is nothing else but a lie and delusion right out of the bottomless pit. Part of it will not come to pass, especially the part concerning deep outer space. SW 99

World development – prophecy
in this writing we will consider the facts concerning prophecy and the soon return of the lord jesus. And Jesus states, fearful and great signs shall there be from heaven, (Luke 21:11). Although this takes in celestial chariots and the coming of satanic lights, it also has another purpose. There can be no more fearful sight from the heavens than the explosion of a hydrogen atomic bomb. He predicted, for the powers of heaven shall be shaken, (Luke 21:11, 26). We are witnessing the sign of the days of Noah and Lot. We are also witnessing the sign of the distress and perplexities of nations. Economic men now state that at some point inflation is expected to be many times worse that it was in the 80’s. And, unless inflation is curbed, world revolution will take place! – They also believe that we are approaching an age where paper money will be eliminated for electronic banking cards and then finally the mark of the beast. Also the experts say that rare metals will double or triple themselves in a few years ahead, (Dan. 11:38, 43 – Rev. 18:12). And at some point soon the whole world will be controlled by a new economic system, (Rev. 13:15-18).

When the anti-Christ appears on the scene he will have control over all the money in the world. Evidently there will be an international money collapse to begin with, to give him power, then great prosperity during the first part of his reign, also during the time of a world famine, then another tremendous economic collapse as his reign ends, (Rev. 6:5-8). Right now we see a power base composed of all nations who are trying to manipulate the International Money Fund and markets in an effort to control the world economy, (Rev. 17:12-13). A Scriptural study shows the role that oil is fulfilling in Bible prophecy in the Middle East. Also, along with other economic movements here and there, events are developing to bring forth the anti-Christ on the international scene. Western Europe and the United States will work with the anti-Christ system until finally the anti-Christ himself, during the years of the Tribulation, sets up his operations in the Middle East, (Zech. 5:9-11; Rev. 11; 2nd Thess. 2:4).

Also later in the age there will be an East, West trade agreement come into being. Religious and Commercial Babylon of Rev. 17-18 is beginning to fulfill, before our eyes in this generation.

Here is a footnote: There are three factors that could tie up the world’s economy and its people and turn the power over to the false messiah anti-Christ; Number one, the Moslem (Arab) oil. Next, the Roman Babylon Church (plus Apostates, Rev. 3:14-17) . . . and third, the wealth of the Jews in this nation and over the world! – These three together could do it over night! – So let us watch and pray and continue in the harvest of the Lord quickly.

We can certainly say according to our Scripts there will be some amazing, startling and awesome events appearing. Also watch for some dramatic occurrences concerning Israel. The Scriptures declare that one of the purposes of the heavens is to give signs of His future coming and to alert us. Jesus, exhorts his people to watch for signs in the heavens: as His appearance nears, (Luke 21:25). We will definitely have displays of heavenly wonders. We will see the fall and rise of new leaders also in conjunction with many major events. The world situation will be changing dramatically and rebellion and wars in different nations. Also earthquakes and volcanic activity is increasing! – Some scientists are saying that huge meteorites could strike the earth causing some of the worst disasters since the days of the flood. Rev. 8:8-10, predicts that huge asteroids will indeed strike the earth and in the sea. I personally believe that our generation will see all these events take place. As Jesus said, “This generation shall not pass, that sees the budding of (Israel) the Fig Tree, etc,” (Matt. 24:33-35). The failing of men’s hearts, with fear: predicting that these occurrences are coming, (Luke 21:26). One last word, Take heed that the cares of this life do not prevent you from being ready; for it shall come ‘as a snare’ upon the whole earth, (Luke 21:34-35). SW 110

Faith for crisis

We are in a different kind of economy,, but however you look at it, we are going to go through some chaos. When it does and the value drops down on the dollar and when this thing hits right, you won’t be able to cover your debts of mortgages or anything; you are going to see a worldwide change over. You are going to see a new system and this inflationary monster as it runs on out into an economic runaway.

The four raging horses

{The pick of inflation, depression, recession, debt and credit will be when the Black Horse rider rides}. Black denotes depression in there. In a few years time ahead there will be a collapse of the monetary system as we know it today. Runaway inflation, there will also be droughts and famine. Remember this I have told the people, now stay out of debt as much as possible for the next few years. Only what you really have to have, because something is going to come and the church is still going to be here. But God is going to translate His church, but He is going to protect the church first. Now you remember only a foolish person would turn down the advice that God gives here.

In Rev. 11, it says, during the days of their prophecies, there will be no rain for 42 months at the time. You talk about a desperate economic situation there, it is going to come and there is no one can turn it around. The one world system is coming and what good is prosperity in the midst of shortages and famines. The antichrist, he gets his power out of chaos and through inflation blowout and when this thing begins to come it will bring a dictator with strong controls. Plus it goes into depression and inflationary measures. There could be inflation ready to blow out on one hand, and recession coming up on the other. Millionaires may suddenly lose everything they have, and people who have saved their lifesaving and put them in those bonds are washed out; and there is not anything they can do. What is fooling people today is it seems like there is prosperity around them now. If it was not for the overload of credit they would have been in one right now. The rider, he deceives them on the white horse, kills them on the red horse of wars and violence, he starves (famine, drought, hybrid seeds, diseases etc) them on the black horse and get all their money (credit, debt, inflation, depression, recession etc.) He get all control of money, food, resource and brings in the mark of the beast here: Before blending into the pale horse of death and hell follows it.

Over night something is going t take place. It is going to take place. You know people, when things begin to occur, Jesus Christ said, it would be a snare. You don’t know when it is going to come; it just looks like nothing could happen. This is a time to get a firm foundation on God, people, get your hands on God and stay with Him with all of your heart.

Comments: – economic factors that will influence and be used by the black horse rider for snares.

Credit, refers to money that is available for you to borrow, but debt is money you’ve already borrowed but haven’t yet paid back. Credit is merely the ability to acquire debt. If you use your credit card to make a $50 purchase, you’re adding $50 in debt. To decide whether to pay off credit card or loan debt first, let your debts’ interest rates guide you. Credit cards generally have higher interest rates than most types of loans do. That means it’s best to prioritize paying off credit card debt to prevent interest from piling up

Deflation:  Inflation occurs when the prices of goods and services rise, while deflation occurs when those prices decrease. The balance between these two economic conditions, opposite sides of the same coin, is delicate and an economy can quickly swing from one condition to the other. Wisdom and expertise come into play here. Remember greed is always lurking around. In economics, hyperinflation is a very high and typically accelerating inflation. It quickly erodes the real value of the local currency, as the prices of all goods increase. This causes people to minimize their holdings in that currency as they usually switch to more stable foreign currencies. Hyperinflation is a term to describe rapid, excessive, and out-of-control general price increases in an economy. While inflation measures the pace of rising.

Inflation is defined as the increase in the price levels of goods and services in an economy. Recession is said to be a period of slowing down of the economy indicated by negative growth. In basic terms, a recession is when the economy’s performance decreases for an extended period of several months, marked by GDP contraction, higher unemployment rates and lower consumer spending. During a recession, people may experience significant impacts on their daily lives. While neither a recession nor a depression would be considered good, a depression is considered worse between the two due to its long-lasting and more severe effects. Oftentimes, a recession may only affect an individual country’s economy, whereas a depression and its negative effects are felt on a global scale.

A recession is a downward trend in the economy that can affect production, employment, and produce lower household income and spending. The effects of a depression are much more severe, characterized by widespread unemployment and major pauses in economic activity.

Economic collapse (also called Economic meltdown) is any of a broad range of bad economics; often economic collapse is accompanied by social chaos, civil unrest. It is a breakdown of a national, regional, or territorial economy that typically follows or leads to a time of crisis: Economic breakdown where the economy is in distress for a long period. If the U.S. economy were to collapse, you would likely lose access to credit. Banks would close. Demand would outstrip supply of food, gas, and other. Economic collapse is the continued disintegration of the national or regional economy for a long duration, followed by a recession or financial crisis. If the economy shrinks for two consecutive quarters, it is said to have gone into recession. In general, this is determined by an indicator.  A recession is a significant decline in economic activity that lasts for months or even years. Many will be trapped in the anti-Christ and his follower’s snares. Money men, bankers, politicians, universities, religious organizations, military, terrorists and much more will be trapped by credit, debt, inflation and the mark of the beast rising from peoples despair and rejection of the true word of God, Jesus Christ the Creator, Savior and Lord God.

A word of wisdom, do all you can to stay away from debts; and pray, think using good judgment before getting entangled with credit cards or lines of credit no matter how good it looks. These are snares and deep pits; do not fall into them, for it may end up with the mark of the beast. Remember the borrower is servant to the lender, (Proverbs 22:7 and 26).

059 – The worldwide economic snare coming