Prophetic scrolls 305

                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 305

                    Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

And now this continues from our April 2003 letter, (reprint Scroll 7, Part 1)—You will find the rest of this scroll very fascinating, very interesting:

Some of this I was shown years ago. Some is coming to pass now. (This they begin to do and nothing shall restrain them. Come let us go down, these days, least no flesh shall be saved!) All these fantastic inventions will cause leisure of time. This will produce idleness and immoral minds, soft degenerates. Sin will be unbelievable. It will bring the appearing of the Sodomites. Homosexualism will be taught and encouraged in education. Homosexuals will plague the backsliding churches. They will reach greatly even to Pentecostal church organizations. All this I saw and more. Men will marry men! Women will marry women in unprecedented numbers! Teenagers (naked!) will run wild upon our beaches, the summer night parties with drink, sex, and dope, order of the day! Indescribable! They will gaze upon one another in groups as they practice their orgy scenes! For purposes of blasphemy and (immoral kicks!) and stimulation! Their chief purpose in living will be to revel in unspeakable debaucheries, perverted sex, exploring for new ways in sensual pleasure, sadistic into the stage of madness. Music will change to hypnotic, trance-like type, sex movement, compelling tune, with lustful sound, bordering on insanity and worship. The Sodomites of all time appear! — (No one can dispute this! Nearly written over 30 years ago and appearing right before our eyes!)

Continuing. . . Morals will completely collapse. Worldwide abortion will be legalized. The dark race will buy the white seed from doctors. And through insemination will have children. The white can buy Jewish seed or dark seed and raise them! A (curse will follow for their adultery). People will join the Sodom churches as to be able to do more than if they were in the world. (Listen real close) A religious spirit will come over the nation! But it will allow the person to do anything they desire. The church system will legalize sin for money. You will never see anything so loathsome! (For God will give them up!) Soon they will find themselves in famine and uncontrollable epidemics of disease. An invasion of billions of destroying bugs, insects and locusts never known before to man. Atomic horrors will come. Now weather conditions change to devastating proportions. The handwriting is on the wall! They are weighed in the balances and found wanting. (All prophecies were written years ago, some already coming to pass!)

At this writing March 19, 2003, President Bush has given Saddam Hussein 24 hours to get out of town. — It sounds like the O.K. Corral. No matter what the President does, according the prophecy, in the short or long, he will only work into the hands of new world order and an international police state. And further down the line Israel will make a covenant with Hell itself according to Isaiah and Daniel 9:26, 27.— We’re living in the most dangerous time in all history. The Lord has not forgot His church, but is working swiftly, while men sleep, and he’s gathering the minds and hearts of the people for what’s ahead, and to be taken up soon! Concerning more events read my Scripts for more insight concerning the years 2007-2009. The earth will witness things never seen before, or imagined!

Strange phenomenon— As Scripts foretold! Polar flip — (Brother Frisby in the Scripts mentioned this decades ago and here is a direct magazine quote — it also showed a picture of it!) And we quote: “Pole Flip Reversal — Scientists warn of the possibility of the world turned upside down. A sudden reversal of north and south magnetic poles could happen at any time, as the earth’s magnetic fields weaken and fluctuate at the poles. In this event, increased solar radiation would affect earth’s weather, disrupt animal migrations and potentially cause genetic mutations.” Isa. 24:1, “Behold, the Lord maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof.”— “Ghost Jets Scare — Several times since June, ‘ghost’ aircraft have appeared on air traffic computer screens at the new national control center at Swanwick, Hampshire. Garbled radar data from the North Sea sector, which largely handles flights between Britain and Scandinavia, have produced false symbols of what seem to be aircraft following genuine aircraft, with the same altitude, speed and heading data. More alarmingly, sometimes the data block jumps from one symbol to the other, creating confusion as to which is the real aircraft. Controllers have been told to maintain an extra four-mile spacing between aircraft if the phenomenon occurs.” – (Last days signs!)

Celestial phenomenon – Fireworks on lo. (Magazine quote) “Telescope tracks biggest-ever eruption in the Solar System. Two days after it first appeared, a small hot spot on the surface of Jupiter’s moon lo had become a large and bright eruption. It was more powerful than any volcanic eruption on Earth!” — Worldwide Sightings: “ Arkansas City, Kansas: A family observes an immense flying boomerang with no lights, flying north without a sound. The UFO is so huge; its shape blocks out the stars behind it! Later that evening, they observe the same dark -gray object moving to the southeast and directly above their house. Neighborhood dogs bark frantically during the times the sightings occur. — Flint, Michigan: A mother and daughter observe a saucer-type craft hovering above their home. The ‘structured’ UFO is 50 feet in diameter and contains many white and red lights. The witnesses watch as the object travels slowly west for two minutes, just above the tree line, emitting a humming noise.”

And we quote from a magazine, “At midnight during December (2003), Saturn (the planet of woe and changes) stands high in the sky — its highest point in the past 30 years for Northern Hemisphere observers, passing near the zenith for those at mid-northern latitudes. — This also places Saturn at its brightest in 30 years.” (Continued below.)

Midnight messenger – Forewarning sign- Note: This is rare and has not been seen since 30 years. It occurs during the end of 2003 each night in December at midnight. Thus we see our years from that point on will be different completely. It’s the 12th month, the 12th hour (midnight) and also in Matt 25: 6 says, “And at midnight there was a cry made.” Now the Lord is revealing to us that we’re getting closer each year to His return. — “Go ye out to meet Him!” We have Rev.12 also (the sun clothed woman). — He shows us there would be these signs, Ps. 19: 1, 2, Luke 21: 25 and Job 38: 31, 33. It represents more and we will note later. — A significant wonder!

Optical illusions suspended in the sky — The Scripts predicted strange things in latter times. — “Moonbow: At night the full moon cast a golden arc (rainbow) across Cumberland Falls in Kentucky. It’s the only moonbow in the Northern Hemisphere!” – “Sailors may see a ship afloat in the sky, while travelers in the Sahara may come upon a palm-fringed lake in the open desert – neither of which really exists. — Although these mirages are optical illusions, they are not delusions — they can be photographed! They are the result of refraction that bends light not only when it passes through a prism, but also whenever it passes from any medium to another of a different density. Tricks of refraction have given rise to some extraordinary mirages. In 1955, the crew of a ship that was steaming off Cape Finisterre in northwestern Spain saw two suns, one above the other, at sunset! An unusual ‘lateral’ mirage observed at sea in 1957 produced two suns side by side! — Another extraordinary ‘mirage’ is the ‘Silent City of Alaska”, said to appear every year on the Mount Fairweather glacier on the border between Alaska and Canada, and was first reported in the British Royal Meteorological Society’s Quarterly Journal in 1901. It occurs between 7 and 9 o’clock, between June 1l and July 10, and seems to show the buildings of a city. Some people have even identified these with buildings in Bristol, England, sited about 2,500 miles away, claiming that the church tower of St. Mary Redcliffe is clearly visible!” – Surely the people themselves are following a mirage (religious delusion), Luke 21: 35, “For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.” (Also read verse 36.)

Scroll #305