018 – THE SEED OF FAITH Leave a comment



The Seed of Faith: Neal Frisby’s Sermon | CD#1861 | 02/17/1983 PM

It is a valuable, wonderful thing to know the Lord Jesus—that is the only thing that will count more than anything else in eternity. Allow your faith to begin to move. Set your heart on God. Time is shortening. It is time to get all you can from the Lord.

I will develop faith in your heart. Allow it to grow by the power of the Holy Spirit. When you believe the Lord, it is a process—you continue and He will give you a miracle. Don’t carry the devil’s torment, depression, oppression and anxiety. God has made a way to escape. He said, “Cast your burden upon me.” Some people like the burden, so they just keep on carrying it. He said that!

Believe ye receive and ye shall have (Mark 11:24). Each one of you has the        beginning of miracle within you—a seed of faith. To believe the Lord is your duty as a Christian. There is power and anointing and it will work in the deep dimension of faith. It depends on how much you want to allow it to grow. The bible says, the kingdom of God is within you. His kingdom is power; you can leave it dormant, covered with the cares of this world.

Faith, as a grain of mustard seed, can literally uproot a tree or a mountain and cast it into the sea; just a grain as it grows in power. That means there is a little light within you. You have faith within you. Each man or woman has a measure of faith to believe for whatever they need. There isn’t any disease known to man that the Lord has not already healed because–by whose stripes you were healed. “Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases” (Psalm 103: 3). He heals all your mental problems, too. If a new disease springs up, He has already healed it, if you can believe it.

There is a real providential seed of God; that seed will believe God. They may stumble, but they will believe God. The Old Testament proves this. We are under grace, how much more should we believe the Lord? We will believe the Lord. If a person has faith as a mustard seed—that little seed is within you to grow into a gigantic seed of faith; faith that is positive and does not doubt the word of God can have all things. He can have the desires of his heart.

If you don’t manifest into a miracle, it is because you do not release the positive heart-felt faith. There is no place for, may be, but you know so in your heart, regardless of what you see or anything else. Many times you will feel the power of God, but even if you don’t you know, you have what you asked. It is yours. The Lord is going to bring things into existence for the elect—tremendous creative miracles. The Lord is going to move as we close the age out.

We expect Him every night. It is a good time to say the coming of the Lord is each day. Let us expect it that way. We don’t really know the day or the hour; for        us, it is each day. Praise the Lord! We should occupy until He comes. How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation (Hebrews 2: 3)? How shall we escape if we neglect so great a healing power, the power of the Holy Spirit?

The Lord is not slack concerning His promises. What He said He would do, He will do. But you must believe it in your heart. “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise…but is longsuffering to us-ward…” (2 Peter 3:19). “Be ye doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves (James 1:22). Act upon what you hear; believe in the Lord and you receive from the Lord. Be determined, be positive.

Mustard seed faith is the kind you can’t dig up after you have planted it. You keep it in your heart and leave it until it grows. Many people today will plant their faith in the heart. The first little thing that somebody says, they doubt. Don’t even look at it. Just believe God. If you keep a seed in the ground and keep digging it up, do you believe it will ever grow? The same thing about your faith. Once you are determined and have planted the word in your heart, allow it to grow. Don’t keep digging it up. Don’t keep digging it up because somebody lost their salvation or their healing. They can, if they are not determined to hold it by the power of the Lord. Don’t dig it up, just leave it there.

Don’t doubt the Lord. Believe the Lord with all your heart and He definitely will bless you. Without faith, it is impossible to please Him (Hebrews 11: 6)). The just shall live by faith (Hebrews 10: 38). Faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. Believe in the Lord. Even if you run into people who don’t believe, what do you care? The devil is going to hell and everyone who believe in him.

Have the faith of God because Jesus is the very faith within us. It is all power in the name of the Lord Jesus. Believe you receive and you shall have. Put that positive faith in there. Believe and you shall see the glory of the Lord. You can see the glory of the Lord through miracles. You can see Him do exploits, and in answering your prayers. You can also go so far in the Spirit (in seeing the glory of the Lord) like Moses, John on Patmos and the three disciples at the transfiguration. You can look into the dimension of God. You can see the Glory Cloud. You can see His essence. Believe all of the bible. The bible says if you believe you shall see the glory of God. Solomon saw it; he believed what God told him. The temple was full of the glory of God. They couldn’t see anything. It was so thick by the power of God.

At the end of the age, He will come in a thick cloud on His people. We go away in the cloud and we meet Him in the air. The cloud will begin to move among the people of the Lord. The presence of the Lord will bring revival. Can’t you feel more than a revival in your heart tonight? Can’t you feel a restoration? We have had many revival; we are going to move into the restoration, that is, to restore all of the apostolic power. It means that He will recreate. “I am the Lord, I shall restore.” All that the church has ever lost shall be restored at the end of the age. The works that I do shall ye do and even greater works (John 14: 12). Praise the Lord! So great we go up into heaven to meet the Lord.

We have promises of dominion over Satan. He (Jesus Christ) has given us power over the enemy and nothing shall hurt us (Luke 10: 19). It’s real power and it is power that comes from the Lord Jesus. Each one has that little grain, if you let it grow, and that little light that is within you is positive faith. Allow it to grow and expand. Don’t cover it with doubt. Allow it to grow and you will be a winner for the Lord. He will bless you. Let your light shine and manifest it with power. You have light that you will actually be guided by in this dark world. It will lead you about.

Walk ye in the spirit, the bible says. It is impossible to please God without faith. How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation and the power of the Holy Spirit? You shall not escape.

You already have a miracle within your system, what are you going to do about it? Are you going to let your flesh cover it up? Are you going to allow your ideas to cover it up? Are you going to allow that faith that God has given you to grow and bless your heart?


Fruit of Faith

Fruit of Faith | Neal Frisby’s Sermon: Fruit of the Spirit Series | 11/09/77 PM

On the television they have the fruit of the flesh. It attracts the crowd. The flesh wars against the Spirit. To get the fruit of the Spirit working, yield to the Lord.

The fruit of faith is different from the gift of faith (see a description of the gift of faith in Scroll 55 paragraph 2).

Take no thought for your life (Matthew 6:25-26). If there is a delay, it does not mean that the Lord does not know what you need. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33).

People worry so much about tomorrow, they cannot live today. Keep faith up, worry down (Luke 12: 6 & 7; Luke 12: 15 & 23)! Put things in the hands of the Lord. In this age, patience is like gold.

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