Prophetic scrolls 282

                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 282

                    Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Age of invention — As predicted we now see the electronic wizardry that has changed the world finally making it one unit. A fantasy world of special effects similar to imitating realism and that seems like supernatural, but isn’t. For instance, look at the advancement: In the 1950’s a computer was as large as a regular room. But now they have made them to the size that you can place in your hand and it’s connected to all other type of electronic inventions — TV, phone, etc., — They have wireless and also optic. Also for identification today they can use the fingerprint on a machine or look though an eye — or by voice.

The final solution — To stop fraud, counterfeiting, etc, they will receive a digital mark inside the hand or in the forehead. (Rev. 13:16) Evidently it is a small chip that can contain your credit, detect illnesses you have or new ones coming. Also can locate children or persons. The public will go for it! Also it controls your pocketbook and stomach. —You cannot buy or sell. Remember Joseph? — A bad Joseph and evil type Pharaoh will arise. The world is wired by the seen and unseen. And at the proper time will become one for a short period. The Elect will be translated just before the mark of the beast. (Rev. 17:13 and Rev.13:13)

Continuing prophecy— This is a digital generation and by its own signs will reveal its ending. In electronic and magnetic waves and other inventions they have three dimensional sex for both male and female. Also they have virtual reality that takes them into a world of sensuality and extreme pleasure of all divers sorts, plus other fantasies. It has touched every base. The world dictator is alive now and it’s getting just right for his appearance. Secret appearing and revealing later. People are tied to these inventions of electronics and so forth that they seem as if they are part of the very invention. (In other words, like robots.) So we see all of this will lead to the worship of a false god. We have not yet reached the zenith of the science inventions, etc., as it was written of in Dan. 12:4. No one can doubt his forecast for it is seen occurring all around us. Look up! Our redemption draweth nigh! — Plus we’re moving swiftly towards a complete materialistic world where anything and everything goes. The cup of iniquity brings on judgment. (In Scroll #7, we predicted the inventions and right up to date! The Spirit is fantastic.)

Cataclysms past and future — This subject is very fascinating and could very well reveal some real insight concerning the future. And now let’s follow it step by step, event by event. Starting with a tremendous hurricane, tidal winds and water that hit Galveston, Texas just before the turning of the century — Sept 9, 1899. Look at the 9’s! — 10,000 people died, the USA’s worst disaster. Then at the beginning of the 20th century, entering the industrial age, a president was assassinated. And in 1903-05 the first part of the Pentecostal outpouring came! — Then a catastrophic quake ripped apart and burnt most of San Francisco. (Another is coming.) It was seen as the second worst tragedy — 1906. 1908, an anti-matter asteroid blew up in the deep parts of Siberia — Russia’s ice and wasteland. It flattened out trees for 10,000 square miles and the shock wave was felt around the world! This has puzzled the scientists for years, but it was a foreshadowing of the coming atomic bomb. Jesus said star fragments would fall. — On the other side of the century we will see more similar on sea and land. — 1910, the last great brightness of Haley’s comet and seen smaller in 1987. And another spectacular one in 1997. — In 1912, Germany began to plan the first world war of 1914. Besides bombs, used poisonous gasses. Thought of as real peril of enormous destruction. Many at the time thought they were at worlds end. — In early 1920’s another president died. We have done enough here and cannot write it all, but we have revealed enough to show a trend of the first 12 years of the century. But let me add when World War II started, many ministers thought Adolf Hitler was the anti-christ. His currency was called the ‘mark’. He put a number on the Jews. As a symbol, he used the crooked cross. Many of his traits God used to reveal the coming of the real anti-christ. He used his tongue — was deceitful, and made great promises. And the people fell into an illusion because of the condition they were in. He came in raving and with great and loud oratory. But the anti-christ will come in peacefully, but then loudly. But let’s not linger here.

Continuing cataclysm past and future — As we just enter the year 2000, like Galveston, TX we have had the worst disasters in the USA and world history. Besides industrial, we’ve entered the electronic and magnetic world of magic and illusion. We’ve seen a great comet and others will come. In the year unless the cycle is broken, crossing the century ahead — the presidential cycle of death will occur again. A new one enters office in the year 2001. Something extraordinary could occur a little later than this. Also more super great quakes, huge tidal waves and winds — the four elements— will act up. Famines, shortages, etc. Like the one that hit Russia we will have burning asteroids, star fragments fall again. Read Rev. 8:8-10.

One thing for certain, like we started the first part of the century on, 12 years, enormous disasters will occur on this side of this century. Only they’ll be worse. And instead of World War I as we spoke, it will be Armageddon and a chemical atomic fiery holocaust involving the whole world. — And then the great day of the Lord! The similar type of events only greater in disaster will strike as we gave this apocalyptic time capsule.

This is the final chapter of this age as they ready for the Millennium — Now just look. We can’t write the exact dates, but like entering the last century we begin to see what happened the 10 years following. — So as we cross this century we can expect it to follow the same pattern! And by the date given the world will be entrenched evidently in an anti-christ world system — or ending sooner! But the events will be magnified beyond mortal conception. We can now see we’re now beginning to enter the beginning of sorrows as Jesus spoke of. What we have written may well serve as a prophetic guide not only for the Elect but for society. This one thing we know, we’re near translation and 7 years of unparallel times will appear.

Continuing — As the century opened for the first 4 -5 years a great outpouring came. And for the last few years and crossing over this century the former and latter rain has merged. (James 5:7) “Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain.”— And now we’re in the third manifestation and it is the Thunders of the quick short work! In other words the Midnight Cry, Matt. 25:6. And the door was shut! (Verse 10) Just as there are three manifestations in one God, He was showing us the great outpouring at the opening of the century, the middle of the century (1947— gifts and Israel in their homeland too.) This gives us an important guide in many ways.

Celestial phenomena —continuing prophecy — There will be some exceptional planetary movement that has not been seen before. (Job 38:33-35) — Will explain more on this intriguing subject later. For one example, Jesus said in Luke 21:25, seas and waves roaring, people in perplexity, plus verse 11. We’re already involved in this. Our time is short. — Plus read Psalms 19. The way this was written, you study it in prayer. Watch and pray and the Lord will reveal to you and keep you on guard because we’re living in false, dangerous and perilous times. — But, be of good courage saith the Lord! Read Ps. 34:7, “The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.” Amen.

Scroll # 282