Prophetic scrolls 287

                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 287

                    Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Some fascinating and many unknown facts about the element lightning. —Second to none, lightning is the second biggest weather killer in the U.S., following flash floods. Time check: Lightning strikes the earth 100 times every second of every day. About 40 million strikes hit the U.S. each year. Lightning lore: The violent drama of a thunderstorm was once thought to be the work of superhumans — gods both good and malevolent. Romans credited Jupiter with hurling thunderbolts at deserving people. And to ancient Scandinavians, Thor’s hammer was responsible for thunder.

Tune in to a storm: Monitor approaching storms on an AM radio. Lightning produces radio waves (Job’s prophecy, Canst thou send lightnings, that they may go, and say unto thee, Here we are? Job 38:35), as well as heat and light, and the crackling sound on the AM band grows louder as the storm advances. —The need for speed: Lightning travels at the speed of 31 million miles per hour. Roughly translated, as single bolt could circumnavigate the Earth 8 times in I second! Shocking facts: In spite of its awe-inspiring display, the average bolt is only the width of a finger. But the spark may be 5 miles long! If harnessed, an average strike would keep a single household light bulb illuminated for several months.

Ball lightning appears as a glowing reddish ball about a foot in diameter. It burns a fiery trail across the sky or along the ground, disappearing in an explosion of colorful sparks. Red sprites and blue jets are types of lightning that appear to leap up into the sky. (I preached a message here 15 years ago and said God has rainbow lightning.) Fanning the fire: Lightning sets an annual average of 10,000 forest fires in the US and 3,500 in Canada. (Plus God showed me and later science confirmed it that some fires are started by asteroid fireballs from heaven. And larger ones are definitely coming.)

Very interesting facts — God also uses supernatural lightning. Rev. 16:18, And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. Also read Rev. 10:4, seven thunders uttered their voices. Matt 24:27, For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. And at the crucifixion the sky was blackened and flashes of light occurred as the Creator accomplished our salvation and healing. Also it is a sign bringing to our remembrance Genesis Chapter 6 and 7, the Flood. This was the first time, and the last time of it is Rev.16:18. In the Bible thunder is symbolic of God’s voice.

The element sign and warnings — Earth, Wind, Fire and Water. —As predicted these prophetic signs in nature and weather are giving the Earth its final warning. We see record storms, great floods, volcanic activity, strong winds (typhoon), and super quakes as we just witnessed and prophesied 30 years ago —the top of the Mississippi River and Red River, plus famines, electrical storms and fiery asteroids from heaven. All this shall pick up in immense intensity across the Earth, in violent destruction. The earth will even witness speedier, swift winds in the future. Here below we will list some events, as the Scripts mentioned would come. And even the weather is the ultimate sign. Jesus said as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be again when He returned at His coming. Luke 21:25 mentions the seas and waves roaring, with people in perplexity without resource, not knowing which way to turn. An exact description of today! Quote: Ross Sea —An iceberg so large that it could cover the state of Texas with nearly 5 feet of water is continuing its slow journey north after breaking free of the Ross Ice Shelf in March of last year. It is 100 miles long by 30 miles wide. — Mongolia — For the second year in a row, the region has suffered from a devastating cold winter. Temperatures dropping to 40 below zero and 40 inch snowfalls have left remote towns inaccessible, and several hundred thousand cattle dead. Arkansas — Unusual winter tornadoes touched down throughout the central part of the state in late February, injuring a dozen people. The Big Melt — The Alps: Scientists estimated that by 2025, the Swiss Alps will have lost about 90 percent of the volume of ice that was there a century ago. Africa: The largest glacier on Mount Kenya lost 92 percent of its volume in the past century. Snow and ice retreats from Kilimanjaro —Four-fifths of the vast ice field that covers Africa’s highest point has disappeared in the last 80 years. At this rate, all of the ice (on Kilimanjaro) will be gone between the years 2010 and 2020. If this happens it could cause as much economic harm as it does ecological damage. End quote. — Beside this the USA and world will continue to lose trillions — (Dollars) in property, in land and sea, etc. Even insurance companies or the government can’t cover it. And this has occurred, as they have asked people for help.

One of the reasons we`re covering the weather and nature is it shows the ultimate fact of His soon coming and a warning to the people to prepare. It reveals the travailing; the Sons of God are coming forth. Read Romans chapter 8. This script is significant and very special, given providentially to His Elect. Destiny is with us.

The celestial phenomena in prophecy —These Scriptures provide knowledge Luke 21:11, 25, Psalms 19, Gen. 1:14 (times, seasons), Job 38:33-35. Even Rev. Chapter 12 in symbolism shows us great unusual secrets. In the next few years we will have signs in the stars, moon and sun, plus mysteries in the heavens. The next 3 years reveal some unusual strange movements of the heavenly bodies in the 12 constellations not seen in thousands of years. Plus these last 2 years were incredible and perfect in fulfillment. It reveals what’s ahead and many things that we’re writing about, and all the Bible prophecies and more, clear on into the Millennium. It is revealing the time curve now dealing with the lewdness, strange sex, bizarre pleasures and the madness of society, inventions and earth’s overthrow, plus the return of the Almighty.

Luke 21:11 reveals the atomic sign, falling asteroids on the earth, meteor and star showers, mysterious saucers (UFO s) and also God’ s speeding lights of His chariots. —It says, fearful sights shall there be, and mysterious puzzling wonders form the heavens. Concerning Satan’s lights — some have been abducted, impregnated, or seed was mixed. (Sounds similar to Genesis chap. 6.) Popular Mechanic’s magazine said that there is evidence the government is hiding and said we have this proof that UFO ships and aliens are definitely visiting this planet around us and over us. It is a sign. It is a warning earth will receive a great catastrophe and cataclysmic judgment. Some men and women actually said they had some type of pleasure with these creatures.., some had bad experiences.

The immoral sign — Right out in regular television, E! TV showed people completely nude. Some women from the waist up and some in the act of simulation of sex, and in all fashions and styles of it! Someone who accidentally saw it said it was so shocking and an incredible view of what was predicted: What was once in the back rooms will be out in open view! Just a few oddities of a fallen nation: A policeman in his patrol car picked up a 16 year old girl and was caught having sex with her in the back seat. Plus, a principal dressed as a woman seduced his students and surely alarmed many of his real nature. Plus, can you imagine this — 8 and 10 year olds are raping one another and filming themselves and then selling it to X-rated companies. In some cases the parents are giving them the finest equipment not knowing what they are doing with it! It’s not unusual in many countries to see 10-12 years olds bargaining themselves for prostitution. The half has not been told!

If you add Noah’s day with Sodom and Gomorrah combined with Pagan Rome you will see the same picture of today, and worsening in the future. In all these things, blessed is the man who trusteth the Lord. And he shall keep all those who love Him! The age is ending swiftly. —Jesus bless you.

Scroll #287