Prophetic scrolls 313

                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 313

                    Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

Events fulfilling, new ones coming – Electronic Patches Release Painkiller — “A painless replacement for the hypodermic needle uses a tiny pulse of electric current to propel small amounts of painkiller through the skin and into the underlying tissues.” — New Weapons of War: Europeans Test Hypersonic Missile — “Eads, the Netherlands-based aeronautics, defense and space company, has successfully tested a low-flying missile that can fly at Mach 6.6, fast enough to intercept ballistic missiles. Extreme speeds are always an advantage to the person who fires first.” End quote.

Science technology – Tiny Robots Go To War — “With the ongoing war on terrorism putting American forces in harm’s way in more places around the world, the Pentagon is taking a closer look at drafting iron-collar workers. Experiments using robots to explore caves in Afghanistan and to blow up suspect packages left on streets in Baghdad have shown that mechanical soldiers are more than a novelty. Robot inspectors are now used in the shipping and aircraft industry. Also a wall-climbing robot that peeks through windows, and a sort of robotic watchdog that detects intruders using a combination of video and radar vision. — As for the future: One thing that was asked of the industry to do is to be able not only to detect (intruders) with robots, but to start a neutralization phase before response forces get out there.”

Extreme machines – Tower of Babel – “With skyscrapers climbing to ever-greater altitudes, the challenge is not only how to scale these heights, but how to do so safely, comfortable and conveniently. — The elevator system installed in Taiwan’s new Taipei 101 tower — the world’s tallest building — pushes the limits of people-mover technology. The 1667- ft., 101- story building has 67 elevator units, including two that service the 89th floor observation deck and qualify as the world’s fastest. These rocket skyward at a peak speed of 3314 ft. per minute. More elevating challenges are on the horizon, including a mile-high skyscraper like the one Frank Lloyd Wright proposed for Chicago. If any of this rise from the drawing board, Taipei 101 could prove little more than a training exercise!”

Weather and planet watch – The weather in this decade will not get any better but will be disastrous. Nearly every record one way or another has been broken. — California — “While it was not the ‘big one’ that Californian’s have been expecting for decades, a magnitude 6.5 quake that hit near San Simeon, located midway between Los Angeles and San Francisco, on Dec. 23 and was the most powerful to rock the state in four years.” — Iran — “The death toll topped 30,000 after a magnitude 6.3 earthquake that struck on Dec. 26 and leveled 60 percent of the ancient city of Bam, located 600 miles southeast of Tehran”

Assassination cycles – I wrote about this in a slightly different way. In the dangerous times we are living in I felt like it would be good to reveal. It concerns the cycles of assassinations and it will in many ways be futuristic for the earth will witness its worst decade in thousands of years. Abraham Lincoln was elected into Congress in 1846.

John F. Kennedy was elected into Congress in 1946.

Abraham Lincoln was elected to the Presidency in 1860.

John F. Kennedy was elected to the Presidency in 1960.

Lincoln’s secretary was named Kennedy.

Kennedy’s secretary was named Lincoln.

Both Presidents were shot in the head. Southerners assassinated both. — Southerners succeeded both.

John Wilkes Booth who assassinated Lincoln was born in 1839.

Lee Harvey Oswald, who was used by others was born in 1939.

(Note: The real killer was in the bushes as the motorcade approached.)

Lincoln was shot at the theater named “Ford.”

Kennedy was shot in a car named “Lincoln.”

Booth ran from the theater and was caught in a warehouse. —

Oswald ran from a warehouse and was caught in a theater. —

Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.

Both Presidents successors were named Johnson. —

Andrew Johnson who succeeded Lincoln was born in 1808.

Lyndon Johnson who succeeded Kennedy was born in 1908.

The names Lincoln and Kennedy each contain seven letters. —

Both wives lost their husbands while living in the White House.

The world and the U.S.A. are practically assassinating itself; when we get through the cycles. — Up into the decade we will see the startling and also unlimited strange events. People are going into bizarre facets of madness. They won’t be able to get back under God’s hand!

Hundreds of the Scripts and literature predictions have surely come to pass. Startling, amazing and surprising – just as He had spoken. Let’s watch and pray. Time is short.

Scroll #313