Confession’s Power: Sermon by Neal Frisby | CD#1295 | 01/07/90 AM
Well, joy to the brethren. Forget about man. Forget about the things of this world. Put your mind on the Lord Jesus. The Holy Spirit will move. The anointing on me will come right on you. One day, I was praying, I told the Lord—you can see a lot of things that are not done, ready for the translation—I was praying and I said, “What else can the people do?” And the Lord said, “They shall confess.” I said, “Lord, many people have salvation, they have the Holy Spirit.” He said, “My people shall confess.” This sermon is not just on sin, but it is going to cover the sinner too. I remember a little after this, I would read in the newspaper or magazine, somebody would say, “I confess myself to the priest.” Somebody else would say, “I confess my problems to Buddha.” Somebody else would say, “I confess to the pope.” Most of this is not scriptural. I look around the land; there is a lot of confessing going on. God’s people have a confessing to do before the translation.
Confession’s power—if it is done right– or the power of confession: The churches must confess their weakness and then turn around and confess God’s greatness because they can do nothing within themselves, saith the Lord. Today, most of them want to do it within themselves. Some way or other, you must do your part, but you must always consider yourself the “lesser” and God, the “Greater.” Before a great revival can restore all that it can to the churches, the people are going to confess their shortcomings because they fall short of the glory of God. This is an international message, not just directed to this church. It is going to cover anybody here, and anybody else; it will go all over to help the church.
It won’t happen in one day. People are not loyal to God. But as the crises come, as events show themselves and as the Holy Spirit moves, He is going to prepare His people as He said in Joel. The people are going to have to confess. You may be saved and filled with the Holy Spirit, but the churches must confess their shortcomings, in every department of their lives. First, they must confess, saith the Lord, their prayer life. Then, they must confess, saith the Lord, that they have lost their love for souls. You may say, “I love souls.” How much is your heart in it? How much do you really care for the souls that are dying that God wants to bring in by your prayer? Nevertheless, said the Lord, He will get them anyway. But, He wants you to move; and then, He will reward you for it. How much do you praise the Lord? Every Christian should confess their unthankful attitude for what God has done when He brought them up from the earth and gave them eternal life. They are not thankful enough.
Before the great translation, you watch and see the confessing of God’s people for their shortcomings. Watch how God will sweep across them in a rain that we have not seen before. We had rain the other day. It just swept across the ground. It cleaned everything in its path. Everything sparkled and was bright afterward. That’s what God’s latter rain is going to do. It will give us a final wash job. He is going to put a lot of detergent in this one. The last one (former rain), it got a few people and gathered them up. The rest of them went into denominations and different cults of people that don’t believe properly. This detergent is going to really do it. It’s coming.
How many confess that they believe all of the word of God with all their heart and that they are putting all of the word of God into action? They are going to fall short. How many confess– may be– that they are not giving what they should to the Lord? So much is going into everything else. There is a time that the people of God all over the land should give and not fall short; not only their finances, but of themselves and their prayer. All of this together, He is putting it in there. I know Him. Falling short; how much will you confess that your faith is not where it should be? All these things come into focus, saith the Lord. They shall line up with the Headstone, saith the Living God. Then, when they do, they cross together, they are locked, they are sealed and the translation takes place.
You’ll say, how will He do it? Oh! You just let the persecution, the crises and the things that are going to come upon the land come; they will be more than happy then to get a hold of the Lord in the right way. Right now, it is too easy. Watch how the Lord is going to do that church in the last days while the whole world wonders after something else. “I will restore,” saith the Lord. That’s in Joel 2. While the Protestants and the apostates begin to confess to the Babylonian priests, God’s true church will confess their love for the Lord Jesus Christ. They will confess directly to the Lord Jesus Christ. They will not confess to the priest, they will not confess to Buddha, they will not confess to the pope, they will not confess to tradition, they will not confess to Mohammed, they will not confess to Mecca or Allah, but to the Living God. They also, saith the Lord, shall confess that Jesus is the Lord! How many of the churches confess that He is the Living God, the Immortal One! Watch how He cleanses them with that! Confess Him as your Savior. I know of no other God, He told Isaiah (Isaiah 44: 8). I am the Messiah! Confess to all His power and see what happens. Confess to all His power and see what happens.
While the Protestants are going off in that direction there, they (true church) will confess their faults, they will confess all of their things to the Lord Jesus there. Then, I will restore, saith the Lord. You go back over this tape, speaking about His divine love, His faith and the word, speaking about Jesus, the Eternal One, go back and He said, “I will restore.” Again, He comes back the second time, I will restore, saith the Lord. Watch and see how He moves. The latter rain, the sound thereof shall come. All great outpourings started this way. It will start again right at the end- –the translation—or there will be no translation unless these things we mentioned here come into focus as the Lord said. And they will come. The persecution, the things that will happen in this nation and around the world will push the people together. God’s Holy Spirit then will be a compelling force that you’ve never felt before. It will draw; it will pull and unite in the proper way—not as man unites—but, as “I unite my people spiritually.” It is going to come.
Try it daily. I say, abide by it and see if your life is not cleansed, see if God doesn’t move in such a way to cleanse the heart, the mind, the soul and the body. Do you know Paul died daily; he said, “…I die daily” (1 Corinthians 15:31). David–no matter how his enemies would push at him in every direction–he said, I would even rise at midnight, if I have anything in my heart troubling me, I will confess to God. I will praise the Lord seven times a day. I will praise Him at midnight (Psalm 119: 62 &164). I will rise and see if everything is in order. He cleansed himself daily so nothing could clog in him because it would drag him down. He learned as he grew up. So shall the church act, exactly like the psalmist, get rid of old things and get back to God. Boy, a revival is on! I can jump over a wall and through a troop! This is a true church message to those that have salvation. You want to get a hold of it. It will clear up that soul. It will help you in every way. Job—you know the trouble, affliction and pain that he got into. Finally, Job turned everything around. He confessed everything; his attitude, he confessed his fears and he confessed he didn’t know what he should know.
Now, there are two things I should have said in front of the sermon; there are two things that God wants the church to do: confess their faults to Him–sometimes on a daily basis—if you have anything against anybody, confess your bitterness, saith the Lord. Get it out there, so I can move. The church, all over the land, has bitterness, saith the Lord. It shall come out. “Well, we’ll call for somebody with a lighter message.” I am afraid you will go on the broad way. That’s right. And confess His power, that’s the other one. David went right along with one confession and rode/wrote out the other one. He knew how to get God on his side and he knew how to stay on God’s side. The church has got to get on God’s side and stay on God’s side. You can only do it by what I am preaching here today.
You may be saved and in salvation, but look, the life is not what it should be; it is coming, God is going to shake it right into that stone. Amen. Job finally turned around. See what God did for him. He confessed his weakness and confessed God’s greatness. When he confessed God’s greatness, the Lord was more than happy to hear him out. He couldn’t wait to hear Job out. He was happy about it when Job got the right perspective and he got the right attitude toward God. The Lord spoke to him and helped Job to turn around. Job was healed and got back twice as much. See what God did for him because he finally became honest with himself. He cleansed out his fear and attitude. Then, he confessed how great God was and how little he was.
In the bible, David said in Psalm 32: 5, “I acknowledged my sin unto thee…I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord….” He went on to confess his sins and God’s power. These two things–confessing your weakness and God’s power—will bring revival. Daniel confessed, yet according to the bible, we find no wrong—you can look everywhere in the bible–if there was a fault with him, it was not written. Yet, he confessed with the people, “I prayed unto the Lord, my God…the great and dreadful God…” (Daniel 9: 4). Look at him build Him (God) up there. He did not pass Him over as just another god, but as the Great God. Daniel confessed, “We have sinned and have committed iniquity…” (v. 5). They had departed from God’s word and from the faith that God had given them through the prophets.
Jeremiah, ever a pitiful condition of a prophet, confessed the wrongs of the people in the Lamentations. He wept and confessed for every one of them. They thought he was erratic and out of his mind. They wouldn’t even listen to him. He turned around and said the ground is going to be dry, you will drink dust; the cattle and asses will fall down and their eyes will pop out, you will be in cages in a place where you will eat one another, annihilation will set in. They said, now, we know he is mad. But, every prophecy in the captivity, everything that occurred to those people happened as he spoke it. All of the events worse than that, saith the Lord, shall come upon the face of the earth. Never shall there be a time like that since the beginning of the world—the trouble time (Matthew 24: 21). As a snare shall it upon the people. It’s going to be like the sun is shining and everything looks good. You turn around, there is a dark cloud and she is taken away. As a snare shall it come upon them that dwell upon the earth.
And I said, “Lord, what shall the people do?” I see so many things they are not doing for you. Look at the harvest fields and I said to myself, ‘and the souls, too” He said, “My people shall confess.” And, I said, “Lord, some are saved and filled with the Holy Ghost.” He said, “My people shall confess.” And when they confess of their weakness and God’s power as Job had to do, everything is going to turn around; a jubilee is on, a revival has come. Do you know you are a long way from getting done what God wants you to do with your life, what He gave you, your strength and power to pray? You haven’t come to what He wants to capstone you up.
Daniel allotted himself with the people though he had done nothing. Sometimes, as far as you can see, you may have done nothing, but confess any thought against somebody, any bitterness or anything you must have done—it could be anyone you think is not a Christian, anyone you work with—in your heart daily, do as David. At midnight, rise up; seven times a day, praise the Lord. Do like Daniel did, he allotted himself with the people. Make sure of one thing: in confessing—whether you have done anything wrong or not—there is power, saith the Lord. There is always room to confess. How many hours have you prayed? How much time have you spent in the word of God? How much have you talked to your children? I think all of us fall short of that, sometimes.
Somebody say, “Oh, that’s for sinners. No, confession is not to a priest or Buddha, but directly to Jesus. He is our Most High Priest in the book of Hebrews. He is the Priest of the earth. You don’t need another. Glory! They say, “That’s for sinners. That’s for the world.” No, that’s for Christians. First, their unthankful attitude has to come under subjection. They don’t realize what the Lord has really done for His people to keep the old dragon, the wickedness and the sinners who do not have the faith in the Lord God, from overcoming the church. He has kept you. He will hold you. He is going to keep you and take you out in the translation.
It says in Philippians 2: 11, “And that every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord….” You’ve got to, whether you like it or not, to the glory of God and the Father. He is Lord. Romans 14:11 “…As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.” Every knee shall bow whether it likes it or not. Lucifer will bow. He will confess you are the Almighty, the Lord Jesus. Every knee shall bow to me, saith the Lord. Every tongue shall confess and not hold back, but it must speak it in truth. That’s exactly right. Daniel said, “The Dreadful God,” the One that loves those that keep what He said and believe with all their heart. Check your faith out! Check it out with the word of God. Check out how you believe in the Lord. What are you doing for the Lord? Check it out. Find out. See; examine your faith by the word of God, examine your faith by the Spirit of God, examine your faith by yourself. He is going to have a prepared people.
Right here, it’s a little psalm here. All over the psalms and all over the bible, the prophets confessed for the people. Here, David confessed his weakness and he confessed the greatness of God, right with it. That’s why he became what he was and that’s why the church has to do that. Psalm 118: 14 – 29.
“The Lord is my strength and song; and is become my salvation” (v. 14). He gave Him (the Lord) credit for writing the psalms. God is your strength. He had God on his mind so much that the Lord became a tune; He has become a tune (“The Lord is…my song”). He has become my salvation, now, he said. I have got Him.
“The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tabernacles of the righteous; the right hand of the Lord doeth valiantly….The right hand of the Lord doeth valiantly” (vs. 15 & 16). Look at the voice of salvation among those that love Him and confess their weakness and His greatness. Who is the right hand of the Lord? “Jesus,” saith the Lord. Jesus is the right hand of the Lord. Jesus does valiantly. David said, “I don’t know His name, but He’s got a name.” I will bless the name of the Lord. It can’t be any other but the Lord Jesus. The right hand of the Lord is Jesus. He stands on the right hand of power. The right hand of the Lord does valiantly. Nobody could have done any more valiantly than Him to stand up to a pack of devils, demons, Pharisees, the government of Rome and all of them together; that’s valiant. The right hand of God stood against them in the Messiah and He defeated them with divine love; with divine love, He whopped them and by confessing the forgiveness for what they had done to Him. He was still confessing, “Lord, forgive them.” He, himself, the Messiah, as an example; His last point, the Right Hand of the Lord came, He did valiantly and He won the victory. That is why I am able to stay in this pulpit and why you are able to stay there today! Time is running out. These kinds of messages are very valuable and important because no two will ever preach the same message even if they were called by God exactly the same. It’s like a fingerprint; preach about it, preach around it, preach some of it, but God gives the prophet a fingerprint. Some of them will take their messages from it. That’s fine; prophets learn from prophets. But their style and anointing cannot be totally imitated.
“I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord” (v. 17). The enemy said, “We’ll kill you, David.” If the devil tells you, you are going to die, you young people out there—one day or another people have to pass on to the Lord, they will pass from this plane to another, the plane of the Spirit—but anytime you fear and the devil tells you, you are going to die, you just do what I said in this sermon here. You get alone with the Lord and confess your weakness and His great power, and it will surge. See; if you are weak, He is strong. He will come in there. Declare the works of the Lord. Why do you live? To declare the works of the Lord. That’s why you are still living out there. I shall live, he said, I have got some more talking to do.
“The Lord hath chastened me sore; but he hath not given me over unto death” (v. 18). I can wiggle out of this. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death—He didn’t run through there; all of them were scared and ran through there. He was feeling good. Why? He had already got the answer before he got there. You don’t want to get the answer when you are in the middle of it; you’ll have to run. He got the answer before he got in the shadow of death. He said, thy rod and they staff, they comfort me.
“Open to me the gates of righteousness: I will go into them, I will praise the Lord” (v. 19). I confess, I will praise the Lord.
“I will praise thee; for thou hast heard me…” (v. 21). He didn’t have to hear the Lord tell him He has heard him. He told the Lord He heard him. That was good enough for him. Man, he prayed; the Lord heard him
Then, we get down to the most beautiful thing, the headstone of the whole sermon and He gave me this beautiful scripture: “The stone which the builders refused is become the headstone of the corner” (v. 22). That’s why they couldn’t beat him. The first stone he picked and killed Goliath with; he had that stone. This is to the church and the church is like what we are preaching here. If you really want to get something now, you can do it. Confess all of your shortcomings; whatever is wrong with you daily, if you have anything against somebody or else it will build up into bitterness. Then, it will set in you. You won’t have the right personality toward God. You’ve got to watch. The human nature is hard to keep down. Paul said, “I die daily.” The old human nature is going to make you think it’s the right thing to do, to keep the bitterness, but it’s the wrong thing, saith the Lord. “The stone which the builders refused”—they built this whole temple and they rejected the very stone that they had built. They refused the message all through the Old Testament that the Messiah was coming. Then, when they got to the top of it to finish the building, they rejected the very capstone of God; they rejected Him and they were rejected themselves, saith the Lord. That scripture (v. 22) is used in the New Testament too. The Gentiles and the Jews rejected the Headstone or the very Keystone. The Jews did; the Messiah came, he was crucified. He was rejected. Only a small group believed and received Him. At the end of the age, the Gentiles will turn around and the big systems of the earth, they will reject the very Keystone, the very Headstone of the Lord. They, too, will reject it and a small group of people that love God will keep it. At the end of the age, if you love Jesus in the proper way, they cannot and will not accept you. They will reject you, kind of sounds like Capstone (Capstone Cathedral) here, doesn’t it? How many of you believe that? You can work miracles, you can walk on fire and you can appear with angels, that won’t make any difference. They care nothing about that. They are not made of the right material and they don’t want the right spirit. That’s right. They refused the very Headstone. Don’t do it. He is the Headstone, that is, the Living God. He is the Capstone of the universe. He sits in the Capstone, on the throne–“One sat.” He is there. So, at the end of the age, they will do like the Jews and will reject Him. They will have a gospel that is an imitation kind of gospel. The Pharisee tried to use the Old Testament on Jesus, but it didn’t work. . They didn’t even believe it. “If you had believed it, said Jesus, you would have known that I was the Messiah.” At the second coming of Christ–He is going to come very soon—they are not going to believe it. They will walk on to another type of gospel that they think is going to solve their problems, by themselves, through the churches or through the systems of this world. They cannot do it. The Prince of Peace is the only One that can do it.
“This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes” (v. 23). He blinded them (the Jews); the Gentiles got the gospel. The Gentiles will be blinded. He will turn back to the Jews. “This is the day which the Lord hath made…” (v.24). I think they have a song like that “This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.” Now, in the 1990s, where we are right now, this is the day the Lord has made, the day when they will reject the Capstone and the people of God will receive it. This is the day. God has planned it all; He has planned it all right down to the day we live in. This is the day the Lord has made. Let’s rejoice in it. Let’s praise God in it. Let’s appreciate the Lord. Let’s believe Him with all our heart. He will cleanse you and purge you as the rain; “I am sending the rain right through here.” Believe God; this is the day the Lord has made, rejoice!
“Save now, I beseech thee, O Lord, I beseech thee, send now prosperity” (v.25). He put that in there. He will do it for you, whatever you want.
“Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the Lord: we have blessed you out of the house of the Lord” (v. 26). It sounds like the message that God gave. I got a blessing from this. One of the blessings I got; I finally got almost all of you to believe almost everything that I said. Anytime a minister goes before the pulpit, preaches the true word of God and the people receive it, he gets a blessing. Anytime he touches on the book of Revelation and they believe; there is another blessing. It said it right there.
“God is the Lord which hath shewed us light….Thou art my God, and I will praise thee: thou art my God, I will exalt thee” (vs. 27 & 28). All the way! David said. We have to do that for what He has done for us. There isn’t anything to that. People say, “Well, I have to do all of that?” This is easy; wait until the world gets loose on you out there in the last systems that will come upon the earth. You have it easy now. Then, you are going to do exactly what they say, do, or else, snap! You will say, “How easy the gospel was!” See; the tribulation saints—“Why wouldn’t we? “We are foolish,” that’s what He called them. Foolish. “Why did we not believe? Why did we not receive all totally what God had? Why did we only have to take part of what God said because of what the minister would say? We had the word of God. The whole bible was given to us. We had God’s prophet himself talking to us.” And they didn’t. And they fled for their lives. “Oh, how easy the bible was? What liberty that we had to go to the house of God; to ask for the blessings of the Lord, to ask the Lord for healing, to ask the Lord for miracles, to ask the Lord for salvation and for His Spirit? Freedom was everywhere. Now we are fleeing because we would not adhere to all the word of God and what God said about His Spirit.” But, too late!
“O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever” (v. 29). And David gave up the ghost and he was so happy to go on his way toward God. Great is the Lord God!
Now, over the land, remember, I preach this here. It would do this church some good, but it goes everywhere I can send it. And the church in this great rain, confessing their weakness—even though, they have salvation and the Holy Spirit—confessing their weakness and shortcomings to the Lord, will bring great revival. That cleansing will come through that rain and you will go away just like a white eagle to heaven. Glory to God!
Confession’s power or the power of confession: Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that I am the Almighty. With this message that we have got this morning, even people that have done nothing wrong will confess of their shortcomings, of may be what they could have done. That’s probably what was bothering Daniel; he thought he could have done more. So, he allotted himself with the people, right in front of God. You know what the Lord said because he did that? “Greatly, thou are beloved, Daniel; greatly thou are beloved in heaven.” He told him two or three times he was an honest prophet.
That’s the way it is. Futuristic, by prophetic utterance and by prophecy that is the way the church is going to “wash out” and be carried away. That’s it from the Lord. If you’ve got any faults, you need to clear them up. Now, we are going to do what the prophet (David) said to do; we are going to praise the Lord and confess His strength, Amen, and our weakness, but His power. Can you confess? Can you shout the victory? Can you praise the Lord? How many of you can praise the Lord? Let’s praise the Lord!
Confession’s Power: Sermon by Neal Frisby | CD#1295 | 01/07/90 AM
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