Prophetic scrolls 279

                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 279

                    Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


This was written years ago and will clear up the confusion:

The clarifying of events (from scroll #111) — “First there will be a translation of the elect (Rev. 12:5). — Then the last part of the Great Tribulation starts (Verse 6, 17). — Now after the Battle of Armageddon and The Great Day of the Lord.. .this is what occurs step by step.. .Satan will be bound and cast into the bottomless pit for one thousand years; the beast and the false prophet will be cast alive into the lake of fire (Rev. 20:1-2; 19:20). The nations will be called before the Lord for judgment, according to Matthew 24:32.. .Then Israel will be chief among the nations, and the Lord Jesus Christ will set up His kingdom in Jerusalem and reign over the earth one thousand years, Satan will be loosed out of his pit and will gather together a vast army, who will refuse God’s King. Fire will fall from heaven and devour them! (Rev.20:7-10) — Then all the wicked dead of all ages shall be gathered before the Great White Throne, be judged for their rejection of God’s salvation, and be cast into the lake of fire! (Rev.20:11, 15).— Then will appear a new heaven and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness! (Rev. 21 and 22).

Prophetic dimensions — (Quote in part from Scroll #113) — “I wrote this in just a few minutes to go with the message that I was to bring in the Temple. And we will list part of the message from here for your benefit.” — “When children act like men (drink, crime, rape, etc.) and have no correction —And women rise on high and are rulers as men (political, groups, etc.) then witches shall take charge and sorcery shall lead- it shall stand!”— Note: We have definitely seen women put into the most important positions in US history (Madallan Albright, Janet Reno, etc.) At the same time we saw children act like men (violence, murder, sex). In fact, they are passing law that you have to be a certain age to play these violent games and videos. Also witchcraft has tripled. — Films, video, etc. Note this: The Harry Potter books which so many parents are allowing their children to read has witches, magic, witchcraft, wizardry, phantasm and illusionary thoughts. This later will affect their minds and give them severe oppression and mental problems, taking on possession. Remember the Poke`mon cards affected children. They couldn’t think straight or do their school work. All they wanted to do was trade cards. — This script gave a perfect description of the future over a decade in advance! The X-Men sorcery film took in millions over its first weekend, full of delusion and special effects. It seems these witchcraft and sorcery films and games are cleaning up the money while children’s minds are being ripped apart. It will get worse in the near future. — As God showed me, the roots of this nation are dying. — Pray for our youth sincerely that the Lord will intervene and keep some aside.

Quote: science – inventions and prophecy — (From Scr. #152) — “The Bible also reveals radio, TV and also hidden devices in eavesdropping which has caused many a problem for our congressmen and presidents!” — Eccl.10:20 reveals this: “Curse not the king, no not in thy thought; and curse not the rich in thy bedchamber: for a bird of ‘the air’ shall carry the voice, and that which ‘hath wings’ shall tell the matter!” – Eccl. 7:29 reveals, man will seek out many inventions… Job 38:35 revealed not only radio and television, but all communications through electricity! And he revealed that the voices traveled over it! (End of quote) — Note: It is an absolute fact even known by the news media, J. Edgar Hoover planted these listening devices and recorded JFK’s affairs with prostitutes, underworld girls and even Marilyn Monroe. He also recorded Frank Sinatra and the underworld figure Sam Giancana having sex with Marilyn. Plus the office secretary said it was like a revolving door of girls coming and going in and out of the office. — Also Robert Kennedy, plus some civil right leaders and well known congressmen! “It was Monica whose bugged phone calls exposed President Clinton.”

Solomon said, “no not in thy thought” meaning that at the end of the age men will be able to know their thoughts or see behind closed doors. — Since my first writings it has been proven! Just think about the anti-christ and his new inventions, beyond anything ever imagined! — “The earth shall see it in the near future! The electronic bird of the air shall also warn the Earth of the coming of the Lord! In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.” — A prophecy 400 years ago said, “men’s thoughts shall fly around the world in a moment`s time!” (Satellites, radio, optics, TV, etc.) — In a twinkling tells us the Lord is coming soon!

Continuing prophecy – (This was written well over a decade ago). “Science is trying to assume God-like powers in many ways! They are creating fantastic computers and life – like beings (robots) with silicon chip brains, that can think, make choices independently and take actions without the assistance of humans! Companies are already working on these projects including the Japanese! — “A well – known writer says that soon we shall have robots as companions and even as sex partners! This will be made possible by new achievements in robotic technology looming on the horizon, achievements which include the use of materials similar to human flesh and the manufacture of organic brains or biological computer units! He says this is not science fiction talk but it’s a reality! Actually, in a less complicated way in this country and in Japan they already have these types of companions for people! Finally, men become so smart they manipulate the forces of this planet and bring down their own destruction in the god of forces!” (Dan. 11:36-39)

Age of no shame — In films and even advertisement anything goes, news reported. In the advertisement it said, “special effects revealing bizarre and crazy scenes, brute and nude sexual displays (on TV, cable and internet). — Twisted scenes of illusion, of magic, in order to get the people to buy their products! — Absolute madness, media says. Some regulators are trying to get it changed. — As the Scripts predicted, you’d have to see things in the future to believe it! And we are witnessing it now!

Concerning all of this, God is warning through the celestial and weather warnings are going forth. The weather in the US and world is so confused that all records have been broken and they have never seen it on this scale before; including this summer 2000.- As the scripts predicted, so are famine, floods and new diseases springing up worldwide. — It is time to look up!

The elements changing — A strange occurrence is happening to Greenland ice cap. it is shrinking more and more each year. Science says it is losing over five billion tons of water in the sea in a short period of time. Pollution, volcanoes, etc. have caused a warming trend. It will have global effects. — Already the sea levels are rising. People who have built close to the sea, their houses are sliding away. — Other large icebergs are breaking off from the Arctic causing the oceans to rise even more! — Like the scrolls said, they report a catastrophe lies ahead. — In some places the Arctic is drying up! — South Pole is in a drought lately! The scripts said there would be changes in the poles.

Note: july 2000 — President Clinton in mid-July has been trying to bring together the Palestinians and Jews. The city of Jerusalem is where the argument lies. — The anti-christ is alive now and will please both sides in Jerusalem in the not too distant future. — Unexpected and powerful events are just ahead!

Men-science — Men have learned to create a pulse they say is faster than the speed of light (186,000 miles per second). — But astronomers have already seen lights moving faster than this in the heavens! — In fact, God is so fast they cannot see him move — unless he decides to. You see, He is almighty. He neither comes nor goes. He is Omnipresent (Ps.139). — I know we use the terms coming and going, but he is eternal and lives in eternity! He is omnipotent and he is even where nothing is created yet! Plus he is constantly adding to his creation — but he already knows what is yet to be and there is no surprise. — As it says, there is no end to his kingdom.

The age of immorality — Taking place perfectly as predicted. — TV showed styles and they spoke of the “Bohemian look”. — Our age is possessed with all the past ages of debauchery. It’s like pagan Rome (fell from within), all of Sodom and the days of the Noah flood. And the world is surpassing what is behind us!

Strange phenomena — (Luke 21:11)- Men are photographing and seeing unusual lights all over the earth. Awesome events wherein characters get out and are seen along with evidence of abduction. — Even performing hybrid operations, etc. — Now God’s holy lights (watchers) are moving too.— Remember during Rev.6 some strange things also took place. —Anyway, Satan is forerunning his coming down and God is preparing his elect to come up hither! — Note: The celestial is absolutely revealing to the earth the astonishing events that are yet to occur as this planet is going through a swift drastic change.

Scroll #279