This sermon is about a man materially and financially content like people of today but spiritually empty. But he knew he needed something and when he heard about Jesus the Christ he sincerely wanted to see him. He was wealthy but small in size; he exercised his faith by doing the extraordinary. What about you and what will you do as to see Jesus the Christ?
Zacchaeus, as written in St. Luke 19:1-10; was a rich man, a chief among the publicans. He like other citizens of Jerusalem, have heard about Jesus Christ of Nazareth; his preaching, miracles, compassion and promises. He wanted to see Jesus Christ and could not because he was little of stature. This was a man the bible said was a highly placed man and rich; imagine the highly placed and rich people of today, what they even think about Jesus the Christ?
To see Jesus Christ, Zacchaeus ran before, and climbed up a sycomore tree to see him. This man like most of us would love to see Jesus Christ; he knew he was rich and short but he was determined. How many rich and highly placed people will be willing to park their cars, run on the rough streets, climb a tree to try and see Jesus the Christ? When you hear about Jesus, if you give it a thought, you would make up your mind, on either to come in contact with him or to avoid him. Zacchaeus made his strategy and positioned himself where he could see Jesus. He ran ahead and climbed a tree. He put work to his faith to get results.
Many have heard about Jesus, some have faith but no work and some have faith and have put work to it. Which group do you belong to?
St. Luke 19:5
As Jesus the Lord passed by with his disciples and many people, he came to a particular tree and more than likely there may have been other people on the tree; and stopped. The Lord may have stopped under a tree or a place where you are standing or sitting. Suddenly the Lord looks up to see you as he saw Zacchaeus. No man comes to the SON except the FATHER calls him. Jesus looked up and saw you as he saw Zacchaeus, and called him by name saying “Zacchaeus make haste, and come down; for today I MUST ABIDE AT THY HOUSE.”
Jesus calls you by NAME and says today I will abide at thy HOUSE. What a moment, God looking up or down and seeing you; then calling you by name. Imagine the shock of hearing your name from someone who you assume does not know you and coming to your home to abide. Calling your name means he knows you and will give you a chance to connect with him. John 3:18, “he that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” We all have a conscience, many of us have been called at one time or the other by God but did not accept the call and some reject the call out right.
God is merciful and even gave both Satan and Judas opportunities for their own good. Satan was the cherub that covered the throne of God, until he rebelled against God. Judas Ischariot was called by Jesus, given opportunity to serve as a disciple and to be an apostle; he went out with other apostles to preach and do miracles for a while. In the end Judas rejected, betrayed and gave up his place with the Lord.
St. John 3:18.
Jesus Christ said, ‘I have chosen you twelve but one of you is a devil and will betray the Son of man.’ Do not be on the same side with Judas and the devil.
Zacchaeus made haste and came down and received the Lord joyfully. Some were upset that Jesus went into the house of a sinner, but he confessed to Jesus his efforts at making amendments for his sins and shortcomings. One of the hallmarks of coming in contact with the Lord is CONFESSION, to he who is higher and more powerful than you are. When you hear about Jesus and do not have the evidence of JOY in your life, then something is wrong.
Salvation is found in no other name but Christ Jesus the Lord. Jesus is the resurrection and the life. Salvation is life. Jesus said “I have come that ye may have life and that more abundantly. In verse 9 Jesus said, “this day is SALVATION come to this house for so much as he also is a son of Abraham. For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Salvation is accepting Jesus Christ; here Jesus said salvation is come to your house today and that was assurance from the Lord.
Here was a man called a sinner by those who consider themselves righteous; he was rich and of a small stature but acted out his faith in an attempt to see, hear and belief Jesus.
By Douglas Amobi