Prophetic scrolls 290

                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 290

                    Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Alarming sights – Luke 21:11, 25. From Pennsylvania to New York and New Jersey the media announced people saw a large burst of light, a fireball, even flames behind it. When it hit our atmosphere they heard a thundering sound with flames scattering everywhere it exploded and broke up, then sent fiery debris over many states. A witness said it was an awesome sight! Streaks of light in colors were seen going in every direction. What it was, a large meteorite exploding in mid-air! It was reported on the news everywhere as a mysterious wonder. The Scripts predicted these exact types of events would grow. Even as Jesus said, fearful and strange sights and signs would there be at His return. A celestial phenomenon indeed! Larger ones will cause great disaster later. (Some have already caused it.) — A typhoon rain hit India- 1 million are homeless (a cataclysm of water) The scripts predicted events like this crossing the century and events like this leading to the tribulation (Jer. 25:32-33).

Mt. Etna, Italy (July 2001), a warning went out to thousands to be ready for evacuation. The volcano has been erupting more than it has in a decade. “We are definitely living in the apocalyptic prophetic hour. These things and the volcanic eruptions are like a trumpet heralding his coming.” The West Nile Virus has spread. It killed 12 in New York and New Jersey and now moved down south into Georgia, according the news.

Fulfilling – (This was written on the Scripts awhile back.) The predicted age of knowledge — The god of forces (electricity) plus optic and laser are bringing the people into a revolutionary time. And are combining the Internet, TV, computer, telephone and satellite into one unit of digital power and scientific wonders. It will be a thousand times faster, then bringing the earth together as one family! Also by cable broadband currents. This will be used for trade also (Rev. 18.) Dan. 12:4, speaks of the increase of knowledge. Plus the Scripts 30 years ago foretold of such events. It seems that people now are moving through a fantasy movie of illusion. Their appointment will end sooner than later. Let us rejoice in the spirit as we await the Lord’s appearance to us.

Lo the black horse — Vr. 5:6, “When he broke open the third seal, I heard the third living creature call out, Come and look! And I saw, and behold, a black horse, and in his hand the rider had a pair of scales (a balance). And I heard what seemed to be a voice from the midst of the four living creatures saying, A quart of wheat for a denarius (a whole days wages), and three quarts of barley for a denarius; but don’t harm the oil and the wine! Note: We see the shadow of this now, and in 2003 much more.

Anti christ commercial babylon and number 666 – Daniel tells us “through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper.” (Dan 8:25) The Beast is identified with the number 666. (Rev. 13:18) It is important to note that the number 666 is associated with only one other thing in the Scriptures — gold! Solomon in the days of his great prosperity received 666 talents of gold a year into his treasury! “Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred and threescore and six talents of gold.” (II Chron. 9:13) It seems plain that the reference to this sinister number in connection with gold is not accidental. Gold is the god of this world. As such it is associated with commercial Babylon and the Beast whose number is 666. Note — Dan 11:36-38, shows him with the god of forces and a strange god of which he honored with gold, and precious things. (Vr. 43 and Rev. 18:12) Commercial Babylon (Rev 18) shows that it is used in trading. James Chapter 5 shows the hoarding in the last days. Evidently it plays an important role during the tribulation. Gold is 999 fine. Turn it upside down and it is 666. Rev. 13:13-16 shows it is the numerical of the beast in buying and selling etc. Also Rev. 17: 1-5, mystery Babylon shows a gold cup. So we see some powerful influences will come into play during the rule concerning his standard of international trade. “666” what you have read is a material equation of hell and destruction. In finality the apocalyptic wrath of God will wipe it from the face of the earth. The Bible reveals it perfectly, but even the heavens are forewarning that these things are to appear.

The heavens utter – (Read Psalms 19) — Some very vital and important movements in the twelve constellations Job 38:33- 35- Mazzaroth) will take place in the next few years. Starting in August 2001 through May of 2003 two heavenly bodies opposite one another at different times during this period will oppose one another. And like when it happened in the past it was ominous-portents. It will take in society, weather, wars, rebellions; economy, important people leave the scene — legends in movies, music, politics, religion and science. Vast dramatic events occur concerning every facet of this planet. Including upheavals and unexpected shock waves.

Briefly in the spring another unusual rare conjunction occurs causing calamity probably before and following through the next century. — A warning! Scientists say if the heavens are still working, that by July 22, 2009 the longest eclipse of the century will occur! — More on this later. We trust to see Jesus soon. We should be watching for Him daily. You can count on my prayers daily for you. Read Matthew 25:13.

Scroll #290