Planting and watering: remember who gives the increase

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Planting and watering: remember who gives the increasePlanting and watering: remember who gives the increase

This message has to do with 1st Corinthians 3:6-9, “I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. So then neither is he that planteth anything, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labor. For we are laborers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building.” That is what we believers are supposed to be.

The admonition above was given by Paul, the Apostle to the brethren. Then Apollos continued with the people to help solidify and grow in the faith. It is the Lord who stablishes each one as His own. Who stands or falls is in the hand of God. But for sure Paul planted and Apollos watered but the establishment and growth depends on the Lord for increase.

Today, if you look back on your life, you will notice that someone planted the seed of faith in you. More than likely it was not on the very day that you repented. Remember you are the soil and the seed is planted in you. As a child your parents may have talked to you about the Bible at home. It could be during morning prayers that they talked about Jesus Christ and salvation. It could be in school, in your younger years that someone talked to you about Jesus Christ; and about the plan of salvation and the hope of eternal life. Maybe you heard a preacher on the radio or television talk about God’s plan of salvation or you were given a tract or you picked up one dropped somewhere. Through all these means, one way or the other, the word sank into your mind. You may forget it, but the seed has been planted in you. You may not have understood anything or only understood a little at the time. But the word of God which is the original seed has reached you; by someone speaking it or sharing it and it got you wondering.

Somehow after several days or weeks or months or even years; you may have another encounter with someone or a sermon or tract that brings you to your knees. You get a new enlightenment that brings to your mind the first time you heard the word of God. You now desire more. It feels welcoming. You are hopeful. This is the beginning of the process of watering, accepting the work and plan of salvation. You have been watered. The Lord watches His seed grow on the good soil. One planted the seed and another watered the seed in the soil. As the process of germination proceeds in the presence of the Lord (sunshine) the blade pops out, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear, (Mark 4:26-29).

After one has planted and another watered; it is God that giveth the increase. The seed you planted may be dormant in the soil but when it is watered even several times, it goes into another stage. When the sunshine brings the right temperature and chemical reactions begin; just like coming into full awareness of sin, then the helplessness of man sets in. This is what makes the blade shoot out of the ground. The process of increase becomes visible. This brings awareness of your salvation testimony. Soon, the ear emerges and later the full ear of corn. This typifies spiritual growth or increase in faith. It is no more a seed but seedling, growing.

One planted the seed and another watereth, but God giveth the increase. Now he that planteth and he that watereth is one. You may have preached to a group of people or to one person without seeing any visible response. Nevertheless, you may have planted on good soil. Do not allow any opportunity of witnessing the gospel pass you by; because you never know, you may be planting or watering. He that planteth and he that watereth are one. Always be fervent in presenting the word of God. You may be planting or you may be watering: for they are both one. Remember then, that neither is he that planteth anything neither is he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. It is important to realize that he that planteth and he that watereth are all God’s husbandry; ye are God’s building and laborers together with God. God created the seed, the soil, the water and the sunshine and He alone can give the increase. Every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labor.

But remember Isaiah 42:8, “I am the Lord; that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.” You may have preached a wonderful message of salvation. To some you planted and to others you watered the seed that another had planted. Remember that the glory and evidence is in Him who alone giveth the increase. Do not try to share the glory with God when you labor to plant or to water; because you can never create the seed, or the soil, or the water. It is only God (the source of sunshine) who causeth growth and giveth the increase. Remember to be very faithful when speaking the word of God to anyone. Be fervent and committed for you may be planting or you may be watering; but God giveth the increase and all glory goes to Him, the Lord Jesus Christ who laid His life down for all men. For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life, (John 3:16). Watch your labor and expect the reward. All glory to Him that giveth the increase.

155 – Planting and watering: remember who gives the increase