Nearing zero hour

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Nearing zero hourNearing zero hour

Translation Nuggets 44

Foreboding and ominous signs are beginning to appear that was predicted by the scripts for this decade. New type systems in money and identifications are appearing now and the next year or so. For instance the micro-chip which is no bigger than a grain of rice and it can contain all of the information about the person that they need. And in the future they have a micro-chip that can be used in the same manner that sends out signals that can locate the person no matter where they go or try to hide. In the hands of a dictator it means absolute control of those who are left on the earth.

Also new things are coming in the banking system. I predicted in the 70’s that they would have a card that would instantly take money from people’s accounts on the spot electronically. This has already come to pass. It is called the debit card. —— By computerized system a person can do business anywhere on the earth without writing checks; by just using their personalized number that is given to them. Many newer changes and alterations are on their way that will blend into international trade.  (Rev. Chapter 18). A word of warning! All will lead to a mark in the skin finally, known as the mark of the beast. It will be digital, meaning the name, the number and the mark will all represent the same thing.

Shadows of health, life or death

I have received scores of letters asking me, if the President’s health program will be the mark of the beast by forcing everyone to be part of it. Probably not at first, but socialized type medicine finally will come and wind up in the mark as many other type things will also. Like buying, selling, credit and etc. Sinister things are being prepared on the drawing board of men that will be released at the proper moment. All kinds of news reports are being released and I will quote one. “For the first time in history, Americans are going to be required to carry an electronic identification card. The Clinton medical plan requires Americans to carry a card at all times with a magnetic strip that identifies them and contains an enormous amount of other information.

The most devastating blow to the liberty of Americans is about to be struck by a federal government that wants to be equal to God. Americans are about to lose a major part of their freedom. The medical security card, Hillary Clinton has designed has a magnetic strip on the back of it. That strip will contain your social security number, your driver’s license number, your place of work and what your salary is, the location of your home, the names and addresses of your children and all your medical records. This is what one Christian report is informing people of. They also believed before the year 2000 that it would be part of the mark system. Like I said before, at first whenever this plan goes into action it will probably look harmless; but later lead into a snare when a world dictator uses it in the wrong manner. (By then over the whole earth). With what I have foreseen the digital code is not too far off. The things that at first look good, peace, etc. will later turn to death. (Rev. Chapter 6), as the white horse of deception turns into the chilling apocalyptic pale horse of death. We are writing this to all our partners to watch and to pray. Before it becomes the mark, I believe God’s children escape into the Translation.

Scroll 224.

The electronic age

Here is an amazing insight concerning prophecy that was giving in a science magazine and we quote, “The computer and the satellite are now carrying us across a new sort of quantum jump in evolution. Electronics can soon link every human being on earth as closely as nerves and circulating fluids link the cells of the body. When the jump is complete in our present social units, the unions, the parties, the armies, the corporations, the churches, and the nations all may be absorbed into a single global being.” This is both dazzling and frightening. Joining it we must surrender our individual freedom and ancient right to decide alone

The wisdom of mankind has a lot of wild dreams concerning the future wherein much will come to pass for them, but in finality they will fail and by their knowledge destroy themselves And unless Jesus intervenes at Armageddon, no flesh would be saved, (Matt. 24:22). Surely now is harvest time, let us not forget the Lord’s work.                                                                                              Special Writing # 99.

Comments on {CD #2053 Finishing Touch: At the end there is going to be a finishing touch for the people of God. Today people only seek God when they are in need or in trouble and as soon as He answers or help them, they soon forget, or ignore him. It ought not to be so. Seek the Lord with all your heart and with all your soul and all your might. The finishing touch is what counts.  When you are confronted with any situation, firstly, check your faith first and see where you stand with God, before you take any step or action. In certain things encourage people from the word of God, but let them make their own decisions. An outpouring is coming and Satan cannot stop it, neither can he return to be a good angel. When the Lord says to those in the grave to come forth Satan cannot do anything about it because we have already won and have the victory.     (Study 2 Chron. Chapters 14; 15 and 16).

The pyramid cap was left out, symbolic of Jesus Christ, which is the Finishing Touch and is coming back. In the Thunders and gathering of the elect is the Finishing Touch. Say, “Lord give me that Finishing Touch.”} Not how you started but how you finished that matters.

According to the scripts and scriptures, scores of events will culminate simultaneously as the age ends. As the prophet said, the end thereof shall be with a flood. Accordingly the scripts reveal a sudden surge of political, financial, social, scientific and religious changes will take place dramatic and powerful. Israel is God’s prophetic clock, it tells us by its signs that time is short. But soon they will make an agreement (covenant) with a false friend. This leader is alive now, peaceful but very deceptive. Babylon the city by night will be bright in its electric illumination. The blood will run like fire in their veins, money will be their god, pleasure their high priest and unbridled passion the ritual of their worship.

The future

I predicted in the next eight years that one will hardly know this planet that we live on. This is because of what I have seen including the fantasy world of delusion just ahead. And in science concerning the progress of what men are going to do and put in the hands of the anti-Christ would be just simply unbelievable to many. But yet without hesitation it will surely come to pass in our near future. During this time apostasy will sweep the earth. But at the same time a mighty outpouring will come upon the children of the Lord. It is our hour to work and shine for the Lord Jesus. For us it is the hour of rejoicing for He is even at the door. His return is very soon.                                                 Scroll #141.

The prophetic scriptures

It seems we are entering the age of boasting. Men make great promises of what they can do or what finances can do for them. They boast in science and in inventions; they boast in false gods and etc, until the greates boaster of all comes, (Rev. 13:5). But here is wisdom for all, James 4:13-15, “ Go to now, ye that say, today or tomorrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year and buy and sell, and get gain: whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth away. For that ye ought to say, if the Lord will, we shall live, and do this or that,” Amen. Our boast is in the Lord Jesus and His miraculous.    Scroll #153.

Comments {Who will listen? CD #1115. There is a disturbing element as the age is about to end; of people not wanting to listen to the word and power of the Lord. Who hath believed our report, (Isaiah 53)? But there will be a sound coming from the Lord, Rev. 10:7). But who will listen? The prophets spoke the word of the Lord with “Thus saith the Lord.” It is dangerous to say such; you better be sure you have God before you say such, because you don’t live long. “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secrets unto his servants the prophets,” Amos 3:7). The king of Babylon was to come against Judah and the king Zedekiah and God sent his prophet Jeremiah to warn the king of Judah, (Jeremiah 38:14-28). The word of God unto Zedekiah by Jeremiah the prophet was that, “ If thou wilt assuredly go forth unto the king of Babylon’s princes, then thy soul shall live, and this city shall not be burned with fire; and thou shall live and thine house. But if thou wilt not go forth to the king of Babylon’s princes, then shall this city be given into the hands of the Chaldeans, and they shall burn it with fire, and thou shall not escape out of their hands.” Who will listen to the voice and word of God? According to Jeremiah 38:19-20, “Zedekiah the king said unto Jeremiah, I am afraid of the Jews that are fallen to the Chaldeans, lest they deliver me into their hands, and they mock me. But Jeremiah said, they shall not deliver thee. Obey, I beseech thee, the voice of the Lord, which I speak unto thee: so it shall be well unto thee, and thy soul shall live.”

But after about two years the king of Babylon besieged and entered the city of Jerusalem, (Jeremiah 39:1-8).  Zedekiah did not go out to meet the armies of Babylon, that evil does not come upon him, his people and the city according to the word of God by his prophet Jeremiah. He choose to go against the word of God and in verse 4, he escaped by the way of the king’s garden, by the gate betwixt the two walls: and he went out the way of the plain: contrary to the word of God by the prophet. He did not listen; Who will listen?

The Chaldean army pursued after him and caught up with him in the plains of Jericho and brought him before Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon. Who slew the sons of Zedekiah before his eyes, Who will listen? The king of Babylon slew all the nobles of Judah, Who will listen? Moreover he put out Zedekiah’s eyes, and bound him with chains to carry him to Babylon; Who will listen? To the word of God by the prophet? The Chaldeans burned the king’s house, and the houses of the people with fire and brake down the walls of Jerusalem. Who will listen to the word of God by the prophets? Today God has sent us his word by the prophets, but Who will listen? Judgment is coming according to the word of God in the book of Revelation: Who will listen?  At this end of the age the true Elect will listen to the word of God by the prophet messengers. The former and the latter rain prophets have come and gone. But who will listen. The Elect will listen. Make your calling and election sure}.

Please listen to the cd message yourself and you will really not be the same. Daniel went to Babylon as a young boy of 10 to 14 years of age. He heard of the prophecy of Jeremiah in Judea and while in Babylon he pondered over the prophecy for almost sixty years. Believing the prophecy and counting the years till it was almost seventy as prophesied. He was well placed in Babylon but kept the word of God; by the prophet Jeremiah before him, and was not distracted but focused on the word of God by the prophet. He started to pray and remind those who will listen that captivity would end soon based on the word of the prophet. He kept remembering it for almost sixty years in captivity. Who will listen. The translation was prophesied and is approaching, But Who will listen and prepare. Jesus Christ will come soon and we shall return to the heavenly Jerusalem. But Who will listen. The elect will listen.