Prophetic Scrolls 303
Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
(This you are about to read was written June 2000.
—Look at the authenticity of this fulfillment)
Dramatic powerful influences – falsity and illusion combined with electronic magic is drifting over this planet like a fog. Behold, the nations are led to the snare. places.
Atomic will not only shake the heavens from the grounds but the ones who blow up in the heavens. (Luke 21:11, 23-27) A beautiful picture of atomic cataclysms above! Between now and Dec.2001 some unexpected surprises will occur not only in the weather and elements of society, but the government’s economics and religion will be affected greatly, sending shock waves through the masses. Some very swift, moving and unusual events will captivate and spellbind society as a whole! Let us unite our hearts together in prayer for God’s people and always be expecting His return!
As you know, this world is moving so swiftly that it’s affecting every way of life on this planet. Society, governments, religion, weather, nature, science and technology, to mention just a few! Plus Jesus’ return is getting nearer according to the signs. The events affecting the Vatican, USA, Israel, NATO, etc. have been foretold by the Scripts! More is yet to occur! Jesus said, He came and was rejected and that another one would come that they would receive! The false one is not far off. The former and the latter rain are falling. It’s the midnight cry. Prophecy is almost fulfilled concerning the elect. End quote. (Note: You can definitely see what has occurred since June 2000!)
The final picture (The following was written May 1992) — World Government and Religion — “According to the news the prophetic Scripts are being fulfilled to the letter. Here is just one prophecy. Julius and Augustus proclaimed that they would build a United States of Europe! And they did so uniting various countries into a World Empire! And these individual states were bound in agreement to a Federal super head! How strange indeed, Bible prophecy! — In Rev. 13:11-15, it shows the USA made an image unto the Roman Empire by binding its various states together under one federal head! — Now Rev. 13:1 reveals the revival of the “Roman Empire” is returning in full power! — This time it will be headed up by the great whore, Babylon!” (Rev. 17:1-5) And the USA will follow this trend itself! (Rev. 3:15-16) — Vr.17, and the USA will play the harlot like unto mystery Babylon! — The sins of the near future age is unprintable! Such an incredible mixture of religion and worldwide apostasy! — Drastic changes will be coming to the Pentecostals and the Fundamentals in the way of what they do and how they are going to blend into this satanic system! — “Truly a crafty, subtle snare has been well placed!” To write the type of sins coming would almost stop the hearts of the true believers, so incredible debauchery. That is why Paul called him the man of sin who rises to the top out of all of this; and will be the “Titan” head of the nations, bowing and giving obeisance to Lucifer’s chosen deceiver. The populace will wear his mark of allegiance! The last stages of the United States will finally be beyond ancient Rome in sins, idols, and etc. Such glamorous, dazzling and brilliant cities appear. Genius-like inventions and designs, but from space cometh a fire. Many parts of the nations will be burnt to the ground! In fact, the world aflame in destruction as Jesus intervenes or no flesh would be saved! (Note: You should see some of the beautiful changes and things during the coming Millennium. I foresaw hundreds of years in advance into the Millennium and trust to write some of it later.) — (Note: Since this time NATO, Western Europe, the 10 kings, are in place waiting for the beast to set up its own money and trade block. This has occurred already. The little horn will soon rise with the 10 kings. Also Eastern Europe is uniting together as Daniel’s iron and clay at the toes, as predicted)
Continuing — “The Translation will have already taken place. Plagues and starvation will grip the earth. Finally, the earth’s axis will flip and wobble. Destruction on land and sea beyond description! —The celestial ships of the Lord will be seen even as Ezekiel saw in Ezek. Chap. 1 — Isa. 66:15 described these whirling ships of fire that will totally amaze the earth as they gaze upon this amazing sight from heaven! They will know that the Great Commander in Chief, Jesus, is on the earth!”
Age-ending weather signs — We quote here from some magazine and news articles prophecy fulfilling. Antarctica — Fluke stratospheric weather patterns have caused two separate holes to form in the ozone layer over the South Pole, say researchers for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin. Together, the two holes cover less area than the single holes that appeared in 2000 and 2001. — Russia — More than 100 people were killed when a 500 ft.-high chunk of glacier fell from a Caucasus mountainside on Sept. 20 and slid for 15 miles! Nearly half of the dead were in the village of Nizhny Karmadon. Located about 950 miles southeast of Moscow, it was buried beneath a quarter-mile-wide ice sheet. — News release: Nov. 12, 2002, Mass destruction, death — 35 Die in Tornadoes — Storms 1,000-mile wrath — Roughly a third of the USA is affected. Toll in several states: Alabama: At least 12 dead, 50 injured. Miss: 1 killed, 55 injured. Ohio: At least 5 dead, 21 injured; heavy damage in the northwest. Penn; 1 killed, up to 19 injured. And Tenn: At least 16 dead, 80 injured.- killed 35 people and destroyed homes, churches and factories as thunderstorms from Pa. to Louisiana spawned the largest burst of twisters in a decade!” — NC had its worst arctic freeze in over 100 years. Above and near San Francisco, CA they cannot remember such record-breaking weather since any century. Behemoth storms concerning the four elements of earth, wind, water and fire of all types in nature are coming!
Nature and heavenly signs — A noted magazine made this statement — “The End of the World as We Know It” — Earth’s Magnetic Field is Shifting! — Inside of magazine: Impending Asteroids Are Going to Fall — They mention sky phenomenon too. Awhile back strange UFO bright lights were seen over the nation’s Capital, just before the 9-11 catastrophe. Also they have lights that appeared over the NY buildings that crumbled — just a little beforehand. This was seen by motion cameras. — Now we quote from another magazine: “USA — Between 10:10 and 10:30 pm on Jul. 6, 2002, two men reportedly observed 10 star-like UFOs traveling west and “very fast” at high altitude over Council Bluff, Iowa. — Sep. 10, 1999, 5:00 am an off-duty uniformed officer and his wife observed a very bright UFO moving at high speed before suddenly coming to a stop. It remained stationary for approximately 15 minutes before moving off at great speed. The officer observed it through a telescope and described seeing a spherical underside and faint red glow on top.” — There are many more spectacular signs but because of space we must stop at this moment – Luke 21: 11, 25. Bulletin: More will happen in the rest of this decade (2003, on) than has occurred in thousands of years, or in all of history!
Scroll #303