Prophetic Scrolls 308
Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
The plain truth in prophecy —The age we live in has entered a new phase of fantasy, imagination intermingled from reality to science fiction, sorcery, magic, phantasm; you name it, man is doing it! Blending many new ways to perform and use of immorality. What used to be science fiction has now become fact and fantasy! — “And the incredible is yet to come pushing the age beyond anything seen in 6000 years! Almost anything science and inventions can almost imagine, he can practically do!” — But the Lord will set a limit and it will reach a peak in a few years! (Read Gen. 11:6) — This century will soon spin a web of fantastic wonders! Not only spiritual, but in the materialistic side. We will list a few things below.
The snare of man’s knowledge will cause the greatest wickedness and debauchery ever seen! Technology and new inventions will produce the most revolutionary change ever seen in the period ahead concerning this electronic age! — “The computers and electronics are going to take over practically controlling everything including mankind!” Finally social capitalism will be the final dictatorship worldwide! The world dictator will use everything for his personal advantage! While a shorter workweek will lead to more pleasure while people fall asleep! As they wake up the elect will be gone and a world takeover has occurred! — In Business Week Magazine it said — The Information — the rush to create 1-way machines — appliance. They are!.. Soon homes will have 1 chip that will do it all. They can buy, sell and trade on a global market of world trade plus many other things. Rev. Chap. 18 is already bursting upon the world.
The drums of change — In the next 3 years this earth will undergo the most reshaping structural and otherwise that has occurred in six thousand years! — “1988 will begin the most delusive deception and illusion of all time! Society will undergo and shew forth a massive difference, crossing the century into a flaming deadly holocaust!” (Although this was written 14 years ago we see the astonishing exactness of the Spirit! No one could guess at this —Twin Towers, wars, etc.) Even before this will be terrible plagues, diseases and destruction, travailing nature and massive quakes! The whole world will enter a new kind of look and madness intoxicated with orgies and cares of this life, etc. —The cup of iniquity will be overflowing! Note: In places society is acting like mad dogs- bizarre creatures!
Rainbow ending for the united states —In divine providence the U.S.A. has published the gospel all over the world; and will turn from a lamb and speak as a dragon before it! As the age ends it will work with Great Babylon (Rev. Chap. 17) — Now let’s list the 6 deadly sins of Sodom as given in Ezek. 16:49-50. — (1) pride (2) fullness of bread (3) abundance of idleness (4) neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy (5) haughty (6) committed abomination. — Pride — She will be lifted up, for her sins has reached the heights of heaven! — Fullness of Bread — The USA is the breadbasket of the world, but finally before the great famine ends it will reach into our nation! (Rev. Chap. 11) —Abundance of Idleness — Due to the inventions great idleness and cares of this life will take over not only in this nation, but much of the world bringing on vice and extreme pleasure! — Not strengthen the hand of the poor and needy — They will finally have to receive the mark of the beast or will receive no help at all. — Remember if you were not like Sodom, you could not enter the city, wherein men lay with men, women with women, bestiality, and all sorts of sex and lust were provided. — Haughty — All one has to do is look at our great cities at night and take notice of some of Hollywood productions, etc. This will intensify during the Great Tribulation and false worship. People have their own gods, goddesses, plus idols, etc. — Committed abomination — They committed the worst abomination ever seen and yet the U.S.A. and world will out do them! It is occurring now even more so as the century ends! We are not trying to stay on this subject, but every prophet during the last 6,000 years had to pronounce it this way before judgment fell.
New things what’s happening — One important thing — Modern Hong Kong built up by American and English money will revert back. Lease runs out and will reverse back into Mainland China in 1997. — Capitalism Trade Center. At first this may not cause any problems, but may cause some later. We find a significant and vital article in Popular Science Magazine. (As the Scripts said China will be stirring in the 90’s) We quote front cover: “China and technology —China, a giant reawakens — The long march of Chinese science — Fire of the Dragon: A surging military. — The world’s largest dam: taming the Yangtze. . .Breeding Super Rice — Who will build a car for Asia? — Connecting China for the tele-information age — Rebel with a cause!” — See, it shows it is going to join a World Trade using electronics, even building automobiles like Japan does for international trade. They are building the world’s largest dam because they know a great world drought and famine is coming! But when God dries up the rain it will do them no good. Just like the Scriptures, Rev. 16: 12-13. China and the kings of the east will cross over the dried up Euphrates. –Armageddon, Vrs. 16. — It is said while the Chinese plan peace they are preparing for war at another time and point. “They will use the west technology; and fire atomic and energy missiles back at the U.S.A. and Western Europe! And Paris will be left in ashes, etc!” — But first world peace and trade! Notice the last part of the article said, rebel with a cause! Bible prophecy is true. In not too many years the fireworks will begin!
The prophetic scripts mention this subject found in Popular Mechanics Magazine. — Could terrorists hijack a nuclear missile? It says America safeguards its nuclear arsenal, but is it enough? — Let me say this, the terrorists already have nuclear devices. (Not atomic bombs.) — The matter is if they are not stopped, when will they strike a major U.S. city? — The TV News said, one of these atomic devices if set off could blow up New York World Trade city and most of Manhattan! — Just look at the lives that would be lost. “Nevertheless, New York and the East Coast will later suffer a great atomic holocaust from the east and the north!”
Continuing –the eagle screams — Space terror strikes! Yes, the United States will be involved in a massive atomic attack as she goes up to the Middle East where the world’s armies will meet in a final showdown! “Although backslidden then the country Israel and the United States are in divine providence.” Jesus will intervene or no flesh would be saved. —Rev. 18: 1-10 reveals a horrible condition. The apocalyptic pale horse has finished his ride of death and fire by then! — As the century closes out it could be sooner than you think! (Although this was written in 1996 the Spirit seems to show us not too long after the century ended, Jan. 2001, they began to move towards the final age leading to international system of the beast!)
Scroll #308