This sermon is about leaning and depending on the Lord for all things, more so, in these last days. The first scripture is Psalm 50:15 which reads, “And call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.” David was in trouble several times but very often he called on the name of the Lord for help. God never failed him. If you trust the Lord with all your heart and walk in the fear and leading of the Lord, he will never fail you too. There are many ways to call upon the Lord. They include:
- Calling upon the Lord in prayer and supplications. 2nd Kings 19 will show you God answers prayer.
- Through fasting/prayer. Read Esther 4:1-17; 7:1-10. This will show you the power of prayer/fasting.
- By praises and worship. Read Acts 16:22-34. Paul and Silas prayed and praised God while in trouble.
- By remembering the testimonies of the Lord in your life. Read 1st Samuel 17:23-58.
- By recalling the testimonies of the Lord in the lives of other believers. Read Hebrews 11.
In each of the situations mentioned above, man reached out to God for help. God is the only place of refuge. David was a believer in his days on earth and an example to follow for believers today. To call upon the Lord at any time requires confidence in him that he is able to answer our prayers according to his word. Confidence in the Lord brings assurance and trust. You must appreciate the fact that you are in need and cannot help yourself; but the Lord, he is God and he is our only help. With God nothing shall be impossible. Just call on him in FAITH.
According 1st Samuel 17:24, when the giant Goliath appeared on the battlefield, “all the men of Israel when they saw the man, fled from him, and were sore afraid.” The armies of Israel made up of men of war were afraid. You cannot call upon the Lord in fear. Fear destroys confidence. In verse 26 David said,” who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?” This was a seventeen year old your boy David, who had no fear. He did not run from the deadly enemy like the armies of Israel but knew his God and would not stand to see any one defy his God. Verse 48 reads, “And it came to pass, when the Philistine arose (Goliath was a man of war well equipped and about nine feet tall), and drew nigh to meet David (who was a teenager with confidence and trusted in his God, with all his heart), that David hasted, and ran toward (David had no fear, even with the threat of death) the army of the Philistine.” David not only called upon the Lord, but acted out his call in confidence, knowing he was in the perfect will of God. Many of us call on the Lord, but make demands that are outside the will of God. Call upon the Lord with faith, confidence, boldness and the Lord will answer you without failing.
Sometimes we can call upon the Lord, through prayer and singing of praise. Before we call or ask the Lord anything he already knows, but awaits our faith in action. Another scripture 1st Peter 5:7 reads, “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” Here Apostle Peter was admonishing every true believer to put their total trust and confidence in the Lord by carrying all their cares, needs and even wants to him who has the master plan of your life. When you cast all your cares upon him through prayers and praises, he will definitely sort out your life and re-arrange all things to fit into his will for you. You must be a true believer in Christ the Lord to enjoy this privilege.
As Peter began to sink he cried out and said, in Matthew 14:30 “Lord save me.” This is like anyone of us who has ever reached the end of their road struggling with helplessness. Peter set out by faith to walk to Jesus Christ on the water, but after a while, he started looking at the circumstances instead of looking steadfastly on the Lord. Today many of us face serious and different problems and we generally go to God in prayers, but with time people begin to look around when the answer does not come on time. Circumstances around us in such situations make us stagger at the promises of God. Satan throws darts at us to discourage us. But remember that the bible stated that Abraham did not stagger at the promises of God despite the length of time it took for God to fulfill his word to him and Sarah. Let us hold fast to the Lord and stagger not. Cast all your cares upon him for he careth for you.
Who can forget Hannah the wife of Elkanah, the mother of prophet Samuel? She was married to Elkanah, but the Lord shut her womb so she had no children. Her husband had another wife with several children. She was often provoked for having no children and she cried unto the Lord, (1st Samuel 1:1-28). Hannah cast her problem on the Lord and over time the Lord answered her prayers. When you have problems, and even before you experience any problems commit your ways unto the Lord.
Cast your cares always upon the Lord for he careth for you. No matter what you are confronted with, no matter how the devil pushes at you; cast all your cares upon Jesus Christ for he careth for you. If you have sinned: confess, for by His blood all your sins are washed away. If you are sick, remember that by His stripes you are healed. No matter your situation the Lord said, in St. John 14:14, “Ask anything in my name and I will do it. Cast all your cares upon the Lord for he careth for you. Call upon me and I will answer you,” saith the Lord.
by Douglas Amobi