There will be a translation of the fully restored sons of God; that is the bride and the wise virgins (1st Thess. 4:15-17); while the foolish virgins will be left to face the great tribulation and the wrath of the antichrist. His people and sinners will also face the wrath of God in the great and notable day of the Lord, (Rev. 8:6-13, Rev. 9:1-21, Rev 15:1, Rev. 16:1-21).
Before the translation, there will be the manifestation of the sons of God, (Rom. 8:19). These will attain to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Eph. 4:11-14). They will do the works that Jesus Christ did and even greater (John 14:12).
Before the sons of God can manifest, they must be filled with the 7 fold anointing and power. Also before the sons of God can manifest they must receive the great outpouring. They must win the long fought battle against death; they must overcome death. The word of God is life (John 6:63), anything that is not the word of God is death (Rev.3:21-22).
Before the sons of God can overcome death, they must have the full,composite,100% true word of God and anointing (1st Tim.6:3, Col.4:12). This means that they must believe the bible and they must also believe the message to the bride (former rain message) by the 7th church age messenger, William Marrion Branham and also the latter rain message by Neal Vincent Frisby (Joel 2:23-26,James 5:7-8). Christ used these two messengers to reveal the hidden and mysterious truths of the bible (Mt.13:11, Rev.10:7), so that the sons of God can have the full Word.
Any believer that refuses to accept the bible, the former rain message and the latter rain message will be short of the full word and as such cannot receive power and faith for translation. Such go through the Great Tribulation and if they receive the mark of the antichrist will go to Hell.
This medium is therefore being used to introduce these two messengers and their messages to those who are not aware of them in order to prepare for the Translation because there is time no longer (Rev.10:7).
Jesus is coming soon and only those who are ready with the full word, full of the Holy Spirit and full faith will go with Him. Anyone short of these will be left behind (Matt. 25:10-13)
May the Lord Jesus count us worthy to escape the coming great tribulation. Amen (Luke 21:36)
Godwin Enemudo
by Godwin Enemudo