Prophetic scrolls 309

                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 309

                    Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

Some of this is like Brother Frisby’s prophetic Scripts that were written years ago and most of the futuristic part he has written too, almost the same way, and the other in similarity of the Scripts and what they have thought. Sometimes my Scripts are sent and these people use them as a foundation and add it to their material. Any way you look at it the Bible and Scripts were decades ahead of time. And now here are some of their quotes. You will find them fascinating and very enlightening. But in the proper day it will appear!

Visions of the Future:

Ice cap breaks up — “As the planet warms, a gigantic portion of the Antarctic ice cap, which is presently on land, cracks off and slides into the ocean, causing sea levels to rise 100 feet in most of the world. Incredible crises result in almost every nation.”

Energy revolution — “A scientific breakthrough propels an energy revolution, rendering all of our traditional energy sources, including fossil fuels, obsolete. Cold fusion and zero-point energy —

commercial generators that require no ‘fuel’ in order to produce heat and electricity — become a reality. Traditional fusion to create energy like the sun becomes viable, using hydrogen as the fuel.”

Global food shortage — “Global demand and water and soil problems — exacerbated by increasingly dry weather in the United States and China — lead to significant shortages in food that cascade into a global crisis. Escalating food prices cause mass starvation in countries with low per capita income. Significant instability arises in poor pockets of the developed world as the availability of affordable food plummets.”

Nanotechnology takes off — “Nanotechnology — the process of using molecular-sized machines to build usable human-scale products by stacking individual atoms into predetermined configurations — becomes practical. Traditional industrial methods of manufacturing become obsolete. Manufacturing dilemmas that once appeared unsolvable suddenly become trivial in the face of molecular-level solutions.”

Africa unravels — “The combination of increasing population growth, poverty, deadly epidemics, famine, environmental degradation, and political instability conspire to push much of equatorial Africa over the edge. Large-scale rebellions roll across the continent, and anarchy becomes the rule of the day. Large-scale migrations toward developed countries would be likely, causing upheaval and resentment in those destinations. Disease could become rampant, making strict quarantines necessary for immigrants. The potential sources for this instability already exist in various combinations throughout the continent. Pressures like population growth, the AIDS epidemic, and political upheaval are likely to increase before they abate. Africa seems to be getting worse, not better.”

Bacteria become immune to antibiotics — “Bacteria are inherently resilient; antibiotics work only until the bacteria develop new defenses; then new antibiotics must be found to fight them. If a major disease suddenly redeveloped immunity to the only antibiotics available to treat it then an AIDS-like epidemic could sweep the country.”

Humans Directly Interface with the Net — “A subdermally implanted computer chip or some other transducing device allows instantaneous, two-way, thought-based access to the Web. Through specially designed contact lenses or glasses, a direct display of the retrieved information is superimposed on one’s field of view. Vast global networks are accessible at any time for any location.”

Technology gets out of hand — “With the unprecedented acceleration of technological development, an experiment or invention produces a large-scale negative effect that jeopardizes human life or the environment. By the time the effects are actually detected, major, irreversible damage has been done.”

Now they’re able to do these written years ago:

Five Seconds To Chaos… Let’s project the frightening possibilities…remembering that by 1990 the total population of the United States will only be about 248 million people! 1. It would mean that in One second the anti-christ could identify every person in the United States. 2. It would mean that in One more Second he could identify those who are Christians. 3. It would mean that in the third Second he could identify what street you live on. 4. It would mean that in the fourth Second he could identify how many are in your family. 5. It would mean that in the fifth Second he could program all the computers in your local supermarkets, department stores and banks to indicate that you are forbidden to make any transactions. Note: The anti-christ by using the god of electronics in combination with other magnetic inventions will control the population! In fact the machines that men invent will finally control them in a society of illusion!

Faster — than — light travel Only Jesus will be able to show them how to do these things during the Millennium! And we quote: ‘‘Beam me up Scotty”: Scientists discover how to engineer space-time and reduce mass to zero within a given container. This enables them to instantaneously transfer the contents of the container to another location, anywhere in the universe. The reality of faster-than-light travel would support theories of extraterrestrial ‘visitors.’ for it would remove the objection that interstellar travel is impractical. It would no longer be impossible to visit or be visited from a distant solar system or galaxy.”

Now that we’ve read this we see all of my Scripts and plus the Bible telling us of the awesome cataclysms without going into detail over the earth. — And knowledge shall increase! One thing they didn’t put in their article is the surprise coming of the Lord Jesus and Armageddon! A tremendous amount of surprises and unexpected events will suddenly shock the nation. But in a snapshot the next catastrophic weather beyond anything and economics will occur including every facet of society and who is president at that time. This unusual cataclysm will occur about the year 2010-2012. Should God allow people to remain, the year 2014 will be the worst period in human history.

Scroll #309