Prophetic Scrolls 304
Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
(We’re reprinting this scroll to catch you up on what actually fulfilled, with some new events.)
The axis of the earth will be undergoing a colossal change as the greatest earthquakes in the world take place! (Rev. 16: 18-21) — “Wind directions will change, huge asteroids will strike the earth, massive volcanic eruptions will occur, etc. — But Jesus will cleanse and perfect all things again!” — Jesus said, “This generation shall not pass away until all of these things occur!” (Matt. 24: 33-35) — “The scriptures give us evidence that the six thousand years of man’s week will be up before the year 2000. The facts and signs alone indicate that there will be a great showdown before the ending of the 90’s.” (This occurred. — The ending of the century showed a generation close to running out. There was a delay, a transition period. – We are in it now.)
Before I go any further I would like to insert part of Scroll #121 (written Nov. 1984) as a lead-in to the following articles … “I foresee several world leaders will be assassinated before the ending of the 80’s! … In the same period will come 3 giant killer quakes across the earth destroying one city after another!” — “Cosmic-like winds and great floods will sweep parts of the United States!” — “Europe will witness dire and strange weather patterns!” — “Also fierce tidal waves are coming with great destruction to coastal cities!” — “There will be quakes in the sea and underground volcanoes, creating new islands. Also the sea temperatures will be changing in varying degrees!” — “Also in the future an Arab nation will develop an atomic bomb and will threaten to use it! Certainly the nations will be in perplexity looking for a strong man! — So many major events in the future will take place that it will alter the thinking and very nature of the United States in the way that it operates with other nations!” — “I foresee in a prophetic vision the moon rising through a dark mist with a bloody halo! — There is a phantom-like (shadowy figure), hands pointing towards the Mediterranean area. There will be bloodshed later in the age in Asia Minor and in the Mid-East. It’s caused by the man hiding underneath; he is the cause of the bloodshed! — There is a skeleton looking sword, he will rise to the top with overtures of peace! He has released the dove, but underneath he is the vulture of mankind!” — “Beware, O Nation Israel, he is not a friend, but too late thy enemy hath possessed!” — “This same personality will stir up trouble in Africa, Persia, Egypt, Turkey and certain places in the Arabian Empire!” — “The Lord has given me many events for the later 80’s that will be released at the proper time! Let us watch and pray, Jesus’ return is getting nearer; time is shortening!” (As we can see the above fulfilled perfectly.)
Continuing … things to come — “Before this cataclysmic atomic war this same personality will begin to restore the ancient Roman Empire and the unification of the Babylon churches worldwide! — Rev. 17 gives us a glimpse of these religions, and Rev. 18 definitely predicts, joined unto them Commercial Babylon, the Old Roman Empire connected to all points of world trade!” — We have already seen the beginning of these things forming to become a solid occurrence soon! … “I foresee this personality promoting a definite central location wherein he will dictate to all nations. His plans and ways are strange, but out of this he will hold the power of commerce! Someday later in the age a great financial center will be set up near or around the Middle East. In fact during the Tribulation it will be a world-banking center, a stronghold of power!…. A computerized universal world system is being set up that will control finally the buying and selling through the code symbol (mark) and number of the anti-Christ!… The United States, Western Europe, Japan and all nations will be hooked into this system! — Slaves to a master genius of deception and evil!” — “I foresee western Europe causing much of this to take place in association with this personality!” — “Evidently at first this dictator rises through a great financial crisis and the confusion and perplexities of the nations! .. And to the surprise of many, brings great prosperity again! — But this will only eventually lead to their doom and the world’s greatest depression and famine ever seen! — He will promote great peace plans to stop all wars and to make the world one global family under his system!… There will be a great shifting of wealth from many parts of the world into his center, great Commercial Babylon! … He will dictate a new financial system bringing massive changes never seen before! — Along with this will come international law and order! It is my firm opinion that all the finality of this takes place in the Middle East and his religious headquarters in Jerusalem — although it may not look like this at first! — Evidently Zech. 5-11 is projecting this very thing as the age closes out! — The ‘Epah’ foretells the power of trade and commerce associated to idolatrous religion being moved into the section that we spoke about … and the involvement of the whore (mystery Babylon) Rev. 17!” — “I also believe that the image of the beast will be set up in a temple in or near Jerusalem and televised world-wide for worship! Also the churches at that time are in an image of his doctrine and will!” .. . “All things have changed for religion. One global order!” — “Despite all of this … will come the great battle of Armageddon! — A space war being fought by computers, ultra electronics controlled by light and super rays communicating absolute death and destruction!” End quote.
We’re living in the last phases of the church age. God’s lightning and thunder is all around us — warnings! It won’t be long before the world will be entering its woes and into a snare and complete control of the wrong power. — One can see the world is completely scattered and perplexed! Both the political and religious are greatly confused. God is allowing the earth to enter into the very snare and prophecies foretold. The years ahead are not going to be any better than behind, but only worse. But you can be assured; Jesus is swiftly preparing His elect. It says, many are called but few are chosen. The chosen will know the word and will receive the powerful anointing. Although tested, they will receive brilliant light of His word and guidance.
While the world is full of fear and perplexity those who have His word and my message will have understanding and will know the season! The former and latter rain has already come and now we’re in the quick short work. I pray for my partners every night — daily! “Behold saith the Lord, I am nearer my people than most believe. Even as Elijah was carried away, so will I be with thee!” He was encamped round about him! — The whole world, even the fundamental churches, is so caught up by the world cataclysms they fail to know He is about to call His people home. The signs are infallible. Jesus foretold.
By the way, some of the most rare incredible celestial signs are appearing between the middle of this year and middle of next year. — Read scripts and future. — Never in my ministry have I seen so many coming — rare celestial wonders and what God revealed to me personally through mid-2003 — 2005. To people it will be unbelievable activity, mysterious, unexpected surprises. Make no mistake about it! The years ahead to some will be unimaginable. Don’t you forget it, no matter what Satan does, Jesus saith, I love you and will not forsake you!
Scroll #304