Prophetic scrolls 286

                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 286

                    Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


The elements — Strange phenomenon has and is taking place. The weather has always been a barometer of things to come. We could name a few like this that occurred years ago: Jan.28, 1887, Biggest snowflakes: On the ranch of Matthew Coleman in Fort Keogh, Mont., a mail carrier observed snowflakes much as 15 by eight inches. – In our day we’ve had the worst ice storms possibly seen in this century or ever. The weather will continue to show forth-great warnings. But the worst is during the Tribulation, Rev. 16:21, “And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.” This about 75 pounds each! This is evidence that a chill has set in after atomic aftermath. – In May 27, 1896. A massive tornado that hit the St. Louis area picked up one sleeping resident along with his bed and mattress carried him more than a quarter of a mile and left him unharmed – if unable to remember how he got there. Nov. 15, 1915. Airmail: The tornado that hit Great Bend, Kan., was noted for many oddities, but perhaps greatest among them was the discovery of a canceled check from Great Bend in a cornfield 305 miles to the Northeast near Palmyra, Neb.-June 14, 1960, A night in hell: After a distant thunderstorm sent a blistering downburst into the town of Kopperi, TX, the temperature apparently shot up to near 140 degrees F, roasting ears of corn on their stalks, wilting cotton plants and drying fields of grass so that they were ready for immediate baling. – Mar. 1884, Wind powered train: A gale force wind carried a train of six loaded coal cars on the Burlington & Missouri Railroad some 100 miles in three hours. The railroad deployed a locomotive that finally caught the runaway cars, coupled to them and brought them to a stop.

Prophecy fulfilling A NASA study of Greenland’s ice sheet reveals that it is rapidly thinning. In some places it is thinning at a rate of over 3 feet per year. Also in the Arctic the ice is melting and huge icebergs are breaking off. The temperatures are changing and will affect the earth’s climate all over the world. – Finally tidal waves; etc. – Other strange things are happening at the South Pole. The earth is in store for some powerful element changes. In the area of the Ring of Fire there are unusual occurrences beneath. And the continental tectonic plates under the sea and earth are acting up and will bring giant upheavals, which are on their way. We just had an earth-shattering earthquake hit Seattle, Washington. If it had been centered higher it would have wiped out the city. India suffered a massive catastrophic earthquake. The leader said a tremendous calamity hit. – China just had their worst snowstorm, as long as they could remember, destroying livestock.

The immoral sign — Today is surpassing Sodom. Same as sinking Pagan Rome decaying within. One cannot get more exact than what the Scripts predicted years ago. And we quote from a recent CNN news report just as they said, except it is even worse. “An estimated 2 million women and children are sold into sex slavery every year around the world. Among them 50,000 who enter the United States.” – An academic rights group released a report documenting the rising trend and the Protection Project of Johns Hopkins University also unveiled an extensive online database to all of U.S. Senators working to end human trafficking. An U.S. Senator said, “What a repugnant, despicable practice that has no place in world history and certainly no place in the 21st century.” And when one looks at the grim statistics that we already know: 2 million children forced into prostitution every year, half of them in Asia. – Children from Mexico being sold in United States brothels, 200,000 Nepal girls under the age of 14 being sold as sexual slaves, 15,000 children sold as sexual slaves in Cambodia. – And it goes on and on…And this isn’t about data. This is about children! No human being anywhere in the world should ever be regarded as a commodity.” – In some of these countries now boys and girls 8-10 years old are being sold into sexual slavery. And before the president left office he had told and mentioned that unless they acted it would grow even worse. Truly Jesus said, when you see these things it is even at the door! He referred to Sodom and the days of Noah.

Things that be before, things present and coming — This was written months ago concerning the fierce thunderstorms, not only in nature but also in society, government, economics and in the finances (money). The scripts were exact and correct. Epic plagues and pestilence are terrifying Europe sending shockwaves around the world. At first they had the mad cow disease. Cows are a kin to nourishment- milk, cheese, etc. This in a way reveals madness in society and carelessness and sins. Especially in England it was hit with foot and mouth disease. In Western Europe most animals had to be destroyed by fire! The aspect was devastating causing fear every day now, trying to keep it from entering the U.S.A.

No doubt you heard this on the news. This is a small part of astounding prophecies. Also new Nile mosquito virus hit. – Fire ants and killer bees have spread. – Some of this sounds like the ancient plagues of Egypt. The insects and animals were involved. Just like Jesus said, as it was in the days of Noah. – Insects and animals are giving a warning of his coming.

When we speak of the animals, it happened in 1929 – In the U.S. the cycles of our century is repeating until they go right on into Armageddon. God showed me a future that no one would believe unless they are able to see it. I trust the Elect will be gone.

Fire in the sky — The government is trying to keep this a secret, but it is occurring in so many places. The satellites are picking up fireballs (meteors and asteroids) and they were striking in the Arctic Sea and desert, and in Europe and some small ones in cities. The scripts predicted this. Even larger ones yet to come. Read Rev. 8:10. Some of these cause tidal waves in our seas and possibly some off the coast of the U.S.A. As time goes on weather is going to change more drastically. This planet is completely being overturned in many ways as mentioned elsewhere!

The huge signs — As it was in the days of Noah, Jesus said, so shall it be today. Like the large Ark and the Great Pyramid we have huge sea liners, great buildings and then even going to build large jumbo planes. And it reads like this: “Hotels in the Sky – New Giant Airliners Have Enough Room for Shopping Malls and Suites with Showers – and more!” The super jumbo A380 will be the world’s first four-level plane. The upper two decks will be available for sleeper cabins, crew rest areas, a business center and a nursery and below deck with restaurant and duty-free shop.” – Plus we have the largest bridges and underground bridges (trains) over the world. They already put up the huge international space station. It will become a regular tower of Babel-symbolic. Prophecy is true.

Element signs — Beside industrial pollution, volcanic activity, poles and firestorms, other events are also affecting other weather patterns and natures trends. Three decades ago the Scripts foretold all these patterns, even yet into the future. – We also mentioned the 11 year sun cycles and predicted by the end of year 2000 maximum and minimum would merge together. In November 2000, the most bizarre ice sheets and snow literally paralyzed some of the northeast not seen like this early in some places besides killer quakes, massive floods and meteor strikes.

We will quote in part some from a climate magazine: Looking back…50 years ago: The atomic element on the weather – “Water from an underwater atomic blast at Bikini lagoon showers down on a target fleet. The gigantic base surge spreading outward rose to form an extensive stratocumulus cloud that produced vigorous rainfall. Continuous snow – Snow fell for 53 consecutive days at Houghton, Mi. during the early part of the winter. Drought in the Southwest-From southern California to Texas, the Southwest is in the grip of a severe drought of several months; duration.

25 years ago — The Tornado Season of 1975 – Preliminary figures available here indicate a total of 920 tornadoes for the year. Outstanding events of 1975. (arranged chronologically) 1. Severe Minnesota blizzard on January10- 11: 20 inches of snow, gales, 35 dead. 2. Most costly U.S. tornado at Omaha on May 6: $160 million in damage. 3. Red River of the North flood in Minnesota and North Dakota in early July: vast soil and agricultural losses of growing crops, $1.6 billion in damages. 4. Hurricane Eloise smashed northwest Florida on September 23: extensive shore damage at $400 million; 14 dead in the United States, 59 in the West Indies. 5. Freshwater Fury on Lake Superior on Nov. 10: sank ore carrier, 29 lost.

And now today — Chernaya Bay – The Russian fishing industry is threatened by high levels of radioactive material from years of bomb testing in the Arctic Ocean. Some of the highest levels of radioactive plutonium ever measured were found in the marine environment. They say radiation might reach waters off the western coast of North America.

The following Scripture will encourage you, Psalms 91:1, “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”

Scroll #286