Prophetic scrolls 274

                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 274

                    Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Read this unique foresight – A mysterious, intriguing and eye-opening introduction! As we cross the century, let’s enumerate the fulfillment and prophecy of the future as accurately foretold as much as a decade ahead and some new celestial and etc. prophetic astronomy -“An important and great sign often overlooked -Jesus said, signs in the heavens would play a vital role in revealing His return! The Scriptures tell us that as the age closes the heavens will declare His coming! – Prophetic astronomy is cosmic knowledge of the Holy Spirit! It is not astrology for it only knows in part and misleads! (The wise men were correct and knew exactly who and where Jesus was!) – But Jesus is greater than the magi for which we shall see! Job. 38:32 says, Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth (the 12 signs of the Zodiac) in season?”

-Gen. 1:14, “The Lord said, And let them, (the stars, sun and moon) be for signs, and for seasons and for days, and for years! So we see the stars will be meeting in appointments preordained by God! They did at His first coming and they will again at His Second Coming!”

The heavens speak prophetically -“They are portraying a story. Unless we have the key it is like an unknown tongue to us! (Ps. chap. 19) -“In different periods of the 90’s the planets and stars will show forth rare and unusual conjunctions, alignments, eclipses, etc. – The Lord revealed to me they are building up for some of the most unusual phenomena of this century! -As they forecast shadows of things to come! — Most are omens of calamities! – I wish it could be said otherwise, but can’t. But neither do the Scriptures end the age with all good things! – Except the elect, they are rejoicing knowing Translation is near!” – Gen. 37:9 “The sun and the moon and the stars were revealing the future providence of Joseph! – In Rev. chap.12, a great sign was given warning of future events and also of ominous significance! (vrs. 4-5) -Vr. 1, “revealed the woman was covered with the stars, sun and the moon! Each in an important position, head, body and feet! -Speaking of the Church, past, present and future and other vital things!”

The heavens describe the end – St. Matt. 24:3, “And what shall be the sign of thy coming? And greater than the magi, Jesus said, Luke 21:25, “And there shall the signs ‘literally’ in the sun and in the moon and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring! – This gives a ‘3 fold’ prophecy! It reveals the nations in stress, anguish and bewilderment!” (back to our subject in a moment but first this) “The sun we know represents Japan and the kings of the east! -The moon, the ancient flag of China was represented with the moon and with the dragon on it. – Concerning the stars; the USA flag has stars; the Jewish flag has the Star of David! The Arab flag has a crescent moon and a star on it, etc. -These will all play an important role as age ends! – Other nations shown in Rev.13:2. “Man landed on the moon is also a sign. – Nations in distress would mean there are terrible economic and famine conditions! -It states perplexity; without resources, in doubt, not knowing which way to turn! It means they are looking for a strong man; the anti-Christ! -It went on to say, the seas and the waves roaring! –It reveals terrible weather conditions, for the sea has much to do with our climate! For in the Scripts it says, terrible storms, chilling weather, great winds, tornadoes and hurricanes coming! -It describes seaquakes, tidal waves! All of this Jesus stated, was written in the heavens! -The Scrolls a decade ago were startling in their forecast! We have passed through some of this, and more is yet to come! The Lord knows all.”

The zodiac is a wheel -“of 12 constellation signs -According to the Scriptures it is God’s timepiece in the heavens! – There are 12 figures, just as there are 12 figures on our clocks and watches! Prophetic astronomy is hidden in the Scriptures, but is to reveal His coming in our generation. (Luke 21:25 – Ps. chap.19) -“Let’s let the Holy Spirit guide us. We are going to list some rare celestial signs and events for the 1900s-2001. – Scientists say in this century Mercury will only transit (not orbit – orbits are different) the sun 11 times! (Note: Altogether with the partial ones there have been 14 transits in this century.) This occurred in the fall of 1993. – It will occur again November 15, 1999 grazing the sun’s disk! – Between then and the last date we should see much of the greenery in various parts of the earth (wheat, vegetation, etc) come through a great change with increasing droughts and famines.” (Rev. 6:5-8) – (Our traffic transit system will be controlled in a new way than it is now!) – A total alteration in people will come; like the classic story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. –Any contracts made between men will collapse during this period! – The Scripts have forecast it and the heavens are confirming it!”

The long awaited covenant – As you know by the News the first great part of the Jewish-Arab Covenant has been signed! Israel’s new leader said we have now entered a new era! Next when the outer Arab Nations accept, it will be confirmed by a world leader, etc. “There will be some crisis before it is completed, but this is one of the most vital signs of prophecy given in this century of His return!” Events are happening overnight, while many Christians are still asleep! Isa.28:15 said it would work into a covenant of hell. -Dan.9:26-27 tells us the future of it. At some point overnight it could occur! “Be ye also ready!” Just before the signing many celestial omens took place in the heavens! (July – Sept., 1999)

Wonders in the night sky – In 1833 a rare phenomenon took place! A multitude of star fragments literally lit up the earth all night. People thought the Lord was coming and was subdued and shaken! Throughout history there has been different measures of this! “In November, 1999, quite a multitude of showers fell in different parts of the world.” At any moment huge ones could well hit. But we do know way before the Tribulation ends large meteorites, comets and asteroids will strike earth again. (Rev.8:8-10).

Dynamic alignment and conjunction for the year 2000 Here are a few vital signs! On January 20th/21st, there is a total lunar eclipse showing a year of unusual events! There is another total moon eclipse in July and a partial solar (sun) in the same month making it rare indeed; a trio! – April 11, 2000, three heavenly bodies in a constellation all within a 5 degree circle of one another. (conjunction) The last time this occurred was November, 1921. – The earth reaching near its final course! Structural occurrences ahead with overwhelming major events (electronics, trade, religion, finances, terrorists, wars) forecasting the major world overthrows considering the next few years to follow! – May 5, 2000 will be a dramatic alignment of the planets. This will affect from the years 2000-2003. “The most important events of the century!” – Awesome signs in society, heavens, seas and nations will be involved!

Important events – Age of prophecy is finishing – year 2000-2001 – New president – Pope events – world money system – youth – immorals and styles unbelievable – weather – killer quakes – the 4 elements rampage – celestial signs -space programs – sudden changes in society! God’s spirit 1999-2001 dynamic exploits! – China – USA – Israel, – new viruses, pestilences, diseases. – New technology inventions! Powerful influences, Hollywood films, Internet, TV, magic, sorcery, witchcraft, fantasy, imitation world of reality of evil. “Satanic forces will inhabit the earth!” – Global trade. (Rev.18) – Rev.17, controlling power increases. The whole earth is in a new era! All events we see now are forming for the rise of the anti-Christ and the false prophet, and they are alive now! -“World snare is set as they wait appointment.” Note: One thing for certain – Jesus is coming in this generation and it is almost over for the true elect! He will cut it short in righteousness! Amen! We can see the actual revelation and movement of it now. “While others sleep we are having the midnight cry!”

Scroll #274