Who is God almighty? Leave a comment

Who is god almighty?Who is God almighty?

It is very important to know and settle in your heart; who is Jesus Christ the Lord, actually. Is He God or .the Father or is He the Son or is He the Holy Ghost. Where does He fit in? You cannot be confused or unsure because it is very telling who you believe is your Lord, God and Savior? Those who were with Him from the beginning know who they will find, sitting on the throne at the end of time. Rev. 4:2 said, “And one sat on the throne.”

Isa. 7:14; Matt. 1:23 – If Jesus is not God Almighty, then who is Immanuel? Which being interpreted, is God with us? John 1:14, “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.”

Gen. 1:1; Col. 1:14 – 17 – If Jesus Christ is not God Almighty, who created the heavens, and the earth, Jesus or God? In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. ‘For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven and that are in earth, visible and invisible ——- all things were created by Him, and for Him: And He is before all things, and by Him (Jesus Christ) all things consist.”

Gen. 49:10; Heb. 7:14 – If Jesus Christ is not God Almighty, when will our Lord spring out of the Tribe of Judah? The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David had prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof, (Rev. 5:5).

1st Kings 22:19; Rev. 4:12 – If Jesus Christ is not God Almighty, how many are sitting on the throne?  Psalms 45:6; Phil. 2:11. Isa.44:6, ‘I am the first, and I am the last; and beside Me there is no God.’

Num. 24:16 – 17 – If Jesus Christ is not God Almighty, when will Balaam’s prophesy come to pass?

Isa. 45:23; Phil. 2:1 – If Jesus Christ is not God Almighty, then who shall we bow to? Jesus Christ or God? Thomas called Jesus Christ, my Lord and my God, (John 20:28). What do you call the Lord Jesus Christ?

Isa. 45:15 – 21; Titus 2:13 – If Jesus Christ is not God Almighty, then who is our Savior?  Study Isa. 9:6.

Isa. 9:6 – If Jesus Christ is not God Almighty, then when will Isaiah’s prophecy come to pass?

If Jesus Christ is not God Almighty, why, when the devil was tempting Jesus,” “Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord Thy God?” Matt. 4:17.

If Jesus Christ is not God Almighty, when will the Lord God of Israel visit His people to redeem them? Luke 1:68 Are you redeemed? God came as man and died on the cross. The Word became flesh and died for man.

If Jesus Christ is not God Almighty, why did Stephen call God by His name and said “Lord Jesus”?  Acts 7:59

If Jesus Christ is not God Almighty, then who is the True God? 1st John 5:20.

Deut 32:4; 1st Cor. 10:4 – If Jesus Christ is not God Almighty, then who is The Rock? God is Jesus Christ?

If Jesus Christ is not God Almighty, then Thomas must have told a lie in John 20:28, when he called Jesus, “My Lord and My God.” Did Thomas lie?

1st Tim. 3:16 – If Jesus Christ is not God, when did God come in the flesh? Remember John 1:14

1st John 3:16 – If Jesus Christ is not God, when did God lay down his life, John 3:16 and 1st Peter 3:18?

John 14:9 – If Jesus Christ is not God Almighty, why did He say to Philip, “When you see me, you see The Father”, and there’s only One Father? Mal. 2:10.

Did God tell Saul that He is Jesus, in Acts 9:5? And Saul called Him Lord and became Paul. It is revelation.

If Jesus Christ is not God, then we must say that He’s not good.  Mark 10:18; John 10:14. There is none good but one, that is God.

Psalms 90:2; Rev. 1:18 reveals, – If Jesus Christ is not God, then who is He that liveth, and was dead; and is alive for evermore, (everlasting)?

If Jesus were not God when did the Word become flesh and dwelth amongst men, John 1:14? When did Jesus become God to you? God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost is all about the Lord Jesus Christ; the only Lord and Savior. Isa.43:11, “I even I, am the Lord; and beside me there is no Savior.

God bless you in the name of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Amen.

112 – Who is god almighty?

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