Prophetic scrolls 291

                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 291

                    Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Vital prophecy and prophecy fulfilling — We have seen an incredible amount of events and very significant concerning the Lord’s return signaling how short time is! A multitude of alarming and shocking occurrences have already shaken the world. And this planet has not seen anything yet compared to what’s ahead in the very near future, according to what the Lord revealed to me. Tremendous influences from the bottomless pit will not only seduce the population but guide them like pied piper from a world of reality into the world of make believe and fantasy. So shall they wonder in perplexity and confusion. Men have already tried to do everything including raising the dead and failed. Some parts of science and medicine seem to be getting its orders from hell itself. Satan is surely their master. His plan is to exalt himself above God, and he will fail! We are a blessed people to see such unique signs and prophecies! Also the amazing move of the Spirit across the land. Mysterious and swift awakening signs are here and coming. At the appointed time suddenly we’ll be gone!

Continuing – Concerning the Bible the scripts have certainly been fulfilling. Spiritually a person would have to be dumb and blind not to see the terrible mess the world is in. We still have a brief period to witness because the shadow of delusion and darkness is quickly approaching. Our day is spent. The sun is going down and night cometh and none shall work.

Weather predictions — As the scrolls have foretold we have seen the weather in the worst extremes: the four elements, earth, wind, fire and water. The weather has been so mixed up that science is completely puzzled. Heat waves in places never seen, storms and rain the same way — ice and snow. And the oddity is not just in the U.S.A. but also in the world. In one of my scripts I wrote, “water, water, everywhere water” and we absolutely without one doubt have seen this fulfilling. When this was written I gave other signs connected to it in scrolls that it would be near the coming of the Lord and the rising of the antichrist and that the USA, Vatican and Israel would be in the news, and unexpected changes would occur. And we have seen part of it already. You will see some tremendous things. In fact they’ve already taken an embalmed dead Pope and set him up for viewing in the Vatican. —But let us continue. The two Polar Regions are showing incredible signs. The covering shield of the heavens to protect earth is breaking up in holes.

Continuing — Volcanic eruptions, floods, droughts, famine and super quakes are occurring at the same time as mentioned above. Plus deadly plagues, viruses (such as the West Nile Virus), and diseases among animals. Even in the sea they’re acting up. And Jesus himself said when you see these signs it is even at the door! Violence and the strangest kinds of murders are occurring. And the USA seems to be the leader. They’re burning their children, drowning them, poisoning them. And in the cruelest ways parents are killing one another. Plus some of the most startling serial killers roving the land. Men, women and children are not safe. The FBI said exactly what I have written years ago. It shall surely come. The drug epidemic, drinking, liquor etc. is wiping out the last roots of the youth as foreseen. The millennium is near!

The sexual acts and crimes have gotten so out in the open that one would have not believed this. Although, this was written years ago. The teachers and police note that teens and younger are committing prostitution and every type of sexual act written in the Bible or happened in Sodom, even Pagan Rome. As one senator said a few years ago, we have now entered the stage of Sodom. And I might say, indeed even worse. And more is to appear. Just as prophesied, right out in the open, plus TV, movies, internet – without the least of shame- And glory in it! As Paul said, it would occur.

And if other children are not like that they try to offend them. In Gen.6 says men’s thoughts would be evil continually and violence filled the land. And on the Internet and cable TV one can see nudity and sexual acts 24 hours a day, as reported. It seems our nation is backwards. A great correction from God is coming. In Romans, Chapter 1 Paul said they worshiped the creature more than the Creator. And a lot of other things he wrote are occurring in the chapter. —Also men are playing God. They are manipulating the DNA and cells of men and women for money (profit). You’ve heard of the embryo scandal where they actually take part and kill the seed and take the stem cell in order to help save and possibly those who have lived a long life. If they can escape this scripture “Thou shalt not kill” Ex. 20:13. Concerning the cloning, according to science they’ve not even proven this to be worthy of anything. Out of 300 tries it said they maimed and killed, etc., the animals before they said they finally cloned one sheep. And it does not act right and is aging fast. It was possible to clone the cell from a woman or a man it would look like them, but never act like them. And would still have to grow up from a tiny baby. They make a big issue of how wise they are, but they still have to borrow from what God created. And most of what they are doing in science is against nature of what’s been prophesied. Society is like the weather. It is going in total madness. The Elect will have a sound mind, but will be persecuted for it. But Jesus will take them out before Satan can destroy them. We are even, yea, at the door as I have spoken saith the Lord. Note: When God finished creation He said it was good, until Satan got involved in it at Eden. And ever since he has manipulated and perverted even God’s word.

Heavenly signs — We have seen mysterious signs in the heavens that astronomers have filmed. But the celestial moving in Mazzaroth conjunctioning and moving in places and forms never seen before have absolutely proven perfectly the events in the Bible and what we have written in the scripts (Luke 21:25, Psalms 19.) And may I say, what the Lord showed me, the year 2002-2005 is going to be an incredible era. The Lord has actually shown me far ahead. I will not now, but I will say this. Whether the Elect are here or not, the religions, politics, society and economics shall come in an immense and drastic change in the way everything is done. We will have upheavals and shock waves to mankind on a scale never known in this century. And a little later you might say, never known in 6,000 years! The dates given show an apocalyptic future of forces! The cycles in the heavens and the Bible are matching to reveal and we know we’re in the last generation. Then as a snare it shall come.

Prophecy fulfilling – As you know my prophecies are fulfilling about autos and the motors and shape that has revolutionized the industry. Plus all the electronic inventions and the way they are using lights and magnetic forces and other ways. Mankind is entering a fantasy. Science will be like magic. Inventions it seems will work like supernatural. But Jesus is way ahead of them! What He has done is beyond any of their work. And what He shall do will not even match- not even near. We’ve not even written 1% of the prophecies that have been fulfilling in the last few years. But Jesus put a special anointing on this script and your knowledge, power and revelation shall increase. Jesus is working miracles and wonders as never before, and He has a pocketful of them for you! Here is an encouraging Scripture of His divine love for you: Isaiah 66:13, “As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you.”

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