Several women in the bible made a lot of difference, however, we are going to consider a couple of them, that we may learn from their lives.

Sarah of Abraham (Hebrew 11:11) was a beautiful woman who went through a lot, was childless, mocked but her maiden, taken from her husband by two men because of her beauty.

  1. Genesis 12:10-20 by Pharaoh of Egypt;
  2. the other was Abimelech in Genesis 20:1-12. when she was in her eighties.

God intervened in both instances. We should learn to be faithful to God always, imagine the horror she passed through but the Lord was with her and did not allow any harm (Psalms 23 and 91). Sarah so much honored God and respectful to her husband, that she could call her husband my lord. She was eventually blessed with Isaac the promise of God, when she was 90 years old. Do not look at your circumstances, look and hold to the promises of God to you. Make your dealings with Jesus Christ very personal and you will see the results.

Mary the sister to Martha and Lazarus was one of the women of God, that showed a quality that not many have today. She knew how to hold on to the word of God, she could not be distracted from listening to the Lord. She knew what was important, while her sister, Martha was busy trying to entertain the Lord. She was cooking and even complained to the Lord that Mary was not helping in the cooking, read St. Luke 10:38-42. Learn to allow the Lord guide you into what is important and what is not. Mary took what was important, listening to Jesus. What is your choice, remember not to be in friendship with the world.

Esther (Hadassah)  was a remarkable woman who put her life on the line for her people the Jews. She showed determination and confidence towards God. She applied fasting and prayer to her problems and the Lord answered her and her people, read Esther 4:16. She influenced the conditions of her day and moved the hand of God, what about you? How have you moved the hand of God lately?

Abigail, 1st Samuel 25:14-42 , this was a woman that could discern and knew the move of God. She knew how to intercede and to speak softly (a soft answer turneth away wrath, Proverbs15:1). She calmed down a man of war in the moment of tension and had good judgment to know her husband was evil. Today nobody seems to agree they have evil family members. Every true believer  needs good discernment, wisdom, judgment and calmness with soft appeal like Abigail.

Hannah the mother of Samuel the prophet was a remarkable woman, barren for sometime (1st Samuel1:9-18) but God eventually answered her prayers. She made a vow to the Lord and kept it; ask yourself if you have ever made a vow to the Lord and did you keep it or not. Faithfulness is important especially in these last days. She showed us the importance of faithfulness, the power of prayer and trust in the Lord. Remarkably today many Christians quote certain scriptures but they forget it came from Hannah by the inspiration of God; like 1st Samuel 2:1; and 2:6-10, “There is none holy like the Lord; for there is none beside thee, neither is there any rock like our God.”

Ruth of Naomi, the mother of Obed, the grandfather of King David was the wonderful wife of Boaz . She was a Moabite of the children of Lot with his daughter, she was not a believer. She married Naomi’s son who later died. The influence and love for Naomi was great, that she decided to follow Naomi back to Bethlehem from Moab, after the devastating famine. They returned in poverty and Naomi was old. Ruth without a husband decided to stay with Naomi despite discouragements. She took a leap of faith and made a confession that changed her life and got her eternal life. Read Ruth 1:11-18 and see how she became saved by her confession in the God of Israel, “thy people shall be my people and your God shall be my God.” From then on God continued to bless her and Naomi, and eventually became the wife of Boaz. She became the mother of Obed and the grandmother of King David. She was listed in the earthly genealogy of Jesus Christ. Who is your God, how faithful have you been? Where is your Obed?

Did you give the Naomi in your life rest and peace? How about the Boaz in your life, is he saved? Make your faith in Christ infectious like these wonderful women of God. There are others like Deborah, the syrophenician woman with great faith to get healing for her child, and much more.

The Shunammite woman in 2nd Kings 4:18-37, was a remarkable woman of God. She knew how to trust in God and believe his prophet. This woman’s child died. She did not start shouting or crying but knew what was important. She settled it in her heart that God was the only solution and that his prophet was the key. She took the child and laid him on the bed of the man of God and shut the door. She did not tell her husband or anyone what happened to her son but said, to everyone it is well. This woman put her faith into action, trusted the Lord and his prophet and her son came back to life. This was the second raising from the dead in the history of the world. The prophet prayed to God, prayed over the child who sneezed seven times and came back to life. The woman of faith got her reward, for trusting in God and his prophet Elisha.

In 1st Kings 17:8-24, the widow of Zarephath encountered the prophet Elijah the Tishbite. There was severe famine in the land and this woman with a child had a handful of meal and a little oil in a cruse. She gather two sticks to make their last meal before death, when she met the prophet. When you meet a real prophet things happen. Food and water was scarce. But the prophet said get me little water to drink and make me a little cake; from the little meal for me to eat before you prepare for yourself and your child (verse 13).  Elijah said in verse 14, “Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, the barrel of meal shall not be used up, neither shall the cruse of oil fail, until the day that the Lord sendeth rain upon the earth.” She believed and went and did according to the word of the man of God, and they did not lack, till rain came.

Meanwhile the widow’s son died and  Elijah carried him and laid him on his bed. He stretched himself upon the child three times and prayed the Lord for the child’s soul to come back into him again. The Lord heard the voice of Elijah, and the soul of the child came into him again, and he revived. In verse 24, the woman said to Elijah, “Now by this I know that thou art a man of God, and that the word of the Lord in thy mouth is truth.” This was the first time the dead was ever raised. Faith in God can make anything possible in the name of Jesus Christ.

These were women of faith, who trusted in the word of God and believed in his prophets. Today it is  difficult to see these kinds of scenarios replay themselves out again. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. These women showed faith. Read James 2:14-20, ” Faith without work is dead.” These women had faith with their works and believed God and his prophets. What about you where is your faith, where is your work? Do you have the evidence of faith, trust and work.  I will show thee my faith by my works. Faith without work is dead, being alone.


by Douglas Amobi