Prophetic scrolls 294

                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 294

                    Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Prophecy and the god of forces (Dan. 11:38-39) – “This reveals man will invent and use all type of forces to benefit, control and finally destroy mankind! – At first man discovered the forces of electricity and then that he could divide or split the atom by a formula wherein atomic fire and poison came out destroying all in its wake!” – Ps. 29:7 “reveals the Lord is beyond man!” – The voice of the Lord divideth the flames of fire! – The very force of His voice can split the atom deeper than ever, beyond the protons! – And a lake of fire can cover the earth!” – (Rev. 20:9) – And these sayings are faithful and true…Also the Lord’s voice can upset the magnetic forces of the earth!” (Isa. 24:1, 19-20) “The Scriptures say when He speaks it thunders! In this we are to believe that He either creates or destroys whatsoever He will! – His voice can become like lighting when He speaks, it thunders worldwide! – Yea, and in that day My voice shall be heard over the earth!”

Dan. 12:4 – Knowledge shall increase. As the church age is finishing spectacular wonders in nature, science and inventions are occurring with ever increasing swiftness and intensity. We quote this from a science book – Beyond Light – “Light is in the form of combined electrical and magnetic rays, known as electromagnetic or EM waves. But it is only one form of EM waves. There are a whole range of EM waves, called the electromagnetic spectrum, EMS. The waves are all ripples of electromagnetic energy. They all travel at the same speed. They can all pass through space. They differ mainly in their wavelengths, and so in their frequencies (number of waves per second). We can see the visible light part of the EM spectrum, but the other waves are invisible to our eyes. However, we can detect them in various ways. For example, we can feel the warmth of infrared waves.

Unusual mystery and light – When sunlight passes through water it makes a spectrum of light called the rainbow. We believed this was printed in the year 1994 or ‘96. In the northeast they recorded a rainbow that lasted 6 hours! The longest recorded and known in our history. This shows us that the 6 days of God’s blessings are coming to an end and our redemption draweth nigh. Because the rainbow means redeemed and His promises are to us and confirmed. There is a rainbow around the Throne (Rev. 4:3) And in this chapter it reveals being caught up – symbolic of the translation. – Man will triple his knowledge in science within the next few years and even after the church is gone. Right now the church is in the midst of a rainbow outpouring. In other words, it shows it is about to end for the Elect. God is thundering and lightning over His people! As Daniel said, the age would end in a flood of events. Amen, it is so!

The ominpotent god – And He is all power and knoweth all things! Rom.13:1 As the prophet said, who can search him out, Col. 1:16, “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him. Verse 17, And He is before all things, and by him all things consist”. From what I have felt from the Lord even most Christians don’t realize but 1% of His power. He is beyond description.

Prophecy fulfilling – In Scroll 7, Part I (par. 8) and the scripts, I wrote that man would use all kinds of lights, magnetic forces, etc. to heal and to travel, plus all sorts of rays. For one thing man uses the sun in the heavens to power some of their light satellites. Also they now have small cars that have solar cells. You’ve probably seen them on the news, and they can travel right down the road. The science book mentions the Honda Dream Car-solar powered, environment friendly where solar cells convert solar energy into electricity for the electric motor. And like the scripts said, the cars and motors would be revolutionary. What a day of vital prophecy!

Nature acting up -The weather is speaking loudly concerning the end. It’s been a nightmare for some countries including the U.S. The four elements had left destruction and desolation in its path in almost every country, and the U.S.A. In January, the south had an arctic winter, 6 inches of snow, very rare indeed! In the Buffalo, NY area 24 inches of snow fell within 25 days, and it finally ended with over 80 inches of snow. The above was a record. Yes, just after Jan. 1, 2002 an asteroid appeared suddenly just missing the earth. By satellite man has recorded they are getting larger and larger hitting in the desert, sea and in some cities. There will be more fireballs and larger meteorites and asteroids hit the earth and sea just a little later on. And comets will be coming, plus star showers. Rev. 10, 11 gives us a view of things to come! And some we have already seen. We’reliving in a fearful and dangerous age. And society cannot be trusted. Violence and immorality is getting beyond pagan Rome. Also the scriptures foretell of great geological upheavals. In the scripts it says we have already entered this stage and it will increase more and more until it reaches this Scripture, Isa. 24:20 (Also read Rev. 6:15-16.). “Behold saith the Lord, the mountains shall fall and I will blow them away like dust!” Super quakes will increase.

Here is an interesting quote from a January 2002 magazine: Atlantic Ocean, Scientist at the University of Minn. and Swiss Federal Institution of Tech. in Zurich say that the floor of the Atlantic Ocean will plunge beneath North America, forming a deep trench about 2,000 miles long and possibly generating volcanos. -They do not know when it will occur, but according to the scripts and prophecy it will be in the same generation that Israel became a nation, and that includes many of the events above. – Plus we have this next event: South Pole, British scientists say that parts of Antarctic have begun warming much faster than the rest of the planet.” This reveals we’re headed for the unexpected concerning nature and even society. And the sun is giving us a foreshadow of things to come concerning its new sun spot activity predicted to occur by the scrolls beforehand. Science has already confirmed this has been affecting different types of weather and other events. (Luke 21:25) Jesus said there would be signs in the sun and moon. – Man set his foot on the moon showing time has run out!

Heavenly signs – Everywhere we look in the heavens there are all types of new mysterious wonders. And there are also phenomena in the constellations. As I wrote, from August 2001 through May-June 2003, the U.S. and this planet would never be the same. And it is revealed in the Scriptures and also revealed in the heavenly signs. We could say more, but this should be enough.

Words of encouragement – It’s because God can’t do these things that we can do all things through Christ who gives us the power (Phil. 4:13). -God can’t fail (Deut. 31:6) – God can’t be pleased without faith (Heb.11:6) “But without faith it is impossible to please him.” – God can’t be matched (Ps. 89:6) “For who in heaven can be compared unto the Lord? Who among the sons of the mighty can be likened unto the Lord?” – God can’t be surpassed, “Thus saith the Lord the King of Israel, and his redeemer the Lord of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God.” (Isa. 44:6) God can’t he superseded. “And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.” (Col. 1:17)

Note: Gigantic volcano just exploded in the Congo.

Scroll #294