Prophetic scrolls 285

                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 285

                    Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Write the vision plainly — This prophecy was given decades ago, suddenly. The Spirit moved upon me suddenly and swiftly, unusual style. The Spirit spoke some incredible information that covered a multitude of events in very few words couched in a very prophetic way. The words were precious and poetic, showing us vital events leading right up to the end of the age. The future of the earth and the heavens, society, politics, religion, geological upheavals — the four elements in operation bringing forth earth changes, plus divers mysteries and the end of the age signs. Read it carefully.

Prophetic dimensions — (Scr. #113) “I wrote this in just a few minutes to go with the message that I was to bring in the Temple. And we will list part of the message here for your benefit.” — “When men live among the stars as an eagle in nest! (space stations) — And men in chariots are guided in light (radar, electric, etc.) — and run like lightning (speed) and fly as the cloud! — When men dress in red and in scarlet (symbolic of Communism — Romanism) (Nah.2:3, 4)…. then the Lord will return!” — “And women (churches) sleep without the trumpet! (Matt 25:5-10) — When earthquakes increase and the earth heats up (volcanoes and atmosphere above, etc.) — And starvation and famine appear!…Then the Lord Jesus comes!” — “When men create the flame of noise and store up violence (atomic) — and nations are in confusion, and the weather changes to the contrary…. It is near His return!” — When men walk in the sea and hide in the sea. (Amos 9:3) And send fiery arrows of destruction to distant lands….. then the Lord appears!” — “When children act like men (drink, crime, rape, etc.) and have no correction — And women rise on high and are rulers as men (political, groups, etc.) then witches shall take charge and sorcery shall lead —it shall stand! — “Destruction in fire will talk of hell and they shall say, death will be our friend. (Rev. 6:8) — Atomic horrors! (Rev 18:8-10)….The Lord shall come before!” — “When men go into Babylon rather than come out….then the end be near! — “When men by beams (inventions) combine together for world trade… My coming is nigh!” – “When men say they are women, and women say they are men, and some say we do not know what we are, and also live with and as beast… behold I come quickly! — “When men and women buy prostitution in rays of light (this evidently means a figure will be beamed into the home in ‘filmed light’) not exactly the solid state, but fantasy state, talking and doing! — Like magic, figures (images) in light performing pleasure! — Coming inventions!…. Armageddon is not far away!” — When money becomes ‘worshiped’ then men will become slaves — they are branded and will wear the mark thereof! (Rev. 13:15-1 8) Perfect insight!”— “Then plagues, curses and holocaust, then smoke filled with pestilences will bring terror!”.. ..“Gamma rays — radiation, chemical warfare — then men hid underground and in caves and high above! But will come up, come out and come down! — At this time the end shall overtake them in their madness!…. The Lord shall sit as King over the earth!”…. “The prophecy shall be, and all shall see!”…. “We might say that you can order the whole message on cassette, called “Prophetic Dimensions.”

The midnight hour — Truly the Spirit of truth was spoken concerning the above. Let’s take on part of it. We see the boys and girls acting like men and women already. Not only in morality but in violence and sorcery and witchcraft. In fact, the electronic and movies has practically ruined the young people of the nation. At this time women would reach high positions in government offices. If the news reports were right it said after the 2000 election four more women were added to the Senate, which includes Hillary Clinton. Altogether, they said it made 13 among all the other Senators, indeed if they had the correct number. — But we do know women hold a multitude of offices they never held before and is passing on into this new administration. We see the woman, Statue of Liberty, in New York with her torch in the air. God is showing us the future. It was given to us by a Catholic nation. It is similar to mystery Babylon, Rev. 17, with a cup held high. Now we’re only bringing out a trend and a prophetic viewpoint… While we’re at it lets take the Biblical numerical 13. But first, we had 13 colonies and went into rebellion against England. But God was with us. Now the number is associated to sinister, is diabolical. It’s out of order, connected to horror and violence, plus dictatorship. In Rev. 13 it shows two beasts. We see they are deadly killers producing rebellion, dictatorship, horror and murder. The second beast was a lamb and did many wonderful signs and wonders, then turned into a dragon. We have the United States of Europe and the United States of America. These will merge as the world does. They made 4 or 5 films and named them Friday the 13th. And all they did was massive slayings. It is the number of persecution also. Rev.12:12 -13 says, “Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and the sea for the devil is come down unto you.” Rev.16:12 -13 shows a horrible situation as the kings of the east prepare to bring on cataclysmic conflict. All of this above is omens and a futuristic sign of a coming new world order. The contents of the riddle-like prophecy covered things that science is just getting to concerning the weather and every facet of society, politics, religion, etc. In James Chap.5 it truly reveals the very hour we are in, along with Matt. 25:6, “go ye out to meet Him.” — Note: Also we just noticed this was written on Scroll # 113! This is God’s way of showing you it was done in divine providence. So let’s not take it lightly! Let’s take a look seriously at what’s ahead!

Erratic weather patterns fulfilledSweden — Glasfjorden lake in Arvika rose nearly 10 ft. above normal in mid – November, reaching its highest level in half a century. Lake Vanern lapped the top of its banks. Railcars filled with rocks had to be parked on flooded tracks to keep them from washing away. Meteorologists blame a rare combination of heavy rains plus warm temperatures that keep the lakes from freezing. — Venezuela — A state of emergency was declared in Caracas after incessant rain left three people dead and 2400 homeless in towns along the northern coast. — New Guinea — The New Ireland, New Britain and Bougainville islands were hit by Mother Nature. A tsunami and an earthquake left 15,000 homeless and three dead. (End quote, Planet Watch) — Also several volcanic eruptions have taken place. — Two mighty ancient volcanic eruptions.

Note: Prophetic brief — Just before Pope John Paul, II’s rule ends… I have already written some coming vital events and will write events of what will occur afterwards. — Important!

Prophetic drama – the celestial —The heavens gave forth a powerful witness. At the end of the year, Dec. 25, 2000 a strange solar eclipse passed over the U.S. Science said even if anyone was here it would be 300 years before they’d see one like it again. Plus, at the beginning of the new year, 2001, on Jan. 9 we opened the year up with a total lunar eclipse over most of the world. We also know that Jan 1, 2001 was the ending of the last 1,000 — years and the beginning of the new! — And right after the first eclipse just look at what happened concerning politics and the weather! Surely a radical disturbance. The heavens are showing forth things we have not seen in thousands of years. We are near walking with our Messiah and Saviour! As it said, “Behold I come quickly!” Amen. And blessed are those that watcheth!

Scroll #285