Christ is the God Almighty in the office of the Son, the Spirit that dwelth in a human body and this body is God Almighty in human form, the Word that was made flesh and dwelth among us, St John 1:14: so God has a body he prepared by the holy ghost for himself to dwell in for the work of salvation, Jesus, (Hebrews 10:5-7) (Scroll 43 paragraph 6). When Jesus Christ came to this world for the work of salvation, he was also in heaven. He was in two places at the same time, in heaven (in spirit), and upon the earth in body and spirit; that is the mysterious infinite God. The son of God- God, dwelling in the son of man – God. (scroll 74 Para 5) (St John 3:13) (seven church ages page 100) (seven church ages page 137), these are mysteries that had been revealed by Christ to His bride elect.

So Christ had a body that He dwelled in which He used to operate humanly, and He had the Holy Spirit which He used to operate Godly. As our example we are also spirit-souls, we have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us and we dwell in a human body. We are to also operate humanly in the human body that we dwell in and operate Godly by the Holy Spirit, God in us and around us.

The human body God gave us is for us to use for humanity. It is for us to dwell in, it is for us to express ourselves, it is for us to move from one place to the other naturally. While the Holy Spirit is to move us from one place to another supernaturally according to our faith and to manifest other divine attributes. The fantasy world automobile can also move us from one place to another, it is evil and good from the tree of knowledge of evil and good, which is satanic. This fantasy of science and technology is what Satan used to replace reality after the fall of man. The fall of man (Adam) in the garden of Eden made man to fall short of the glory of God and Satan offered man his fantasy. Jesus came 2000 years ago to restore what we lost by the sin of Adam; the supernatural, by the Word of God, faith of God and the Spirit of Go. We are supernatural sons of God, that are expected to live supernaturally, our minds should be renewed now, from fantasy to supernatural by the Spirit of God.

We have seen what we use our bodies to do, because of this, we are to take proper care of our bodies if not we cannot use the body to discharge these responsibilities of dwelling, expression, movement and humanity. Our bodies need appropriate rest, exercise and right diet. We must obey the law of health for our bodies to stay healthy and strong to be able to use it mostly for the work of the Lord and other things. We must learn like Jesus and Paul and other men of God to fast often with prayer and the Word of God for the renewal of our youth.

We must learn to avoid the foods that Satan has introduced to destroy the body that is everywhere now. We should also try to know the right food for our different blood groups and abide with them for the good of our body. For example a person with blood group O needs more protein than carbohydrate with vigorous exercise. We should not misuse or overuse our bodies because the Lord wants the elect body to be full of health when He comes (special writing page 5 last paragraph) (Psalm 105:37). There shall not be anyone of the elect sick or feeble before the change (translation), every one of us must and will be in health before the translation (special writing page 135 paragraph 2).

May the Lord help our body to be like His healthy body in Jesus name. For we are bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh (Eph 5:30) and we shall enjoy this mortal body before it changes to immortality in Jesus name. If one fails to take care of this body, given to us by God, the person may experience premature departure from this earth to paradise.

If the body is sickly, one will suffer pains and one cannot use it to express himself for the work of the Lord. We should obey health laws and spiritual instructions to have a healthy body to use, as Christ did. May our bodies be healthy and ready for the coming of the Lord Jesus, Amen. All glory be unto JESUS the pillar of fire forever and ever. Amen. JESUS IS COMING SOON!!
Bro Godwin Enemuo
Tel: +2348060158957

by Godwin Enemudo