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“The potentials of faith are incredible! – Here are some Scriptures to encourage your heart to believe for greater things!” –

“Yea, saith the Lord Jesus, all things are possible to him that believeth!” (Actions and trust) Mark 9:23 – “By faith major obstacles are removed!” (Luke 17:6) – “By faith nothing shall be impossible!” (St. Matt. 17:20) – “If a person doubts not in his heart, he shall have whatsoever he saith!” (Mark 11:24)

“By faith even gravity can be overruled!” (Matt. 21:21) – “Even the ax head floated on the water for Elisha by faith . . . revealing God will overrule His laws of forces!” – “By faith one can enter a new dimension and see the glory of God!” (St. John 11:40) – Even as Moses also stood on the clift of the rock and saw into another dimension of God’s glory as he passed by!

– Also Elijah entered a new celestial phase when he entered the fiery chariot and was carried away! – And by faith and the anointed word we also shall be translated! – “Yea, saith the Lord, My chosen children’s faith shall grow into a new supernatural realm as I prepare them for My soon coming!”

Startling and amazing miracles of the Old Testament. – “The giving of the manna is a well know fact, yet it stands out from the other miracles in that it was repeated 12,500 times! – It was first given on the 15th day of the 2nd month after Israel came out of Egypt. (Ex. 16:1) And it ceased in the 40th year! (Josh. 5:6, 10-12) Therefore eliminating one month and all Saturdays there were approximately 12,500 times that the manna fell! (Ex. 16:4) – “When the manna fell it distilled with the dew and when the dew evaporated there was left a small round thing, as small as hoarfrost upon the ground. – It was extremely perishable and was gathered daily except one day! – It taught the people to depend daily on God! – This continual trust in God for our needs is a most important lesson of life!”

“Of all the miracles in the Old Testament, the giving of the manna and daily dependence on God’s providence is one of the most important – teaching that people do not actually have to store up, but can daily depend upon the Lord for their needs!” – “And then too there is nothing wrong with conserving and being prepared, but Jesus loves even more for his people to daily trust Him by faith!” – This was the lesson of the manna!” – As the Scriptures say, “Give us this day, our daily bread!” – “But the children of Israel had to act, and we have to act also to truly live in the daily miracle!”

“The amazing miracle of the man who did not age after a certain point, and whose strength was renewed as the eagle, plus divine health!” – “First of all, Moses was a great intercessor!” – (Take note) – “Examples: Daniel, the man of prayer, was in active service until he reached nearly a hundred years! – Anna, a woman of prayer, lived over a century.” – “Afterwards, Moses was emboldened to ask God that he might see His glory. His prayer was answered; God hid him in the clift of the rock and let him behold a vision of His glory!” (Ex. 33:21, 22) – “Also after 40 days on the Mount the glory of the Lord was upon

Moses, that his face shone as the sun! – His face was as brilliant lightning and the children of Israel could not look upon him! – So he was forced to wear a vail over his face!” (Ex. 34:35) – “In some remarkable and mysterious way the effect of these supernatural experiences somehow suspended the process of advancing age! – The years came and went, but no deterioration of Moses’ physical body showed!” – “And Moses was an hundred and twenty years old when he died: his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated!” (Deut. 34:7) – “Herein we see a truth that God goes even beyond healing into the realms of divine health!”

The Psalmist, when speaking of God’s benefits, forgiveness and healing, added other benefits of His mercies including the benefit of youth! – “Who satisfied thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” (Ps. 103:4-

  • – “There is a place in God’s plans wherein youth is renewed so that a Christian can live and be in active life of usefulness as long as he or she is on the earth! – But it is clear that these blessings are for those that dwell in the secret place of the Most High!” (Ps. chap. 91) – “And with long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation!” – “So Moses’ eye was not dim, nor his natural strength abated at 120 years of age!” – “The promise of the quickening of the physical body even in old age is one of the forgotten miracles in our church age! – The inspired writer admonishes us to “forget not all His benefits,” and one of those benefits is to have one’s mouth satisfied with good things, “so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s!” – “So we see, besides

salvation and divine healing, renewed youth and divine health is given!” – “Begin to take advantage of these beautiful promises. Also all can become intercessors in daily remembrance of God’s harvest!” – Also in this it reveals it is not how much you eat, but it is what proper things that you eat in the right nourishment! – “But most of all, coupled with this, it is the powerful anointing that you are receiving through this ministry that will most certainly help to renew your youth! So receive and use it for God’s glory in your life!”

In God’s love,

Neal Frisby