Prophetic scrolls 288

                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 288

                    Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Monumental prophecy – Pope John II was the first Pope to go to Greece in one thousand years to mend fences with the Greek Orthodox Church to bind again. Some of his first beginnings is Dan. 2:41 (east and west, where the body split.) And from there he was the first pope to go to Damascus (Syria). And then was the first pope in history to pray in the Moslem Mosque to unite! All of this is making way for the world religious system, etc. He also gave more positions of sainthood than any other pope in 400 years. Although the pope is holding his position yet the cardinals met in May 2001 to begin to see who would be his successor, if he should falter. News! All he is doing now in view and underneath is preparing for the antichrist to rule. We already see commercial Babylon rising through electronics and new inventions (Rev. 18). Remember right now we’re entering where Daniel told of the uniting of the iron and clay, Dan. 2:42, 43. Europe is already united after the Berlin wall fell, as the Scripts predicted.

Verifying prophecy -The Scripts quoted we will cross the century in a firestorm, meaning volcanic, fires, asteroids, and atomic. Of course Pakistan and India tested two atomic and also some asteroids fell. But listen to this; in the year 2000 wildfires burned over 7 million acres across the country. But already up to May 2001 over 200 thousand acres burned over the dry places in Florida playing havoc even with Disney’s property. This fire is in FL alone. The rest of the year is yet ahead! Also there is a calamity in California, the blackouts of electricity. It is causing four times as much the usual trouble as many businesses are in turmoil. These are all warnings that God will blackout everything – Rev. 16: 10. Also more of this will occur in the years ahead across the nation.

Nature’s cataclysmic forces: Russia is having its worst floods (as of May 2001) in a century. And Turkey was devastated too. And we quote from a Magazine: “The Big Melt.” Say good-bye to the world’s tropical glaciers and ice caps. Many will vanish within 20 years. Alaska: With more than 1, 000 glaciers it is warming faster than most areas. A century ago, the massive Columbia Glacier was advancing so quickly that blocks of ice fell on trees in its path. But in the past two decades, it has retreated more than 12 kilometers. Peru: The Quelccaya ice cap, the largest in the tropics, has shrunk at least 20 percent since 1963. One of its main glaciers, named Qori Kalis, is retreating at a rate of almost a half-meter per day. The Alps: Scientists estimate that by 2025 the Swiss Alps will have lost about 90 percent of the volume of ice that was there a century ago.

Incredible prophecies fulfilling – Jesus’ words were infallible concerning end of the age. He foretold of the drastic weather changes, perplexity, the celestial movements, extreme wickedness, and the gigantic building projects as ultimate signs. Besides all the other huge buildings and edifices built, more are coming. Also He referred to the giant great pyramid and the Ark, and drastic weather changes. Jesus said as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be when he returns again. We have pictures here and will quote from this magazine just a view of what’s to appear. “Life’s Freight Adventure -Large Barge-unable to dock at most harbors, this mile-long monster, dubbed the Freedom Ship, will tirelessly wander the world when it finally becomes more than just an engineer’s dream. The brainchild of a Florida company called Engineering Solutions; it is designed to accommodate around 100,000 people, who will have a 24-hr electric tram system, schools, parks, a university, a hospital and the world’s largest duty-free shopping mall at their disposal. Three times as long as the world’s biggest ship-the Jafre Viking- and estimated to cost $6 billion to construct, the Freedom Ship will provide a luxurious offshore haven for tax exiles who may conduct business on board and hop off at various destinations en route to nowhere using hydrofoils and light aircraft. The only pets deemed clean enough to keep the passengers company are cats; though it’s unlikely there will be many feline volunteers for a life at sea.” It sounds unbelievable, a pleasure palace floating on the seas. Everything imaginable people can do for entertainment. Also here is another ship they are building, the Queen Mary 2. And we quote, “Cunard Line is building what will be the world’s longest and widest cruise ship, the Queen Mary 2. To be constructed in France the 150,000-ton ocean liner will measure 1131 feet and have a 135 – foot beam. Its 157,000 -hp gas and diesel turbine powerplant will propel the ship at 35 mph. There will be 17 decks, and standing as tall as a 23-story building.” The age is closing because of the electronics and magic-like science inventions. Man seduces the world into a fantasy age, an era of no return. All we see in science and inventions is of profound significance showing us suddenly and unexpectedly the Lord will appear for His elect.

Society prophecies – In its madness strange and bizarre ways the people of the earth are acting are actually fulfilling prophecy. Jesus said as it was in the days of Sodom so shall it be when he is revealed. A news report just stated 10 yr old girls are sexually active. We will quote some news reports: News said a lady doctor by day and a prostitute by night. When caught she said she had manic depression. (They believed she was actually moonlighting.) In Indiana a 28 yr old principal ran off with an 11- year-old student and was caught in Vegas. In San Francisco it said the state can now pay for sex changes -a woman can be a man, and a woman, etc. A TV show reported the buying and selling of young girls. Overseas they work them, 10-18 years old, and some of the news said, doing 1000 or so per night. (Rev.17: 13, the buying and selling of souls.) Paul Harvey news quote: A man took 7 or 8 nitro glycerin tablets, drank a bottle of liquor and then ran head on into a wall thinking he would blow up. All he got was a bad headache! -You see people don’t see any future because of the horrible, drastic events on the earth. -Jesus is the answer! -In Africa during a soccer game, in May, nearly 130 people were trampled to death in a drunken stampede. This has also happened here and in other places this year.

Continuing -Violence, mysterious murders are taking place not only all over the world but also in Hollywood. They’re reaping what they’ve sowed. Some new films are of sorcery, witchcraft, cannibalism and extreme horror. Now some of the murders are so horrible that it seems inhuman. Yet it is occurring as prophecy said. Plus overseas some horrible incidences -even Christians martyred. In Atlanta the Gold Club was providing high priced call girls for sports stars. The FBI said the underworld was involved. According to the news sex can be bought in any nightclub from NY to Vegas, Paris, Miami, LA and San Francisco and in Japan. – A TV program showed a woman who comes to a man’s home, she hires herself out to paint his wall-nude-and imprints her breasts on the wall. The TV host asked if she ever has sex with them, and she said, no she’s married. -The population reveals we had better work swiftly in the harvest! In another case a woman jumped out of a car just as a man she was with had put a gun to his head and shot himself. And a man in Arizona burned his home with his three children and wife in it. How horrible! We see no conscience. Satan is slowly controlling the masses. We might say also again, there are also reports of women being sexually involved with spirits as they actually feel and talk to them and say that it gives them an insatiable appetite for more. -Note: I have had some in my prayer lines concerning this very subject and was delivered.

Continuing predictions – A boy 12-13 years old in FL went home, got a gun, went back to school and shot his teacher. They tried him as an adult and found him guilty. Also concerning the days of Noah, Hollywood marriages such as Elizabeth Taylor, actors Stan Laurel, Mickey Rooney, Lana Turner, Zsa Zsa Gabor have all been married a total of eight times each. But in other places some have been married over 50 times. Some have 5-10 wives (Gen.6). We could print worse and ever so much more, but as you can see it’s warning signs of the going away and coming judgments. Indeed the handwriting is on the wall. It’s like drink and be merry for tomorrow we die. And they will without Christ. Some of the things you read about also occurred during the time of Sodom and Gomorrah and also Pagan Rome. Not only the Bible but history records the facts (Dan. 12:4). Knowledge shall increase. Today in the news alone -new satellite to help aircraft land, wireless cell phones have a chip now to be twice as fast and will show pictures. Las Vegas is going to use electronics, going on the internet to gamble from their palaces. -All of this in a 2 minute newscast! Plus the international space station is growing like a nest.

Celestial signs -vital moments – Concerning the celestial, Mars, from April to November 2001 started coming close to Earth and will make its closest movement (since 1988) on June 21st. And on this same day a solar eclipse occurs across the bottom of Africa, which hasn’t seen one like it in 50 years. Also in 2002 on June 21st another strange conjunction takes place. This reveals great awesome times and transitions until 2005. And are revealing unexpected surprises that we’ve never seen before and is on the way. (Ps. 19 and Luke 21:25) Surely a perilous age. Let us pray and be vigilant daily.

The Scripts have predicted the weather patterns and cycles perfectly, from the great droughts in different places to floods, storms, etc. Right now in Afghanistan there is a tremendous drought. Concerning the weather it will finally get so terrible that those left will be in horror. Finally the cities of the nations fall. (Rev. 16:18) But thank the Lord Jesus the Elect will be gone before the cities of the nations fall. He’s our constant companion and he keeps us surrounded in His divine love. Scroll #288

