Prophetic scrolls 281

                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 281

                    Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


The great pyramid — As you well remember, I said on Scroll #6 that at the end of the age men would study the Great Pyramid and find it puzzling and find out some mysteries, but yet it’s still puzzling to many. Science has used modern equipment and technology just lately — 1999 – 2000 and admitted that it was a marvel and a wonder. They did find out some secrets. They’re still using small electronic robot equipment to go into some passages they haven’t been able to get through before using cameras attached. Among other things they saw an amazing sign — there was a door with what looked like two copper handles! They don’t know what’s behind the door because they can’t get to it by body. Think of the date above. Here’s where we’re at — “Behold I stand at the door!” We’re that close! Rev.3:20 and James 5:7. This was on a documentary that was broadcast on TV entitled “Unexplained Mysteries.” They also let different type scientists, preachers, fundamentalists, archeologists and astronomers to talk. And so far it concludes some of the most dramatic findings so far and is still searching. They said it was built about 5,000 years ago and it has not moved from its base even a quarter of an inch! — Unheard of in modern building! It baffles the wisest of men!

Continuing sign — They wondered where the capstone was on top — where it was at. It was because Jesus was rejected when he came. Also the beautiful glass casing was taken away years ago. The size, shape and shadow of it gave them amazing clues. It also reveals the astronomy and certain holes pointed to certain stars. — One especially where it pointed to the North Star where Satan fell and where God ruled. It pointed out the exact measurements of the earth to the sun. It also told them the exact directions of the corners of the Earth, etc. It also told them downward to the pit of hell and upwards to the heavenly wonders! My, there were so many incredible wonders we cannot print it all. They were completely dumbfounded. It was the last of the 7 Wonders. One thing they did not know about or understand was the pyramid inches — from Adam until the age ending. It is said that the last date is in September or close to the year 2000. But without the capstone no one will know the last dates. They have formulated 8-10 years but are not sure. And there will be a new planetary change (Their opinion). Of course, this could be after Armageddon and the Millennium.

Continuing… The symbols in the pyramid are hard for them to understand, but most I have written about. Most tell of the coming of the Lord and a titanic battle afterwards listed in the antechamber near the queen’s chamber. And going up the sides shows the 7 church ages and the resurrections, plus tremendous amount of information they’re trying to find out. The Scripts are true! It’s a sign of the coming of Jesus. A news commentator asked me about it and I told him it was a computer in stone, beyond man-numerically and it is beyond digital. It has so much about it, it is more than digital. It’s a sundial. It can tell time! Like ours here. It can cast a shadow of the different times of day and night. All of this is a sign that the Lord will appear sooner than we think. And we’re near the great struggle it predicted of mankind. It spoke of the moon, sun, the stars (Luke 21:25) and the building race, and couched that God was the Messiah. lsa.19:19-20 reveals the exact location and also from verse 12 on up it showed the Egyptians did not build it for they were in their confusion and sin. But Jeremiah said He left signs and wonders in Egypt. In the heavens there are stars in the formation of a square — like the Holy City! — And here is a quote from Scroll #6

Great pyramids — God’s divine wisdom constructed the first architectural wonder of the world. And God will build the last architectural wonder of the world. (New Jerusalem, the holy city). God marked the pyramid in the center of the earth. Isa. 19:18-20 — This is something to think about. The world’s greatest authority on the pyramids has absolute proof it withstood the flood. This same type knowledge handed through Enoch and Methuselah is what built the ark at God’s divine command to Noah. Although the Egyptians help build the pyramid God put it there for a sign. (note: It is now believed the Sethite people had the real task and built the pyramid as God directed.) — Later false Egyptians used the pyramids for burial and religious ceremonies. That is what threw scientists off in the mystery of who built it. The lesser two pyramids man could have built. The Lord showed me man will make a discovery concerning the Great Pyramid. (And they did.) Tho I would caution people against being led astray by mystical interpretations of the Pyramid. Yet there’s no doubt it was built in the providence of God” – It is to be understood by the Lord that it is a prophetic stone involving Scriptures, mathematics, astronomy and almost everything that we speak daily of!

The unveiling — This subject will involve the spiritual to the real believer and also it will concern important events concerning the nation! (It concerns exposure.) “The unseen shall be seen. The hidden shall be revealed, the unknown, known. The unheard shall be heard. Events kept secret will come to the forefront and bring drastic changes to the U.S.A. and world now and 2001-2002, etc. The subterfuge will rise. Unexpected shock waves coming. The celestial phenomena also bear witness to this. Concerning the spiritual, the Elect will receive the final secrets concerning the Thunders, translation and resurrection. He is already moving in that direction. Soon time shall be no more here for the believer as they leave into another dimension.” God gave me this. This is a true parable. It covers both sides, the materialistic world and the spiritual. Watch and pray!

Commercial sign – Because of the money lenders – banks, corporations, governments and deceptive easy credit, it will bring the nation to the brink of disaster, changing the world! Because of the way it’s been done the debt is enormous and owed to other nations. Who will finally and really own it? — A dictator anti-christ system blending together in Babylon. This and other events will cause this to occur. Plus it says he divides the land and property for gain, Dan. 11:39. It also created tremendous wickedness, sensuality and immense pleasure. Right now this country is bankrupt morally for soon God will bring a correction concerning the events above. You only have to remember what happened to pagan Rome. Remember the song that T. Ford sang years ago and he said in it “I can’t go (speaking of the gates of Heaven) because I owe my soul to the company store.” Now this does not just mean credit, for most have and are using it, but it was about their body and soul to the company store, Babylon-mark. (Rev. 18:11, Rev. 13:15-17) Be very careful. They get people hooked and at an appointed time will take over.

The shadow of crises — The world is super charging in direct line with prophecy. Science and society is fulfilling it and merging multi-corporations! We see the oil crises now. This is just a preview of what shall be when the apocalyptic rider goes forth. Rev.6:5-6, “And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.” The black horse reveals the inflationary depression, famine, rationing, shortages, starvation. Notice it says, hurt not the oil or wine. The staple crops were destroyed. And don’t touch the oil because they wouldn’t have enough for the coming war despite their other energy sources. We see parts of it now. And during the Great Tribulation will see the fullness of it and more as the pale horse goes forth — the pale horse of death and more so.

Immorals — This was written over 30 years ago: Scroll #6 — “Into Teenage World — Their sin will double. They will do things through narcotics inspired by music and pills that will make ancient Roman mild in comparison. What God has shown me is unbelievable yet true. Orgies once hid in back rooms will come out boldly popular through the youth.” And from Scroll #7 — “Clothes painted on (one fashion)! Almost if not “dressless” attire soon.”

Dateline… Opinions and Facts — More global business as predicted, new economic order, political and religious leader changes. As pagan Rome crumbled, the USA will finally follow! At Christs’ first coming Herod slaughtered babies up to two years old. — And now at his Second Coming they are now okaying the slaughter of babies. A true sign! — Geological upheavals are ahead. (Planetary shake up.) — Between 2001 and the end of 2002, unexpected and powerful changes concerning economics and society, weather and asteroids — terrorists. Men’s opinions say the significance of what’s occurring in the world now is that they feel this planet cannot last beyond 2010. —Watchman, watchman, what of the night? We should be ready even now nearing 2001. It looks perilous, but joy for the Elect!

Scroll #281