Nuggets are hidden treasures that the wise diligently searches for because it is pearl that contains secrets. These secrets can make or unmake things especially in the journey to that city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God, Hebrews 11:10 and Revelations 21:9-21.
Today we are in the last days and every true believer is looking for that same city and Hebrews 11:40, those who have gone before us will not be made perfect without us. Both they of old and we of today have the same hope and looking for the same city; which the Lord our God promised us in John 14:1-6.
This is our chance to settle our destiny with Jesus Christ because there will be no chance in eternity for one to change their destiny. Ever imagined the line of people waiting for the joy that is contained in the promise that in a twinkling of an eye, in a moment when the Lord Jesus Christ himself calls the dead in Christ shall rise first and we who are alive and remain (this is conditional for those who are alive). What will your stand with the Lord be at that crucial moment of destiny as He calls?
In Mark 13:35-37 it reads, “Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house or (city) cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning: lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.” If you know please let me know in what watch the Lord will come to where you are staying and let me know what part of the world you are located. If you are not sure then watch and pray and know the signs of His sudden coming. The craft may be filling up with those who are ready and entering the ark. The key word is to be alert in the scriptures and know the signs of His coming.
Go to Special Writing #34 and search these out and see if you have not found some secret nuggets for the journey to that city. These include:
- The nearness and conditions surrounding the coming Christ; this should be the song in every heart of the believer, the Lord Jesus cometh soon.
- But the Bride elect was awake, because they were continually talking about His “soon return” and pointing out all the signs that prove it.
- Many of my partners notice a real strong anointing in my recorded sermons and writings. It is the anointing oil of the Holy Spirit to His people, and He will bless those who read and listen, and who stay full of His power and have strong faith in His word.
It will surely catch many off guard; so let us watch and pray and stay excited about His soon return. Watch the churches today; when people stop activity they fall asleep. In other words they were no more excited about the coming of the Lord. They have even stopped talking about His nearness. In other words the church had grown quiet on this matter, and had quit talking and had gone to sleep. Don’t forget to remember Matthew 25:10 according to Neal Frisby, scroll 319. Behold, I come quickly, surely I come quickly! Rev 22:1-20.
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