Prophetic scrolls 317

                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 317

                    Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

Note: Some of this the Scrolls predicted over 30 years ago. This magazine article was brought to my attention and is of prophetic interest. I released the following quote in 1979 and wanted to reprint it here for your benefit. (We can see the magnitude of changes and the Scripts also give much more and various different type of information.)

Scientists claim future computer homes will revolutionize all our lives. Within the next 10 years, Americans will be swept into a revolutionary change in their lives and homes, which will have an impact as dramatic and far-reaching as anything in the nation’s history. — Scientists and engineers predict that in the decade of the 80’s, life in the average American home will begin to revolve around an array of incredible electronic robots and gadgets capable of doing virtually everything from sorting the dirty laundry and mowing the lawn to cooking the meals and “driving the family car!”

At the heart of this science-fiction dream come true will be a compact and inexpensive computer linked to your TV set which will not only control and coordinate the robot servants, but will also allow you to shop in supermarkets from the comfort of an armchair, pay your bills and file your tax return, plan and arrange your vacations and social activities, and even give you a routine medical checkup.

The “brain” of this remarkable computer will be a tiny chip of silicon, so minute it can easily pass-through the eye of a needle yet is capable of doing the work of a massive computer bank.— Computer researchers forecast that within 10 years almost every household in America will be able to afford one of the new machines. — A robot cook will prepare breakfast (or any other meal) to each person’s taste. If one member of the family likes well-done scrambled eggs and another prefers soft-boiled eggs, the computer’s memory circuits will oblige.

Continuing – Robots, which will do all the household chores, could be available in as little as a year, according to Dr. Jerry Willis, a computer expert at Texas Technological University. — “Right now we’ve got everything to make those R2-D2 robots just as they appeared in Star Wars. There are robots on the market right now, but the prices have to be brought down from the out-of-sight $5,000 or $6,000 price range,” he says. — “In the very near future, a robot that washes the dishes, cleans the carpet and mows the lawn could be selling for less than $1,000. And while your robot does the chores, you’ll be able to shop right from your favorite armchair. Using a closed circuit TV picture, you’ll be able to ‘walk’ down supermarket aisles dialing in your selections when you see what you want.

Continuing – Prophecy fulfilling – “No home of the future will be complete without a Picture Phone. Angela Tedesco of American Telephone and Telegraph says the technology has been available for some time, but that not many people so far are prepared to shell out $6.50 a minute (coast to coast) for the service. But as with the new computers, she expects the price to tumble when demand increases.” (End of quote.)

“These new inventions will lead to idle time and disaster of morals. (Ezek. 16:49) And Jesus said what occurred in Sodom will happen again!” — “All this once was considered science fiction, but science says it is a coming reality!”— May we say all of this electronic genius is leading to the anti-Christ and a-push button destruction! Rev. 13:13, He maketh fire (atomic); and electronic miracles, etc. (verse 14) — And a way to keep track and to mark his slaves! (verse 15- 16)” — For more information read our book, Electronic Brain! The stage is being set for automatic destruction! — Because men will not use inventions only for good, but for evil also. And unless Jesus shortened the days, no flesh would be saved! (Matt. 24:22)

Here is some more information that we will reprint from a past letter for your convenience!

Daniel 12: 4 — reveals a prediction which is occurring in conjunction with the return of Christ! Many would be in a hurry to get here and there (jet and automotive age)! —

“Knowledge shall be increased! The prophetic significance, the angel foretold the great increase in human knowledge! The invention of the atomic power!” There has been a tremendous expansion in human knowledge. We could discuss hundreds of things, but let us take the prediction of the computer. — Computers are becoming near human-like! Possibly upon entering the Great Tribulation strange demon spirits may enter them and talk to man giving him information that he has never heard before! — As it is, some computers can perform a million (now billions) of calculations a second. As the age ends the computer information will fall in the hands of a dictator! The potential danger of the computer and its misuse exceeds our ability to imagine! — No wonder in Ezek. 28:3 reveals “the false king as wiser than Daniel!” — He evidently had an electronic computer at his disposal with all secret information in it!

In Rev. 13:13-17 —We see the possibility of this strange machine again in association with a speaking image! — The fire mentioned takes in electricity, plus atomic fire, along with various other wonders! Verse 16 reveals they are able to regiment the whole earth with this electronic invention! Many have heard of George Orwell. He wrote a book in which he said the world would advance into a police state, whose citizens could not make a move without all being revealed! The writing seemed science fiction at the time. He gave the date that this could occur by 1984, but suddenly the computer has come into view and we are already seeing some of this happening and evidently will increase a hundred fold in the 80’s. —We see the Electronic Horseman will ride, Rev. 6:8, “Death!”!” — Read my Script #309 “Five Seconds to Chaos!”

Scroll #317
